Vampire Stadium Event

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Vampire Stadium Event

Post by bjcollin »

Dream 1/27/2020 vampire stadium event

I have had this dream many times over the past few years. In the dream it takes place in a large stadium in a big city. It is a nighttime event where the stadium is decorated elegantly, people are dressed either in formal wear or in nice clothes, and tables are set everywhere for an elegant formal dinner. Everybody seems happy and enjoys the festivities of the host and they are eating and drinking and mingling all around the stadium field area. Usually in the past Dreams, during the event the stadium is locked down while the guests are inside, and then the lights go out, and it is then that the vampires swoop in and kill everyone. There have been several variations on the dream ending over the years where there is a head vampire, or there are speeches given before the massacre, or I escaped and they hunt me down or they use hell hounds to search and find me in the city.

In this dream what is different is that I hear the name of the stadium which is sunken gardens stadium, which is an open air concert venue here in San Antonio. Note IRL there are 2 places here in our city close together called sunken gardens theater and a stadium called Alamo stadium. They are across the highway from each other , but in the dream it is one place called sunken gardens stadium. Also what is different in this dream is that the feelings of fear are mostly gone and I can come and go from the stadium even though others cannot. In one past dream the head vampire could not touch me so he killed everyone around me and laughed at me as I watched.

In this dream I left the stadium early riding a bicycle through the town which was very hilly. When I got this feeling of dread that the stadium killing was about to occur again. Somehow I just knew that our friend Ed was still in the stadium, so I picked up the telephone and tried to txt him “911 emergency not safe get out of stadium now!” as calling was not working. I woke up from the dream and started praying for protection for Ed .

After praying for Ed I fell back asleep and immediately I was back in the dream again and I was still on the bicycle with my wife also on a bike riding near me. We were riding through our city away from the stadium area and we were concerned for Ed’s safety. Then this hell hound shows up looking for me to bring me back to the stadium and I stop and start praying against him. The dream ends withe me waking up praying again.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by Chambers »

Hope i can return the help.

Ephesians 6:10-20.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by Chambers »

John 3:17

Mathew 7:6

Mathew 5:13-16

2 timothy 1:6-7

2 timothy 2:20-26

On a second look, i also like the whole book of ephesians.

Maybe you've come across a large venue that is based on knowledge. Knowledge that is not founded in God's love will stir the flesh and leads to death. The people are trapped, taken captive by the enemy. They are in a stronghold. The enemy's hold first needs to be broken (prayers and fasting). Speak before the hold is broken and your pearls will likely be trampled and they will turn on you.

God's people are to be that city on a hill. We are to reveal the goodness of the one who has called us, and set us apart, by our love and unity for one another and our good deeds.

You and wife have caught the attention of the enemy and he's determined to entrap the two of you. I believe you have the right action. Pray. The spiritual atmosphere must be broken.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by Chambers »

Regarding your friend.

Was he trapped or is he choosing to stay?

It is possible that he may be called to be there where you may be called to build up the body while aiding others through prayer.

You have insight. You see what's going on. It appears to be a well thought out venue that probably started with good intentions, but built on the wrong foundation and became vulnerable to the enemy.

I believe you will know if your friend has been captured by the enemy or is a willing captive of the Lord in this situation.

You can freely come and go now because you know the truth and the truth has set you free.

This large venue may be a trapping of the enemy to stop the city from becoming that city on a hill.

Dont be fooled and remember who the enemy is.

Just a few additional thoughts that stood out to me.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by Chambers »

I thought i was done when the two trees in the garden of eden came to mind. We know that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil leads to death.

I don't know if sunken is significant, but you appear to feel that it may be.

Possibly the deep recesses of the soul that they share, which would seem to account for the stronghold.

Had no intentions of going on. Think I'm done. If anything else comes up I'll share.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by bjcollin »

Thank you for the replies. Friend is innocent unsuspecting. He has recently started showing Holy Spirit giftings in his life, seems to be gifted in discernment or prophetic of some type, but unsure yet of what he could become given the right environment to grow in. I think this dream might be about our current church situation in many ways. We're thinking our current assignment is coming to an end soon, and we're thinking of moving and opening our own new church ministry soon, possibly this year later. As we live on one side of town and the church we currently assist in for the last 3 years in is on the total opposite side of town, we would both go together when the Lord says the time is right. Of course it's all in God's timing and following His voice.
Chambers wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:53 pm Regarding your friend.

Was he trapped or is he choosing to stay?

It is possible that he may be called to be there where you may be called to build up the body while aiding others through prayer.

You have insight. You see what's going on. It appears to be a well thought out venue that probably started with good intentions, but built on the wrong foundation and became vulnerable to the enemy.

I believe you will know if your friend has been captured by the enemy or is a willing captive of the Lord in this situation.

You can freely come and go now because you know the truth and the truth has set you free.

This large venue may be a trapping of the enemy to stop the city from becoming that city on a hill.

Dont be fooled and remember who the enemy is.

