Tornado, Alberta Canada and Heel Texas Dream

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Tornado, Alberta Canada and Heel Texas Dream

Post by HisBlood »

Hello There,

I dreamt that I was in a house and there was a big window in the dining room with a door beside it (east) and on the other side there was facing the northwest, a big window as well! I saw a huge tornado out the dining room window I did not see it out the living room window, though just the east window! The tornado was so loud and strong I could see it just whipping back-and-forth in front of the dining room window! It’s hard to explain, but it shook the heavens/air! I was in a stance position with my hands up on each side feeling fire in my hands I used m hands to send! My boys were behind my shoulder position facing outward! We were back to back shoulder to shoulder in my dream. They were standing quietly with their hands at their sides stoic-like! I was singing the name of Jesus there’s power in the name of Jesus and I was rebuking the storm and speaking the BLOOD! I was sending angels and archangels to battle the tornado, not fearful at all! I have never felt the physical in the spirit realm as strong as in this dream! Inside the house it was calm and peaceful! I woke up at 8:10 and for three minutes I was still feeling the shaking and vibrating of the dream! I began telling Eldon about it! It did not touch our home nothing about us was touched we weren’t hurt nothing. I even noticed in the dream that my hair did not move! There was no wind in the home it was peaceful and quiet inside! Ephesians 6 came to mind having done all to stand in the dream! I kept rebuking the storm and singing that song and it just suddenly left (poof) and it was clear! I felt like a tree firmly grounded//planted! I said many scriptures for our family and those closest to us in the dream and covered them all in the Blood!
In the dream I had looked down at my feet and there was a map under them! My left foot was on Alberta and my right foot was on States, specifically Texas at my right heel and my big toe up to Toronto, stretched across the states, in between! I’m going to look it up!

Some points - The Name of Jesus, power in HIS name, worship power
Sending out archangels to defeat the tornado, I was pleading the Blood and speaking
and declaring!
After I was awake, I sensed people are anxious and that time is short and to warn
them with posts of Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn, Jesse Duplantis, Mario Murillo
I also had this string sense the the supernatural is coming more into the natural
Expect more and more visitations and angelic visitations! We are going to feel HIM
coming as a rushing mighty wind!! Speak the Word in prayer, they wait and move
with the speed of LIGHT to fulfill it. MY word will not fail, it will accomplish what it is
sent to do! Much, much more is being accomplished than we know, in prayer/intercession
1 puts 1000 to flight, 2 x 10,000.....believe there is a difference being made and I
am hearing HIM saying again, “I’M COMING”. SOON!!

The time 8:10-13 relevant because last week I heard names of 2 moderators names
I once had on my dream site’s while asleep! To tell them that GOD sees they have great faith!
Melody and Merry-Lee

Matthew 8:10-13 New King James Version (NKJV)

10 When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed, “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such GREAT FAITH, not even in Israel! 11 And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” 13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour.

There’s an URGENCY in the spirit realm to awaken and press in!

The supernatural is breaking into the natural and we will never be the same

Don’t waste anymore time watch and pray!!
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
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Re: Tornado, Alberta Canada and Heel Texas Dream

Post by bjcollin »

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Re: Tornado, Alberta Canada and Heel Texas Dream

Post by HisBlood »

This dream sure is relevant now, in light of everything!
It’s also interesting that my right foot was on the 3
States where the ministries I am partnered with are!
Perry Stone, Jesse Duplantis and KCM! I also
checked the 2016 elections and my foot was on
all red 😳
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
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Re: Tornado, Alberta Canada and Heel Texas Dream

Post by bjcollin »

Don't forget Tehillah Dreams, we're in San Antonio TX. Also liking red, haha.
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Re: Tornado, Alberta Canada and Heel Texas Dream

Post by HisBlood »

Oh yes my dear,
I thought about that, that’s why I shared 😉
A great team of strong leaders y’all are
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
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Re: Tornado, Alberta Canada and Heel Texas Dream

Post by HisBlood »

I read in the news, Texas, Indiana and West Virginia are banning abortion woot, woot!
They were under my right foot, in the dream :s0:
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
Be Transformed......