Huge Semi/crossing bridge

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Huge Semi/crossing bridge

Post by kingnme »

dreaming we were walking i didnt see WHO at FIRST

We came came across this MEGAA huge semi truck without the carrier on the back ...

as we were passing by it ...we began commenting about this HUGE truck ...

if i were to describe this semi ....the truck part had to be THE LEAST 3 stories high and the grill or front of the truck stretched way out

it was tooo massive for the eye to take in.... so we are walking and just gawking at this semi truck ....

THEN we came to this bridge and then everybody (well maybe NOT everyone) came into view

i saw my brother he is older than me but he is the baby son

i saw my first cousin ...but he was in one of those electric wheel chair (irl he doesnt NEED one)

so even in my dream i was taken aback by seeing my cousin like that thinking HOW did this happened??? but guess what ?

IRL he has a RARE skin disease that even the doctors called him over to the hospital in charleston SC to document this disease

i also saw my daughter ...

so my brother said something about the truck.... my cousin said something just talking rhetoric about the truck

so as we crossing over this bridge ... i looked over the side of the bridge

i saw vehicles underwater .... it looked like sum sort of a calm after the storm type of scenario

however AS WE WERE crossing over the bridge

i began to speak that i was DOUBTING the ability of the bridge and whether if it can cross us over safely

SUDDENLY as we were 3/4 of the way i said

"im NOT going to say that this bridge cant carry us I KNOW THIS bridge can carry us !'

and we crossed over safely .....

do you think this is a rapture type dream or what??? thanks !!!
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Re: Huge Semi/crossing bridge

Post by bjcollin »

great dream, I do not feel that this is a rapture dream. The huge semi to me points to a big issue or a big movement, but there is no load on it yet as there is no trailer attached. It is something that is too big to ignore. Interesting in the dream the cousin showing up handicapped and the rhetorical comments. The brother I feel represents God trying to tell you something about the truck, but the cousin is not walking in the same type of faith or belief yet. The rest of the dream on the bridge pertains to you, perhaps you as a collective group I am not sure on that yet, but definitely at least you. The other cars in the water show that there are others that have tried to cross this same bridge in the past and they have failed. Let's call this bridge that you were on FAITH. There are doubts that you have the faith to get across this issue, and you know and rely on the fact that there is power in positive speaking about the issue that you can in fact do it, so in the end there is enough faith there to cross the bridge. So, I think the overall message of the dream is that you need to start speaking God's positive words to the situation and to build up the faith for overcoming this issue. Maybe some others on the board will have some other thoughts on the dream.

God Bless you. Hope this helps on the dream.

in Christ,
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Re: Huge Semi/crossing bridge

Post by kingnme »

............... (snappp!) THATS iT !!?!??! ....TRAILER!!!!!!! .....thats wut its called!! .....

:roll: huuugh! had such a brain freeze while typing that part of the dream.............anyways !!!

YESSS!! that is profound BJ .....!! i have NEVERRR (or anybody i think) seen such a HUGE truck i reallly like this interp !

and yes ! your right on the part of when crossing over the bridge it looked collectively

because the way we went across we were walking sorta abreast of another ...even my cousin ...

well ,,,maybe we still had our own individual types of like you said faith to cross over on however

its a little scary for me especially when you say "it has no load yet" ..? like wut does THAT mean LoL! sorta knocks on THAT annnnoying analytical part of me that wud chew the wall paper off of the walls (if you will)

trying to "figure" out whats to come ? this generally speaking??? ............

orrrr how about.... just SHUTTT-UPPP!

and think on the things that are lovely... things that are pure.... and things that are of a good report ! Phil. 4:8 respectively

very good ...will reread for mental notes!!!!
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Re: Huge Semi/crossing bridge

Post by papertank »

I had a strikingly similar dream I was in a small red car following a GPS instructions. Everywhere it took me was in unfamiliar territory and I was confused finally it brought me to this very big but very old ancient bridge and the way the road was configured I had no choice but to get on this bridge.i was thinking for a brief moment can this bridge hold me my fears subsided and I thought once I get to the other side I will turn around and come back.i looked around at the body of water I was crossing and the waves looked angry and menacing.i looked to see the return side of the bridge because I was going to come back that way once I reached the other side but there was no return side.At that point I knew I wasent coming back.

I thought the dream ment I was going to die and that I was going to be taken that trip from this world to the next like so many who have gone before me and that ancient bridge was going to carry me over like so many yeah I can see this might represent the rapture
And the bridge is probably the Lord jesus christ

After a couple years of having this dream I would say that it is not about the rapture but probably more to with a transition the lord ltaking you from place to another and maybe the people you were with
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Re: Huge Semi/crossing bridge

Post by kingnme »

:lol: EXACTLY !! ....

ever since that dream it has been a faith walk for me ...

like you remember the times in school where the teacher wud ...JUST GO ahead and give the answer after a gazzillion hints :roll: ....

there have ben som PROMINENT things going around here the (mega huge two-story more-less) semi truck

well apparently theres no hints this I HAD to be the ONE to SAY THE ANSWER!!!

the doubts were strong but our FAITH proves its stronger!!

wow interesting dream ....THANKS for sharing !!! :s22:
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9