Fire without. Fire within.

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Fire without. Fire within.

Post by charlie »


I am standing outside and I hear a voice say 'There is a fire coming' I walk a few steps to look out into the distance expecting to see the fire far off but instead I see flames and smoke rising up behind a wall of (I think) evergreen trees which faced me. The wall of trees seemed to be around 30m deep and I was standing between the wall of trees and a grand old stone building. I am not sure whether it was my house but I was linked to it in some way.

I turned towards the building and shouted 'The fire is very close. Has someone called the fire brigade?!' Even as I was saying this, I became aware that the fire was beyond control. I did not feel fear or panic. It was as if I was simply taking note of developments and reporting them in a very matter-of-fact way. I then noticed that smoke was seeping our from under the external stone walls of the building and I realise that the building was already on fire. Again, I don't feel afraid just noting events. I then woke up.

Thank you!
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Re: Fire without. Fire within.

Post by bjcollin »


This dream reminded me of one of Rick Joyner's books where he has a vision of the log cabin on fire representing America.
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Re: Fire without. Fire within.

Post by charlie »

Interesting BJ... What did it mean?

Shalom Charlie
Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Re: Fire without. Fire within.

Post by bjcollin »

From MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #68 12-AUG-2011 ... house-fire

About 2/3 of the way down in that post "The Dream"

In his dream from 2010 the log cabin was representative of America and each room in the cabin represented different parts of America. The fires were the things that were coming against America that we have seen these last 10 years or so.

In your dream, I feel that there is a significance to it in that the grand old stone building is representative of something that is well established. The number 30 for the thickness of the surrounding forest says that this was started in ministry. You think you see that the fire is still a little bit away and coming your way, but what you really don't realize is that it is already on fire. The part I don't get is why the indifference in the dream and no feelings for what is happening and the destruction that is coming that way. Maybe there is no connection between you and what is being destroyed, or that you are ok with it being destroyed.
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Re: Fire without. Fire within.

Post by charlie »

Thank you BJ...I think I had read about RJ's Log Cabin dream years ago but I couldn't remember how he had understood it.

I will say this...for me fire is usually about the holy, refining presence of God, so I think that is why my dream has no real sense of panic and the knee-jerk, human fear reaction of 'where is the fire-brigade' was replaced by acceptance...'let it be unto me according to thy Word'

I am wondering if the wall of trees represents the Natural world and the stone building the human creation...institutions etc.

I am wondering whether it reflects that what is happening in the physical is also happening in the spiritual and that we are moving corporately (and maybe specifically for me as dreamer here) into a period of further refining...?

The late Irish poet-theologian John O'Donohue writes in his poem 'In Praise of Fire':
As fire cleanses dross,
May the flame of passion
Burn away what is false

...May we discover
Beneath our fear,
Embers of anger
To kindle justice.

May courage
Cause our lives to flame.
In the name of the Fire,
And the Flame
And the Light.
So again, a dream to nudge me into greater wakefulness. Something is afoot.


Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3