A woman's dream who works with my wife

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A woman's dream who works with my wife

Post by PastorJKG »

In my dream I am leaving what I knew to be my apartment (this is not the apartment I live in now) to join my family at the pool. I knew I was on the third floor when I heard my older sister say "we are playing chicken and don't think you are going to get out playing too"( I was thinking to myself I AM NOT PLAYING). Then a group of men came up the stairs, I only recognized one of them. Nic Orrison, Nic climbed on top of the railing to the stairs as the other men looked in disbelief( They started on the first floor jumping into the pool from the stairs but Nic decided to skip the second floor and jump from the third). I hear him hit the water and I hear screaming and chaos. When Nic hit the water it was as if he hit the bottom of the pool head first and his neck snapped. I hear my older sister yelling he is dead! he broke his neck! he is dead!!!! I hear my family screaming the same thing. I hear my nieces who are just babies crying and I call for my other older sister to come help as I am now running down the stairs but my sister never came. When I get down the stairs I see my mother completely submerged under water yelling "he is dead! he broke his neck!!!" on both sides of her were two men. I told the two men to pull her up, get her out of the water! I turn and see Nic floating face down in the water, he was purple. My brothers were next to him and they did not know what to do, my family told them to get him out of the water "he is already dead". My brothers pulled Nic out of the water and laid his body on the side of the pool. My family called for an ambulance. I became very upset with my family and I turned and there was a bible, I picked up the bible and I said "why are you crying?! Either you believe the bible or you don't, why do we only believe part of the bible? The bible says we are to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I believe if we pray and believe God he will live" but my family just looked at me like I was crazy and I became angry and threw the bible in the pool. I say to my family "why believe only a little?" I said "Jesus said the works that he did we are to do but greater '' There was a tv at the pool, on the tv where televangelists try to sell a book. I was able to speak to the tv evangelists. I said "will you pray with me and believe God that he( Nic) will live?" All of them looked at me like I was crazy! (like she really believes he can live). I turned to look back at Nic but his body was gone, like he disappeared. In the spot where Nics body was laid was a box of legos( It looked like you could build little lego houses).I said within myself Lord , where is he? The Lord said to me "Kasee he is with me". The Lord told me Nic had a choice to stay with him or come back Nic decided to stay with the Lord. I said but Lord, if you take him they won't believe me, but the Lord did not say anything else to me, when the people on the TV saw that his body was gone, they began to talk about putting a discount on their book because they felt bad (they started whispering). I got quiet and got down on the floor and saw that Nic had started building the lego houses and so I decided I would finish it.
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Re: A woman's dream who works with my wife

Post by bjcollin »

Great dream Kasee! It seemed very scary with what was going on in the dream, but it definitely has a message both for you and for the Church that is from the Lord in the dream. I feel that this dream also points to exactly what the majority of the church is going through and facing today. Where is the God of Elijah? (ref 2 Kings 2:14) Does God still do miracles today or not? What is every believer's role in seeing the miracles of God come to pass as a sign to this current unbelieving generation? What will happen in this next church age that is coming which is preparing for the great end times harvest? (ref Matthew 9:37; Luke 10:2)

What I see in the first part of the dream with the pool jumping scene is a recklessness that the church and many Christian people of today are currently into. We tend to think of churches in today's culture as that shallow apartment community pool that not much happens in as we are worshiping the Lord God which we have faith in, but we cannot see or interact with. (ref John 20:29) The prevalent church culture of today is shallow in that it has taught us that we just need to simply evangelize and just get the people to say one quick short prayer for salvation and then they keep going and living their life in recklessness never understanding what it is to truly repent of their sins and to give their whole lives to become part of the Kingdom of God as a Disciple of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We lack basic discipleship teaching, we lack the power of allowing the Holy Spirit to work through our lives, and we lack what the first century church understood and worked for. In our teachings, we say we believe the whole Bible, but in reality we pick and choose partial parts to teach and believe in. Many people of God in today's churches are under nourished and God's people perish for a lack of understanding (ref Hosea 4:6).

In the middle of the dream a few paraphrases of Bible verses are pointed out. Part of the Great Commission (ref Matthew 28:16-20 & Mark 16:15-20 ) the specific verses in the dream are from Mark 16:17-18. Also John 5:20, John 14:12. Why does the church not teach us to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit? In your dream the tv evangelists of today just want to sell books and to increase their income, they might say that they believe and teach these verses, but if you investigate their lives you will find very little power of the Holy Spirit there and they look at you funny. Many of the Holy Spirit filled Pentecostal churches (both denominational and non-denominational) of today also will look at you funny if you're really trying to live these verses. The bottom line is that there is a cost to becoming a true disciple of Jesus and many of your family and friends simply will not understand as they are not at that place in their walks with Jesus yet.

In God's response, He tells you that He gave Nic a choice and he chose to stay and to not come back. Freewill choice. Many times it comes down to just that, we choose, and this is also true in churches... they choose. I see legos in the dream as a play on the word Logos (Greek for God's living and active Word to us) So the question I have to you the dreamer is, what are you going to build with your legos? Are you going to sacrifice the cost to become a true disciple of Jesus and press into your relationship with Him? (ref John 15:15) Do you want to yield to the Holy Spirit so that miracles can come forth?

Hope this helps you on the drean.

in Christ,
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Re: A woman's dream who works with my wife

Post by PastorJKG »

Thanks BJ. I didn't even think of the lego, logos thing. I must be spiritually ADD lol. I can't follow these long dreams very well. I believe she will be blessed by your interp. Hope yall had a merry Christmas and and praying it's a great new year for your family and ministry.
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