3 Demons

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3 Demons

Post by TKD »

3 demon men entered my home.
I was sleeping but immediately noticed them.
I immediately started calling on Jesus which was difficult but once I got my voice together I was rebuking them
They kept trying to come at me but I kept holding my hand up and drawing a line around me signifying the blood of Jesus
A woman of God who is well know on social media and another lady showed up but they didn’t know what to do.
I had to keep battling by myself
And I saw them growing weak and noticed the sun was coming.
So I told them they would perish when the sun rises and their soul will never return. They started trying to get
Away from the sun rays and ended up running out of the house I went outside as they died and put my hand on their chest/heart and command their souls to leave the body in the name of Jesus and for death to take them. The last one didn’t die right away. I felt bad and asked him did he want Jesus as Lord and savior and he said No!
So I commanded his soul to leave and for death to take him.

This dream disturbs me because I identified them as demons but to send their souls to leave and death to take them made me
Feel I had overstepped. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
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Re: 3 Demons

Post by bjcollin »


Exciting dream. I would put this dream is in the Deliverance or Spiritual Warfare category, and in it you are learning more about dealing with the enemy in spiritual warfare. When I took deliverance training through Vision Life Ministries with Henry Malone, we learned not to take pity on the enemy. Don't feel bad for them. Demons are unrepentant and will not bow their knee to Jesus until they are forced to before their end (ref Rev 20:10). The thing I find in interesting in your dream is the assigning them for death to take them, maybe a little overstep. Demons are spiritual beings and they cannot die in that manner, so death which is another spirit cannot take them, all we can do is take up our authority and command them to leave in Jesus Name. There are many Bible passages where Jesus delivers somebody from demons, however the only Biblical examples I can think of which shows this in a little more detail is in Matthew 12:43-45 and in Jesus' encounter with the legion demons in Gennesaret (Ref Mark 5/Luke 8 ). In the first passage Jesus describes assigning the spirit to leave and go to dry places, and in the second passage the demons are commanded to leave and transfer to the pigs, which then run off the cliff and drown themselves in the lake. The current church no matter how big/popular and visible and the internet does not teach you these deeper things of God. These are things that you must walk with God and learn on your own with direction coming from the Holy Spirit. There are some good ministries and trained individuals out there that can help you as well. Also, they are not vampires which wither up in the sun, but they do avoid the SON of God and they will leave in His presence so good symbology there. Hope this helps some on the dream.

in Christ,
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Re: 3 Demons

Post by TKD »

Thanks Brian! In prayer I had the same revelation that God was showing me that demons deserve no compassion. I appreciate your response it was very helpful.
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Re: 3 Demons

Post by JayD »

Something that may help. I remember one time asking God why the devil wants to kill, steal, and destroy us. I mean i knew he's evil, but it was hard to comprehend something that bad.

So i had a dream with three demon possessed ladies wanting to hurt me. One had the stronger spirit and i knew not only did it want to hurt me, but would get pleasure out of it.

So i woke up still not understanding that kind of evil, and i sensed the Lord telling me i never eill fully understand it because I'll never be in that position, but as time passed i felt that i, at the least, got it to s degree.

The devil and his horde are in true darkness. Even fallen man isn't in total darkness for he has been given some light by way of a conscious and the law, and the Holy Spirit is at work in the world, but the devil and his horde have no light.

For any creature to be without God it's an unquenchable thirst, but without any light, without goodness in you you will turn to lust, hatred, murder, torment. etc. This is all they have at their disposal to quench that thirst and it brings them pleasure. It's perversion due to being without God.

I suspect this is what hell is ,to be fully separated from God with an unquenchable thirst. It's like a furnace that never ends.

They made their choice and they chose darkness and lust over God and love. No pity for they won't have any pity over you.

I've heard demon laughing when it tricked other into sinning by making them think the thought originated with them. They are very twisted and evil, and tricksters. They get pleasure out of it

May help some.

Just talking about it makes me want to proclaim, "THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER US!"
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Re: 3 Demons

Post by JayD »

Also,as i read the dream again, looking beyond the pity aspect, the sun / Son rising appears to speak of you growing in the revelation of Jesus and the power that comes with that in Spiritual warfare. God can use people to help us with spiritual warfare, but we all must personally be empowered in spiritual warfare. As Brian mentioned, we all must have our personal walk led by the Lord's Spirit to grow in these things.