Date and No Available Bathroom

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Date and No Available Bathroom

Post by bindicat14 »

Context before I share my dream: in January of this year I left an ungoldly relationship. I regrouped, repented and am stronger than ever with the Lord, in my Bible daily, back serving in church etc. Over the course of this year at various points God has spoken to me to help me continue to move forward and navigate my way away from my non Christian narcissistic former boyfriend whom I loved deeply BUT who was toxic and anti God. I have shared 2 dreams about this journey in recent months in this forum.

At the start of June this year, I dreamt that I was going on a date with this guy (he had blond coloured hair, light blue dress shirt with longish sleeves, white jeans/long pants, couldn't make out his face). We were about to go the restaurant for our date when I told him I needed to go to the bathroom first. I left him and then went looking for a toilet to relieve myself (I was bursting). I found myself in this massive shopping centre going everywhere through it trying to find an available toilet. I couldn't find one. When I did come across a toilet it was "out of order" due to repair work going on. I realised that now I had been gone a long time from this guy. The next thing I know I am back out on the city street, have come out of the shopping centre, still bursting, needing to go to the toilet. I meet up with the guy again, because I was away so long he then suggested to cancel the date. I suddenly realised I could just use the toilet at the restaurant and told him this, that we could still go on the date. The next thing I know, I am changing my shoes. I remove my flip flops to put on my gold dressier sandals. This is where the dream ended.

My initial thought after having this dream, was "wow, there is life after my ex, could this still be a possibility for me Lord? That I might not be single for the rest of my life?" I have been a Christian since I was 10, now 46, always wanted to get married to a good Christian man but there aren't many out there and of the ones I have dated have had no success which is why I thought I would try dating a non Christian which absolutely did not work and has left me emotionally reeling all these months, trying to proess everything and get over it. I think that is what me trying to find a toilet represents? Wanting to relieve myself of the burden of the trauma, grief etc. of this former relationship. Any thoughts on what me changing my shoes means? Both sets of shoes in the dream are actual shoes I wear in real life too. Any insight appreciated, thanks :)
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Re: Date and No Available Bathroom

Post by keilani »

Hi bindi, I hope this finds you well.

Toilets for me have always spoken of a place of release as you mentioned. In our house we jokingly refer to it as the "throne" and remarkably, I've had dreams where they are exactly that.

In a haunted house (possessed person) that I encountered once, the toilet (throne or seat of authority) was trying to overflow, much like a backed up toilet would. The filth (curses and demons trying to be released) obeyed and went back in when I spoke to it.

I've also sat on toilets (thrones) up high knowing I was releasing God's Will into our lives/regions.

And then I've had dreams similar to yours. I would think that releasing this past relationship along with the thoughts that got you there (no Christian men, dating a non-Christian) are part of the the releasing process.

To trust God means to rest peacefully knowing He has provided everything for you. Sometimes, we just need a new set of eyes (thoughts) to bring clarity to our daily lives, and He promised to give us wisdom if we ask in faith for it.

New shoes, a new walk, again new thoughts always accompany any new endeavor. Also, shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace so take His Peace as you trust Him to fulfill the desires of your heart.

That they were a pair you own, makes me think He knows of your desire to marry and hasn't forgotten...He will bring him to you.

Grace in abundance bindi. Remember what The Visitor said to Sarah who laughed in her heart, thinking she was too old to experience the joy of motherhood: is there anything too hard for the Lord?

Let your faith rest in the Truth that NOTHING is too hard for Him 💜!

Edited to add: regarding the disruption this need to relieve yourself caused in the date ( I'm thinking date as in time here), it seems like you must rid yourself first in order to continue unhindered towards His Promise for your life.
***More To Come***

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and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.
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Re: Date and No Available Bathroom

Post by bindicat14 »

Thanks for taking the time Kellani to share your insight, faith and encouragement, I will meditate on it :)