A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

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A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by Chrisy489 »

Hi Everyone,

I would greatly appreciate anyone's assistance in the interpretation of a dream that I had several nights ago. Here is the dream:

I was somewhere (alone)… I knew that someone was fixing or preparing "the shoe"… then suddenly a tan colored man's oxford shoe was in my hand… I looked at it, admiring its classic/elegant/formal style and felt such great love and happiness for the shoe… I held it close to me. The dream ended.

NOTE - Position of the Shoe: My left hand was palm up to the level of sight and the ONE shoe was "on display" before me on my opened palm/hand. I turned my hand in many directions to examine it. Please note that it was not a pair of shoes - just one side of the pair.

Thank you in advance for any thoughts on my dream,
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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by HisBlood »

The scripture that came to mind - Eph. 6:15 -
Feet shod

NKJ Eph. 6:15

15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
15 Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace

I wonder if you are gifted in a unique, elegant way of bringing the gospel to people!
There is a move of God and we are being stirred up and prepared for this move! It
will be a gifting that is extraordinary to you and you will cherish it! Those are just
my thoughts 😌

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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by Chrisy489 »


Thank you so very much!!!!! Just one follow-up question - why one man's shoe? I am a woman...

Thanks a million!
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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by HisBlood »

The thought I had for that is equality! You can fill a mans shoes, if God has called
you to. I am reminded of Kathryn Kuhlman’s story! She said God had called a man
to do what she did in her healing revivals, but he refused and God called her 😉

Blessings! You’re very welcome
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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by Chrisy489 »


Thank you very much for your response! It gives me much food for thought...

It may sound strange, given that I own my own firm and I am a very independent divorcee by the grace of God, but I hold on tightly to the biblical principle that a woman cannot take a man's place in God's hierarchy.

Blessings to you and thanks again!
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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by gloryhis »

Praise Jesus!

The essence of the dream sounds as though you may be pondering a decision about someone. Some work, fixing or, preparing needed to be done, but as you ponder their behavior or the person,( holding it in the palm of your hand and examining or admiring it) you realize they have a lot of good qualities that you admire and decide to keep. Hold close to you. Why one shoe? Perhaps cause the other one is okay, it's just this one thing.

I also sense some British.... UK in here. The classic, elegant, formal style and the Oxford.
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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by Chrisy489 »


Thinking... much food for thought.

Thank you again,
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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by Chrisy489 »

Just a quick note in case anyone has a similar dream that may have the same/similar message...

The Lord has spoken to me many times of "my assignment". I had this dream on the anniversary of my first vision, which I believe was posted here many, many years ago. The understanding came to me earlier today.

It should be noted that in ancient Israel, a man gave to another man his shoe to confirm an agreement or seal a covenant.
"Now this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour: and this was a testimony in Israel." Ruth 4:7
Here is an extract concerning this matter from the web:
The man making the covenant would then walk home with only one shoe, to reinforce that he was bound to a covenant. The other person has the shoe. The shoe is about 'walking' and the path we 'walk' or take in life. To give a shoe is to say to the other party that our 'walk', or way, or aim and direction in life will involve fulfilling our obligations to the one who has our shoe.
The dream is informing me that the Lord who called me, will support me in that calling. He has placed the shoe in my hand for the appointed time has come.

Has the Most High ever used the symbol of "using His shoe" in the Holy Scriptures? Yes, He has...
"God has spoken in his holiness.. Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe: Over Palestine will I shout." - Psalm 108:7-9
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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by Chrisy489 »

I STRONGLY recommend that you all maintain a dream log in which you log and date the dreams that the Most High gives to you. I make this recommendation because of what I have experienced and, most of all, the admonishment that is documented in Habbakuk 2:2
"And the Lord answered me, and said, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it"".

We must periodically review the logged dreams because the Most High sometimes reveal things like a puzzle giving us different pieces of the message at different times. This "puzzle-like" revelation necessitates revisiting the previous dreams in order to determine where and how the current dream "piece" fits to obtain an understanding of "what" the Lord is saying to us.

