White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by HisBlood »

I thought I had posted this yesterday, but I guess not

Hello There,
So, last night I had watched numerous Perry Stone video’s -
Rapture, Mark of the Beast, the Shaking and recent updates!
I was praying that I want to know the truth completely, so I
don’t shame Him and don’t lead anyone astray! I also feel
the urgency to get people saved!

I went back to sleep after that and prayer!

I dreamt we were on a 5 lane highway with a lot of traffic!
My oldest Jamieson was driving the very nice white car the
3 of us were in! I thought it was Jericho’s, but his is black!
My son Jericho and I were in the back seat! We were on the
far right lane and I looked out my window to the left and saw
a small white car facing the wrong direction whipping back
and forth. It would come close to us, but Jamieson would
maneuver and it would miss! It would hit the car on the
other side though! The car seemed to be moving forward
(Backwards from us) but at the same time still beside us!

Jamieson pulled more to the right and we saw a big semi
that was jackknifed coming right at us at high speed! It
was coming towards us wrong direction like the little white
car! It was coming so fast and hard, sparks were flying up,
and the sound was loud from the metal trailer scraping
along the pavement! There was black smoke pouring up
from it! I put my hand up and thought it’s too fast, maybe
too late, but I did t feel we would be hurt! Then I screamed
out loud “Jesus” 3x’s and so did my sons! Jamieson smoothly
whipped the car to the right and we seemed to scrape along
the outside of the trailer! Jamieson put his hands against the
wall of the car and held it in place, with a great amount of
strength, something powerful in his hands the were flat and
straight up! This propelled us away from the semi trailer! He
then grabbed the steering wheel and whipped the car far right
and down over an embankment beside an underpass! We
weren’t harmed and neither was the car! I could see cars
crashing all over behind the semi and small white car! It
seemed chaotic and we looked at the grassy embankment
by the overpass! Paramedics were coming out behind people,
coming through the door! Police came running from under
the underpass to help the people! There were funnels of
smoke going up in the air and we were seeing cars go off the
overpass and rifling through the five lanes, it seemed as
though some cars had no drivers! Then *POOF* the boys
and I were gone and I heard,”Oh, ye of little faith”.

I woke at 11 and HE was still speaking to me!

Any thoughts 💭 are much appreciated 💗
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Re: White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by Chambers »

Was wondering if the words were directed at the scene or you and the kids, or did you know? Both?

Did you know if this was a rapture scene?

Believe I've read that at times 5 can signify grace, so wondering if this is highway of grace?

Thanks for sharing.
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Re: White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by HisBlood »

Definitely directed at me, as I was in unbelief of the rapture before the dream!
I want to believe every truth in His Word!
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Re: White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by Chambers »

I understand. I've wondered if it was more of a symbolic event.

Years ago i had an intense dream about the rapture, and rarely had dreams back then. My life was more about work.

My dream ended similar to yours.
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Re: White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by HisBlood »

That’s interesting!
I have been getting more and more intense dreams! I used to have so many in 1998-2000
They’re coming back again 😉
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Re: White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by Chambers »

In my dream it was very much like Jesus describes in luke 17, typical day when out of nowhere . . . poof.
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Re: White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by HisBlood »

That’s exactly how I have believed it would happen, too!
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Re: White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by Chambers »

That's how it was in my dream. It was years ago, but I'll never forget it. The intensity part was when we (the driver and I) realized the rapture had occurred. It was like, Wow, the rapture just happened and afterward my spirit shot up. I could still feel it when I awoke.

How about your driver?

I wondered why my friend was driving. Over the years I noticed I slowly began to become like him. Been working on that because he's a great guy, but it isn't all favorable. Not necessarily bad, just neither is it all favorable.

I believe my driver represented a part of me and where I would find myself at . . . but it's not set in stone.
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Re: White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by HisBlood »

My oldest son Jamieson, was driving! He is the best driver that I know, would trust him
driving anywhere! He is also very black and white, prophetic! Has always been a
strong leader and not a people pleaser, at all! Similar traits, as Discerning, and he
is strong in discernment, as well!!

My sons are almost always in my dreams! They’re best friends and amazing sons, they
love God very much and mentor a few people! All their cousins look up to them and
like being around them! It’s amazing to watch their interactions! ❤️

That’s interesting, my boys have always said we become like the 5 people we hang
around the most 😉
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Re: White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by Chambers »

They sound wonderful, and you trust in their skills. That says alot.

My friend is one of the best people i know. Its hard to come across people with his heart. He just took several beatings when he was down and became disillusioned and closed off from others.

I journeyed that same road and found myself in his shoes in that sense.

It's all good though because God uses everything. Nothing is lost.
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Re: White car, sons, semi and *Poof*

Post by HisBlood »

HE sure does :s22:
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