Just a few additional thoughts that stood out to me.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by Chambers »

May have nothing to do with you, but your dream kept coming to mind today.
I sometimes read the writings of a certain author.

I don't very often because his insights, although make some sense, grieve me. Sometimes I'm just curious to see if he's singing the same song.

He is. He has a vision of the church that discourages teachings and church establishments. It's about fellowshipping with one another, and sharing in each others journeys. This is the foundation for growth and how to do church according to him.

It sounds nice and i understand to some degree what he is getting at, but the focus is wrong.

All i keep hearing is my way is better than their way. God uses it all. What counts is that Jesus is our head.

It's like the forces that be are intent on killing the teachers and churches.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

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One of my strongest giftings is teacher, and as a pastoral assistant I currently teach the adult Sunday School class. Which author? I have read many different church planting books over the years by quite a few authors, and to be frank not many of them have ever caught my interest. Between my wife and I we have assisted others in 10 different church plants over the years, so we know what it takes to roll up your sleeves and build a church from quite a few different aspects. I know God is building something in both me and my wife, and it is almost time to move forward into what He has for us to do.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

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Not sure if my personal message
went through. Let me know if it didn't.

Thanks. Curious about what you see, if anything.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by Chambers »

Thanks. Sent.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by Chambers »

Had some other thoughts

One was about the vampires that i hadn't shared earlier.

Vampires are creatures of the night. They suck the blood out of their victims and life is found in the blood.

Knowledge i tend to associate with darkness. Knowledge, no matter what the setting/staging, will eventually lead to no light, or the life of God and his love.

Could the lockdown be something like the fear of leaving a place we may share soul ties to.

Sometimes we know things are going south and if we don't leave when its time to leave it can rob us of life.

You and your wife broke free but appear to be working through where you are going next, and possibly finding some challenges along the way.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by bjcollin »

The part about knowledge being the trap doesn't ring with me for this, but the rest of it does fit our current situation these last few years very well. Although my wife does claim that I am too smart for my own good sometimes, so there is that. haha.

We moved back to San Antonio TX about 5 years ago (I grew up here) to be closer to both of our parents. When we left DFW area we were assistant pastoring at a very prophetic type of church startup, serving on the dream interpretation team, and also running a Holy Spirit flowing type of home church cell/group. It was a wonderful church that encouraged prophetic giftings and we were working with some very prophetically gifted people who were severely wounded and helping to restore them and even doing some deliverance. We started a ministry called Restoration of Faith Ministries at that time. However, my job at a local defense company which paid the bills laid me off after 16 years, so I ended up having to take a few jobs that didn't suit me just to pay the bills. The pay was great, but I was so unhappy I was very depressed workwise it was definitely outside of my comfort zone at the time.

The job opportunity came up to move back to San Antonio and back to home and to help our aging parents. We now are assistant pastoring at small older pentecostal denominational church which is in an older working class neighborhood, and the main spiritual problem is that they are very set in some of their ways. It has been like pulling teeth these last few years just to help get these people to want to grow and to use their giftings and to bring them forward into what they could be in God. Our bishop assigned us to help out this church and it's pastor, so remaining in authority we have been diligently doing that for these last 3 years now. We have always known that this is a temporary assignment for us and that we are called to open our own church. We have always struggled with where and what that church will be like, and until recently God would show me glimpses and snippets of what He wanted, but it was always a wait answer which was fine for me as I am content to wait on the Lord to build what He needs to build in me first, I trust Him.

Vampires like you said are blood suckers and they definitely represent enemy spirits working against us. I have seen them for years in my dreams, and years ago for quite a while I had a blue vampire that represented depression. In this particular series of dreams, which started a few years ago right about the time we moved back to SA, the vampire was red and very angry, so I thought he might represent anger or rage or a murdering spirit. There is one person in the church which exhibits a manifestation of that spirit, so I thought it might represent this person as they would manifest right around the same time I would have one of these dreams. However, as you pointed out I see that this dream is also takes on quite a few more facets than I had realized. I will go ahead and pray to break soul ties on this city/region to me as there might be something to that which is hindering the ministry to flow properly as it once did. Thank you.

in Christ,
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by Chambers »

Thanks. You've been very patient with someone stepping out and seeing what the Lord may reveal.

You probably already know this, but ill include anyway. Awhile back the Lord revealed to me the authority those in leadership in a church have when it comes to dealing with spirits that are hindering their congregation.

Thanks again for your patience and generosity.
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Re: Vampire Stadium Event

Post by Chambers »

Felt the need to clarify. Not much we can do if someone wants to hold on to those things hindering their walk, except keep them in prayer, but those in authority can and should deal with spirits that are hindering God's work in the church, should He reveal that as the issue.

Again, as you more than likely know.

That author actually has some pretty good insights into what church can be like, but for me it just seems too tainted with some mission to get rid of church establishments and teaching. It just "bugs" me when the focus is our formula over pointing others to our Lord. It appears to be more toned down now, but i personally sense it still there.

You take the good and throw out the bad. I'm not mature enough yet to not let it bug me so, so I'm out of there.