Heard Daughter's Voice ,her Hands were human But Head and Torso were Robot

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Heard Daughter's Voice ,her Hands were human But Head and Torso were Robot

Post by Imma »

In my dream yesterday night, I was having conversation with my daughter who lives with her father.
I know that the voice was hers and I could see her two hands but her head and Torso are robots.
I have been terrified by this dream. Pastor please what is the meaning of this dream ?,.
have been suspecting that this girl is under some spiritual control,
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Re: Heard Daughter's Voice ,her Hands were human But Head and Torso were Robot

Post by PastorJKG »

If you are praying for her salvation or just her wellbeing, just remember that just because it is her voice, it isn't necessarily her heart or mind. Don't allow negative words from her to hurt you or deter you. Take authority over the controlling influences and forbid them to continue. Robots do what they are programed to do. For your prayerful consideration. Hope this helps.
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Re: Heard Daughter's Voice ,her Hands were human But Head and Torso were Robot

Post by Imma »

It is very helpful Pastor. Please can I ask you to give me a custom made prayer to address this situation?
Because what you said is 100% true.
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Re: Heard Daughter's Voice ,her Hands were human But Head and Torso were Robot

Post by PastorJKG »

In the name of Jesus I claim (The daughters name) for the kingdom of heaven. The word of God promises household salvation. I bind every evil and unclean spirit working to keep her from salvation. I forbid the enemy to blind her mind any longer. I bind the spirit of confusion and rebellion to the truth of God's word. I decree that she will respond in faith to the gospel. Father God, I commit her into your hands and trust that you will and are already at work in this. I declare the virtue of the blood of Jesus on her behalf as she is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. I break all and every generational bondages and curses leveled against her or our bloodline. We are in Christ and Christ is in us and Christ cannot be cursed. I will trust you Father to to bring about the manifestation of her deliverance and I will not fear. I have not been given the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind.

This prayer should be sandwiched between times of praise and adoration. Praise Him before you pray and after you pray thank Him for His open ears and caring heart. Thank Him that He loves her more than you do and has a good plan for her life.
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Re: Heard Daughter's Voice ,her Hands were human But Head and Torso were Robot

Post by Imma »

Thanks a lot Pastor .Iam very grateful.
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Re: Heard Daughter's Voice ,her Hands were human But Head and Torso were Robot

Post by Chrisy489 »

Wow!!!! Not an interpretation but this reminds me of what is currently going on behind the scenes - TRANSHUMANISM.
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Re: Heard Daughter's Voice ,her Hands were human But Head and Torso were Robot

Post by JayD »

This dream keeps reminding me of a BBC special i watched on a cult. When others realized something was amiss, they describe their experience as being like robots. He manipulated and groomed them.

The word of God can be manipulated so where we listen to men, or the devil, over the Spirit of God, if we are not discerning. I recall a season where i was hit so much with the word and it felt so manipulating I didn't want to hear one more bible word from another believer. Just a season God was teaching me about these things.

I don't think some realize what they are doing, but the Spirit of God will give witness to the spirit behind it. The devil will come to us with the word, but God's spirit will give testimony if it is truly derived from his spirit.

Anyway, if you take BBC, it was very interesting stuff. In the beginning everything appears good and you are like, don't see anything wrong yet, but even beyond what was uncovered, i later realized, or at least to me it appeared that the confession of sin by others was more derived from a spirit of guilt and condemnation, and shame, instead of drawn in by the spirit of God.

Anyway, people kept saying they were like robots.