Went to Asbury Revival

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Went to Asbury Revival

Post by dance-in-the-son »

I had a dream that I went with my friend Ben and others to the Asbury revival in KY but I focused more on the fact that I shouldn’t have come. My husband said not to because I had to watch the grandkids kids in the next day or two. I was hard on myself and kept asking the Lord for forgiveness. I went into another room with white walls and back out.

IRL-So, truthfully, the thing I don’t like is that after I sin/disobey, which was my choice. I then focus too much on myself and keep asking for forgiveness. 😔 Selfishness is still too much of an issue.
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12
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Re: Went to Asbury Revival

Post by JayD »

Appears you are having a struggle between what you desire, and obeying.

Partaking of the knowledge of good and evil will always point back to self, and comes with guilt and condemnation.

I have a different perspective on choices, which i believe scriptures support. Although we are given choices, the heart doesn't choose, but is won over. This was part of the lesson the law would teach us.

There are still choices, but now believers have the love of God poured in our hearts to live right out of love for God, and others.

Explore with the Lord, and even those involved why each wanted to go different ways. Go beyond the veil. After an understanding at a deeper level, most likely one will lean towards the other.

If not, the structure is there in the holy scriptures to keep peace and harmony, but in the Lord's Spirit it will flow out of love.

Godly sorrow is different than condemnation as Godly sorrow is God-centered. We don't care to grieve the Lord because we love Him, not because we are afraid of consequences upon us (self-centered).

But the main point of the dream appears to speak of an inner struggle you find yourself in.
You perhaps desiring one thing, while your husband wants another, and because you are focused on what you should have done, possibly due to partaking of the knowledge of good and evil, you are feeling guilty and condemned.

The believer lives in another zone, reconciliation and relationship with God. No condemnation, but Godly sorrow that is focused on God (love for God) first, and then others (love for neighbor).
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Re: Went to Asbury Revival

Post by JayD »

Hi. Feeling the need to simplify some of these interos i gave.

The dream appears to speak of a struggle you are having, like doing what you want, or obeying your husband.

Are you feeling guilty and condemned, or are you grieved out love? I think sometimes we can feel both. Guilt and condemnation is not a fruit of the Lord's Spirit, but grieving out of love for God and others is.

God has forgiven you. Receive his love and forgiveness. If you struggle there, ask Him why this is a problem for you. He'll show you.

Wondering if your husband in this dream may speak of legalism to a degree. If that is the case, a divorce to the law is in order.