City Winery & Runny Nose

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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City Winery & Runny Nose

Post by ispeaktheword »

I was inside City Winery. I walked to the door entrance where the performances were held. The lights were off. I opened the door slightly and it seemed like there were a couple of people having a meeting in the dark. I couldn’t see them. I wanted to speak with someone but I’m not sure what about. A woman came out to speak with me but I didn’t actually see her.

I’m still in City Winery. My left nostril starts running and I’m chuckling because I feel a little embarrassed. I went to find some tissue. I noticed there was a humongous bed in the open area of city winery and next to the bed was some tissue. The bed was like a giants bed. I had to leap onto the bed because of how big and how high it was.

I grabbed some tissue. I noticed some of the jewelry on the bed was mine. The rest of the jewelry was other people's. I thought to myself, “Did I leave this jewelry from the last time I was here?” I saw my silver necklace from Tiffany’s and I saw my Apple Watch. Those are the two things I remember. I think there were a couple more things. I said to the woman, “OMG this is my necklace and this is my watch, I can show you because my picture is on the watch.” I was just really surprised. EOD

City Winery is a venue that holds intimate musical concerts from local artists to well-known artists. While enjoying the concert you can enjoy dinner and your favorite wine. Also, I am a singer-songwriter. I’m wondering if this dream has something to do with my gifts.

I appreciate your thoughts,
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Re: City Winery & Runny Nose

Post by JayD »

What sticks out to me is the oversized bed. It may speak of something out of proportion, like possibly an over-emphasis on rest. When we rest we rest from our own works as in trying to make something happen of our own, but that has to be balanced out with taking a step in faith and seeing what happens from there. Not that we push it, but seeing how the Lord may use our gifts and talents..
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Re: City Winery & Runny Nose

Post by JayD »

An additional detail:

I did notice that in this dream, and in another dream with the eyes, the left side appears to be pointed out.

Left can at times speak of spiritual matters. With this dream nose may speak of discernment. Spiritual discernment, as i see it, is a revelatory gift by God's Spirit within us.

Then there is discernment by growing in the intimate knowledge of God and his ways, and yes, revelatory knowledge is also a part of this and gives us that inner equipping. This discernment is developed by the Spirit with growth and it equips us to discern matters in our daily journey.

The darkened atmosphere may speak of lacking revelatory insight.

Appears that you may have left some personal possessions there where they were laid to rest.

If this dream has spiritual significance, it may speak of a place that has knowledge, but is lacking in revelation, or an intimate knowledge by God's Spirit. It may be that the runny nose is interfering with your ability to spiritually discern. Although, you do discover that you may have laid some personal belongings / treasures to rest there.

Runny noses can be the immune systems way of keeping the body clean of foreign invaders. The body can go into overdrive trying to keep these things out and the runny nose can be the result of that overdrive.

I would continue to seek God as to why the left side is at times a feature in your dreams. He may be trying to bring some spiritual matters to your attention.

I do love that in your eye dream, the relationship with you and your friend appeared to be a significant factor in helping you. She wasn't critical, but prayed for you regarding what she saw.

It may just be some small issue that needed prayer so it doesn't hinder you in your walk.Another may have become judgemental and critical in a negative way, not seeing properly because of a beam in their eye.
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Re: City Winery & Runny Nose

Post by PastorJKG »

I have noticed that some of us here have differing positions on alcohol. ie- wine, beer and what not. I will not try to force my convictions on anyone but I believe we can agree it often has to do with influence This is something I was seeing in your dream. Conversations behind closed doors, this could be good or bad depending on other elements of the dream. Giant bed with yours and other peoples treasures (jewelry)= something much bigger than you that connects you to others. Silver necklace and apple watch. Proverbs 25:11 Like apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken in right circumstances. Left often speaks of the spiritual and a running nose is trying to evacuate foreign germs or dust. Something being rejected by your spirit or the Holy Spirit within perhaps. For your prayerful consideration.