In Israel at stranger's house

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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In Israel at stranger's house

Post by LarrytheDreamer »

This dream started out in motion...All I know is that I was on some kind of bus, moving, with a group of people I didn't know. We went across a border and I knew we were in Israel. I mean the buildings did not look like biblical historic sites, They actually looked like homes here in the U.S.I saw patches of snow in various grassy areas as we travelled. I knew we were going to some peoples house...once again...that I didn't know. We exited the bus and all went inside the home and met the homeowners. We took our shoes off and were standing and talking. I saw a couple ladies go out back, where it was now bright, and it looked like a pavillion and had different doors with numbers on them. I was next to a door that had the number 4 on it. The ladies came out with trays of drinks in tall glasses that looked like dark sodas and were serving them to the group.
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Re: In Israel at stranger's house

Post by JayD »

Hi Larry.

Appears to speak of a journey that you share with others, although you all don't know each other. Maybe it's God's way of letting you know that you are not alone on this particular journey he has you on, or it may speak of a lack of connection / fellowship.

Borders are distinct separation. You all
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Re: In Israel at stranger's house

Post by JayD »

Sorry, accidentally sent before finishing.

It may be that it is a more modernized Israel, like moving from the old to new.

Appears your host is opening his home / heart to this group and extending an invitation to fellowship.

Removing your shoes may speak of putting aside personal journeys and / or roles as you all fellowship together.

The bright back area may speak of past things now being revealed.

I suspect the Lord has had you on a similar journey with a group, but there appears to be a lack of connection, so to speak, with them, but you all are on your way pass borders that divide and will be fellowshipping.

And maybe this journey has had moments of lack of understanding, but they are now coming to light.

Ephesians 2:11-22