Snakes and Intruders

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Snakes and Intruders

Post by bindicat14 »

My mother had the below dream last night, she shared it with me today, is unsure if it is a spiritual dream but felt if so it might be to do with an ungodly relationship I have recently come out of. Dream:

My mother dreamt that the puppy (runt of the litter) that she had given away to my Grandmother (now deceased), this dog had returned to her now grown up but still a small dog – small collie dog. Mum was in a house, a long black snake slithered into the corner, another followed and joined it. One of the snakes then started vomiting out of it’s mouth baby snakes. Mum then looked up and noticed water damage in the ceiling and where the water damage was, bits were falling off the ceiling. A group of intruders then entered the house, one of them, a man, came along and subdued Mum, and guarded her so she couldn’t get away. Mum managed to overpower this man, killed him, then buried him in a hole. After this a female intruder came along that was stronger than the man, also to subdue and guard Mum. Mum was also able to overpower this woman, killed her and buried her in a hole. After this the snakes then started to move and Mum fled the house to get away from them, she ended up on a cliff, looking at water/waterfall, this is where the dream ended.

My mother and father have both recently helped me navigate my way out of an ungodly relationship with a non Christian who has also turned out to be narcisistic (left 6 months ago). My ex has tried to get me back over these past few months and has used some manipulative tactics to do so. With my family's help, predominantly my mother's counsel, I didn't go back and when his tactics didn't work it has been revealed to me from someone within his own family that he has been bad mouthing me behind my back. Both he and his mother have been bad mouthing me – I have been told they have been slandering my name. I have also just learnt he is now in a new relationship. My ex did drop by and visit my parents’ home just a few days after we broke up as a part of trying to get me back....I was thinking, if it has anything to do with him, could it be showing they are going to pay a visit, for my mother to take control of the situation OR maybe the situation has been taken care of in the spririt realm? Any thoughts? Thank you.
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Re: Snakes and Intruders

Post by bjcollin »


Sorry you had a bad relationship experience, dealing with a Narcissistic person is no fun at all as everything is always unhealthily about them. Great that you have gotten out of the relationship.

To me I feel that you are very wise to discern that your mom's dream is really about you and what you are going through. The dream was given to her, to help her to intercede and to pray for you on behalf of the situation that you are going through. In her dream, the collie dog would represent you, the long black snake represents the big lie you believed and then eventually fell into sin with the ungodly relationship, that sin gave birth and multiplied over time which gave the enemy legal entry into your life/house. Water damage in the ceiling indicates roof damage from the storms and battles of life that will need to be repaired, and crumbling indicates neglect that will also need to be repaired in time. Good news is that healing is available in Jesus! Jesus still heals hurting hearts. Your mom killing and disposing of both of the enemies is a good thing in the dream, it indicates she needs to continue to pray for you and to continue to resist and to believe in God to overcome the enemy. Just burry then and forget about them as it is not worth it to go back to the past. She leaves the house due to the snakes, indicates there are some things you are going to have to deal with yourself, but the end of the dream seems peaceful and beautiful with the cliff and the waterfall. To me the cliff speaks of a decision of faith that will need to come whether you will believe God and His word that he cares for you and has your best interest in mind or not, will you decide to follow Him and his voice, there is power in the waterfall which is God's word and the Holy Spirit. Or will you decide to jump off the cliff and go back to the world and believing ungodly advice and decisions.

Hope this helps on your mom's dream.

in Christ,
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Re: Snakes and Intruders

Post by bindicat14 »

Hi Brian, thank you so much for taking the time to review my post and reply back. Your insight helps tremendously. Soon after walking out of this relationship, I regrouped, repented and am now back on track with my walk with God, strong in my faith again. This has been one of the biggest battles of my life, and my decision to ultimately leave the relationship and to stay away has been my decision for Jesus over the world. It has been hard but I am on the mend, healing now and have shut this person out of my life for good. Thanks again.