Just recently I began reviewing the dreams that the Lord has given to me in the past and I was SHOCKED to see that 3.39 YEARS prior to having this dream of "A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe" - HE HAD ALREADY REVEALED TO ME THAT HE WAS PREPARING A SPECIFIC SHOE FOR ME. In that dream ALL OF THE DETAILS of this "promise"/"covenant" were revealed - the only thing that was not revealed was THE TIME for its manifestation. 3.39 YEARS later - He placed the finished shoe in my hand indicating that the TIME had arrived.

I was negligent and careless in handling "the things of God" - HIS revelation and message to me - and, because of that, I WASTED 3.57 years being confused, uncertain, wondering, etc of what He meant in the "A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe" dream.

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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by JayD »

I'm glad you mentioned this Chrissy because i have seen the same trend as I've viewed others dreams, especially when looking into past dreams.

On some I've noticed that there is a similar trend, but I've been hesitant to go too far back, or do that too often as was concerned others may feel uncomfortable with me doing that ... Like feel like they are being stalked, or what not.

My name is also already plastered a lot here and was hoping to see others step out, and trying to balance that with my own stepping out.

I'm delighted that you brought it up. I find what you said to be true. God can give us bits and pieces. I feel it can be an invitation to draw close to him for more insight and direction that is closer to his heart, so in seeing we can see and in hearing we can hear.

Thank you for bringing this very relevant topic up

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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by JayD »

This makes a great teaching too. Thinking it would make a nice addition to this board, like in Words of Wisdom, or elsewhere. Great stuff.
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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by JayD »

Wanted to say I'm going through one of these moments.

Been going through a very difficult situation, to put it mildly. So I've been praying to the Lord because I can't see and the darkness has been scary, to put it mildly. The Lord appears to be pretty silent on it, and i know there is a purpose, like work on the fears and go through this scary road with Him.

I will say though that there has been a dream that appeared unrelated.

Frustration. It's like, for real Lord. I'm dying here and you are giving me a dream about being recognized by a prominent figure in front of others, and really likes me and how i am.

I'm like Lord, for real.I don't care about being recognized by anyone now or who likes me. I'm dying here.

I confess, i do believe i know better than God at times.

Frustration, upset, even anger at God looking to creep in. So it's like, what can i do. I can't fight you so I'll just take it day by day trusting that it won't be the destruction of me, but me thinks you trust me with too much

As I've had to process my great fear in this situation, I sense him speaking to me, and although i know my fears do have to do with trust issues, He is also showing me tactics used by others to instill fear and intimidation. I think they probably are well intended, but going about it wrong. A sermon, so to speak, is being birthed. I'm going to be faithful with it and trust in his faithfulness to me in the situation.

Great stuff in it too. I'll brag because it's his doing, not mine.

I think the recognition and such has to do with eventually, the tactics will be addressed and a prominent and respected figure will agree, causing others to take the matter seriously.

I'm not as bad as i was because my trust is growing, but not all the way there yet. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's still a very difficult situation, but looking to keep my eyes on Him, not the situation. It's nothing to him.
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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by Chrisy489 »


Don't despair - BE STRONG in the faith. It seems that you are not aware of the season that we are currently in. We are in the "spiritual equivalent" of when King Cyrus wrote the decree to free the exiles from Babylonian captivity to return to rebuild the temple and Jerusalem in preparation for the arrival of Jesus Christ. King Darius subsequently enforced it.

The called out ones have been through the wilderness, tested and are being trained in "boot camp" because they are about to enter the "promise" of the Most High - the promise to be His coworkers in the rebuilding of the Church for the return of Jesus Christ - the return for a bride without spot, blemish, or wrinkle. Think about Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubabel, etc and the challenges that they faced in the rebuilding and righting the wrongs that the Jews had done that caused the Lord to send them into captivity...

Have you heard of Lana Vawser? She truly has the prophetic word of the Lord. Here is a link to one of her videos: https://lanavawser.com/2024/06/
You can navigate her site and read other prophetic words.

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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by JayD »

Thank you Chrisy. I'm going to check out the link and go back to those accounts in the bible, see how he may speak to me as i feel like much against me, but also dealing with a lot so i recognize a good portion of that thinking. may be in my head.

Thank u for the encouragement. Sure need it now.
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Re: A Man's Tan Oxford Shoe

Post by JayD »

Read it. Awesome. Thank you!