Solome the cat next door

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Solome the cat next door

Post by bella »

I dreamt I could see over the fence into next door’s yard and could see a little timber building near the fence line. Maybe a hen house or a dog kennel.

A large cat about the size of a lynx, but which didn’t look like a lynx, had grabbed another animal in its mouth and was walking, dragging it in its mouth, between the fence and the little timber building.

At first it thought it was a huge snake it the cat’s mouth but then I saw it was another cat, like maybe a large pet cat.

I yelled from my place, ‘Solome drop it, put it down, put it down’.

It was pronounced the way you say Salome but it was definitely Solome.

I looked it up and it’s a real word. It means ‘peace’.

Those neighbours don’t have a cat, and the fence is way too high to see over. But in the dream it was a similar timber fence, but somehow I could see what was happening on the other side.
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Re: Solome the cat next door

Post by peaceful »

So you mention a timber fence that you can see over and a timber like structure in close proximity to the fence. This made me think of our border to Canada our neighbor. (Timber=Canada). Then you describe a large cat the size of a Lynx but not a Lynx. A lynx, also native to Canada carry a name of shadow killer as to how they attack their prey. They are also the closest looking wild cat to the domestic cat. So, although you say it was not a lynx, I believe God wanted you to describe it as such to maybe show He is speaking of Canada. So now I’m looking at the actions of the cat. You are seeing something in its mouth, to which you thought was a snake (snake/the enemy) but see that it is a pet cat. I hear in my spirit domestic. So the picture I’m getting is God is showing you an attack by a Govt. (Shadow Govt/ on words) against it own people.(large cat=Govt ) with pet cat in its mouth. (Pet/domestic cat=its people) you see it take its prey between the building and the fence as if to hide in the shadows of what it has done. I believe God has allowed you to see what He sees, so you cry out Peace, drop it, put it down put it down. That’s twice spoken, which in the language of the scriptures, it will come to pass. As always, pray about it. Curious if you have a heart for the indigenous people? God Bless!
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Re: Solome the cat next door

Post by bella »

Thank you. Your interpretation is very interesting and has a lot to it. You especially made sense to me with your explanation of 'Solome, put it down, drop it, drop it'.

I definitely have a heart for the indigenous.