Hubby's Pinocchio Nose

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Hubby's Pinocchio Nose

Post by kingnme »

Hi all !! its been a minute (like the young people would say)

sooo hubby just shared this dream with me .....

He (Roy) said that a man came to the house (but not our house) and him and asked for some change

Roy quickly responded : I DONT HAVE any change :?

The MAN then goes over to this RV that my hubby owned

The man BARELY opens the door..... put his hand inside the RV and pulled out not ONLY change

...BUT hand over fist full of dollars AND CHANGE Looks at Roy as to say ...WHAT is this ???

the scene changes and (the way Roy explained it ) he went to go look for the man regarding the change ...Roy comes upon this house

looking for this man to i guess give him a piece of his mind for taking or mentioning about his change

well Roy came upon this house went inside and found all of these people lying ALLL around the house ...he couldnt find this man ...the end!

Roy Lied!!! wonder why???
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Re: Hubby's Pinocchio Nose

Post by PastorJKG »

Perhaps he wasn't lying. Maybe the man was showing him that what He has is more valuable than he knows. An RV is a traveling home. Once he realized what he had, he tried to respond by seeking the guy out. Perhaps it is a call to some form of ministry. For your prayerful consideration.
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Re: Hubby's Pinocchio Nose

Post by bella »

I just wanted to say this in relation to posting someone else's dream. I noticed that you put your own interpretation and/or explanations within the dream as it was told to you. This changes the dream in the eyes of the reader.

"looking for this man to i guess give him a piece of his mind for taking or mentioning about his change"

"Roy Lied!!! wonder why???"

It's better to have the dreamer type out the dream in full and then just repost it. That way it's "purer" if you will. You're more likely to get an accurate interp.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Hubby's Pinocchio Nose

Post by kingnme »

Hi all

@ Pastor : thats sooo interesting !! THANKS SOO MUCH !!!

@ BELLA ... Yes! SOO true ....because i actually DiD come to you guys ...on my own

only to check in read to him this interp ...and right then and there

he reiterated again at how the guy asked him for change and Roy said I DONT HAVE ANY change!?!?

...when HE actually DID !! :oops:

and i asked him ..why did he think that he needed to seek the guy out ?? he said he didnt know why he went to go seek the guy out

its interesting tho when Pastor said as to why he went to seek the guy out

this is really cool ....this dream had him reallly intrigued !!
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Re: Hubby's Pinocchio Nose

Post by bella »

So in the dream - not afterwards - he was conscious that he was lying to the guy? Or was it one of those weird dreams when something bizarre is happening that you can't explain?

What are his thoughts when awake, about how he felt about this scene?
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Re: Hubby's Pinocchio Nose

Post by kingnme »

Hi Bella ...yes it was pretty much a scene change ...but still same topic ..where he went "after the guy"

when he was conveying the dream to me about this particular scene his first thought was i went after him because he told me that i HAD change ...

like to ME personally if it were real life ... it wud seem something like ...

i went after this guy to question him FIRMLY to ask him

why are you in my business??? ...why did you INVADE MY SPACE ???? why cuddnt you have respected my answer ??? but NO! you went into my space and touched my possessions im coming face to face to get my answer (or maybe more for that matter)

...IRL my hubby is a fighter ...even in his dreams he fights people sooooo many dreams he had CHASING the snake to kill it ...

this guy has no qualms with fighting robbers in his dreams ..

he had a dream of someone stealing our food truck once ....he went to go FIND the guy IN HIS DREAM!??

(irl yes! he actually YELLED at a guy who had a gun POINTED in his BACK !!! ...did you read the word POINTED?? )

so as you were saying Bella DONT INTERPRET the dream JUST type it out as is... to get a better interp

and as im receiving what youre saying ...but at the same time im laughing

..... cuz im thinking ...but the poor guy fights people in his dreams for yeeears :s61:

and i assumed when he said he went after the guy ...............ohhh yea here we go he wannna fight 'em :lol:
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Re: Hubby's Pinocchio Nose

Post by bella »

Fighting isn't necessarily a bad thing. It seems like he does a lot of spiritual warfare in his dreams. Perhaps he's a fighter because there's always people in his business and he's protecting his own boundaries.

I feel like this is something really personal between him and God. And to push it would be a violation of his personal business. When I first read the dream, I thought "God is respecting of this man's privacy".

Definitely interesting.
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Re: Hubby's Pinocchio Nose

Post by kingnme »

Hi Bella ...sooo glad your sticking with us on this one

yes i agree it seems like something between him and GOD ...

TBH i even thought Roy being offended that his denying he even had change was some sort of "Smart-Alec" response at GOD

Roy got offended that it was called out...

sooo NOT ONNNLY he had change..... he had MORRE than change..... this Guy had cold cash :o i feel like this was from The Father! but WHAT ?? AND WHY ??
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9