The Plans of Mice and Men

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The Plans of Mice and Men

Post by bjcollin »

I had a dream last night where I was shown a type of code sheet or cheat sheet where each number 1-n was assigned to a phrase. So if you sent #2 to somebody then they would know what phrase that #2 corresponded to. The phrases were not spiritual in nature, they were just everyday used phrases. Unfortunately I did not remember from the dream what the phrases actually were. The dream ended up with me being handed a paper message "THE PLANS OF MICE AND MEN #4" *end of dream*

Yesterday was a really hard day for my wife and I. My wife is completing her planning of our church conference annual women's retreat called Women of Purpose that is in Pharr TX 29-30 January this coming weekend. We were notified that the main speaker that we had flying in from Mexico City unexpectedly passed on into glory yesterday. She and my wife were really growing close these last 2 years that we have known her and her husband who is the Bishop of the IPHC (Iglesia Santa Pentocestes) in Mexico. God is faithful and He is still taking care of His children. The retreat will still go on and the Lord has provided another speaker and another praise & worship band as well to help all with 1 day notice. Something is happening!, and I feel that the Lord is going to move mightily this weekend.

On the dream, the number 4 is the number of the earth/world, and an internet search found the full quote "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" by the poet Robert Burns. Meaning that no matter how well something is designed, and no matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it. My wife has almost been a full year in planning for this year's women's retreat. In the last few days before the retreat to have a worship leader getting sick, and the main speaker unexpectedly passing away is hard to overcome in planning a church conference retreat in the world's eyes, but in God's eyes anything that He wants to accomplish is possible by His Spirit.

‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts." - Zechariah 4:6

PS: For those who are prayer warriors and intercessors, please be in prayer for the Benitez family of Mexico City. Please also be in prayer for a mighty move of God in our women's retreat this coming Friday and Saturday.

in Christ,
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Re: The Plans of Mice and Men

Post by keilani »

Tnx for sharing this bj! Had an interesting dream Sun where I greeted family members and then stood in what I understood was a funeral procession line. My mom who was in line behind me began crying and I remembered looking back at her and saying sharply, "Be quiet! God knows what He is doing." There is definitely something happening in the spirit realm that is going to bring many changes on Earth.

Keeping the Benitez family in prayer and agreeing with Father's perfect will to be done for the meeting and everyone involved. Grace in abundance to your family <3
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Re: The Plans of Mice and Men

Post by PastorJKG »

Sorry to hear this brother. Praying for you and Ellie. May He turn your mourning into dancing.
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Re: The Plans of Mice and Men

Post by bjcollin »

Thank you for the intercessory prayer guys, it is greatly appreciated!

They must have funerals very quickly in Mexico vs the US, because she died Sunday night and they had her funeral this afternoon. My wife participated via the FB Live broadcast.

This is the link to the Women of Purpose Retreat page.
Please Pray for traveling mercies wed 1/27 in the late afternoon, and Saturday 1/30 in the late evening.
The retreat has 3 services Friday 3p, 7p, Saturday 9a. Pray for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit and for God to have his way in our lives and for the lives of the women we minister to to be touched by Him.

Thank you.

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Re: The Plans of Mice and Men

Post by keilani »

In agreement bj!
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
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Re: The Plans of Mice and Men

Post by bjcollin »

Thank you for the intercessors who prayed!!! The annual women's conference was a great success!

The week of the retreat we lost our main speaker on Sunday night, on Monday we found out that the worship team came down with covid, and then on Thursday the day before the retreat our prophetic artist backed out.

The enemy meant to wreck it, but God meant it all for good. God really came through in a mighty way this year!

The original worship leader, was very professional, and even staying home with covid, on the same day he told us he could not attend, he found a new band that was local to the RGV area near the church that came and helped us out on a moment's notice for all 3 sessions. We didn't know the band, but they were good and the worship was anointed.

We got a new speaker on Tuesday for the Friday afternoon service, we had never met her and did not know what to expect. The topic she was given was Start the Fire. During the start of the service, there were a couple of honey bees in the lobby of the church. One of the ushers and myself cleared the bees out of the lobby out the door. However, during the teaching one of the honey bees made it all the way to the front of the church up on stage and bit the speaker on the back of the neck during her message! That church we were in is huge, with multiple doors and a/c etc... there is no physical way that a single honey bee could have made that journey all the way up to the stage to attack the speaker at just that time, it had to be a spiritual attack. She spoke on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and 4 women received the baptism of the Holy Spirit as well as a couple of deliverances. God had a plan for these women!!!

The original speaker that we for Friday afternoon moved up and she spoke on both Friday night and Saturday morning. Many were freed from depression and other things that held them in bondage. We even got to work some in their churches food bank during the weekend there which was fun.

Again, thank you for praying!

in Christ,
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Re: The Plans of Mice and Men

Post by keilani »

Wow bj!! That was definitely eventful and I love how everyone worked together for Him <3!
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.