Hosting a baby shower

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Hosting a baby shower

Post by lynadvs »

I was at a house with my sisters. We were getting ready to prepare for some type of get together we were having. My sister Malinda said “we are going to have to have a baby shower. I remember thinking to myself “ we can’t have a baby shower now, we need to get ready for this get together”. The scene changes. I was exiting a stage. It seemed to have been a talent show rehersal or something and I had just got done with whatever I did. A guy from a three member 90’s R&B group came on stage and called me an I think about three others to one corner of the stage. He said that he needed someone one to host his baby shower and that he would pick one of us randomly. I did not have anything in front of me to hide behind… but in my heart I was hiding because I didn’t want to get picked. Needless to say, I was chosen. The scene changes back to the house. The baby shower was taking place. I had a microphone in my hand announcing what was going on. I announced the couple (whom were expecting) they both stood up. The husband stated his first and last name and then the wife stated her first and last name. I remember hearing their names so clearly in the dream but I could not recall the names upon awaking. As the baby shower was going on, my mother was in the next room preparing for a gathering with a group of women from her church. That ended the dream.
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Re: Hosting a baby shower

Post by JayD »

If this dream has Spiritual significance, it may speak of you being selected (by the Lord?) to help others with equipping regarding things he's birthed in them. It appears you feel it is more eminent to prepare for something else, but as you do what you've been selected for, he has others taking care of your concerns.

The stage scene appears interesting. It may speak of displaying one's talents. You don't seem to be doing it to be chosen as you are looking to hide now in order not to be chosen.

The random choosing is typical of how God works when he is looking to do something specific, He chooses for his purposes. None of us can boast.

That said i do believe in a preparation process also, even a thorn in the flesh so that we continue to remain humble and rely on Him and his strength, not ours.

The R& B group reminds me of how we can have grievances and if we take them to the Lord, from those labor pains He can birth something new by his Spirit.

Hope that helps some.