Backpack and crocodile infested territory

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Backpack and crocodile infested territory

Post by bindicat14 »

I had a dream this week where I was with my mother in a car travelling trying to get somewhere. We came to a fork in the road, you had to go either left or right. We could not go either direction as the road/bridge was severely damaged both sides. We got out of the car to start walking, it was at that point I realised we were in crocodile infested territory, there were crocodiles "hidden" everywhere. I accidentally dropped my backpack, I tried to go back for it but then realised it was too dangerous. A kind stranger, nice young guy came out of nowhere, and retrieved the backpack for me, returned it to me. At the end of the dream we are back at my grandmother's house, I am giving him a hug to thank him, in the dream it was revealed to me that this man risked his life to get the backpack back for me because he wanted to make me happy.....Context: I am currently single, still very much grieving over a bad break up with a non Christian. Is there any significance to the backpack, does that represent something? Any insight appreciated, thank you.
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Re: Backpack and crocodile infested territory

Post by JayD »

Hello. I realize this dream is a tad dated and you may have more clarity now, but I'd like to offer you something you can pray about

First, I sometimes have similar dreams and they often come when i am feeling attacked and down. I believe it is God's way of reminding me that i will find kindness again.

Now, on to the dream. The damaged roads and bridges may speak of broken relationships and the vehicle a former way you were journeying that no longer appears to work for the situation on hand. Appears you may have to walk this one out to move forward. As you do, looks like you may be under attack and accusations, and lose something you value along the way.

The kind stranger may just be the tool God uses to help retreive what you valued and lost along the way. It isn't necessarily a guy, but may be, or it may just be a group of kind strangers or more favor from the Lord poured into your life. Either way, it's something to hold onto while you go through this difficult time. Keep yourself in prayer and may the Lord silence the voice of the enemy in Jesus name.

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Re: Backpack and crocodile infested territory

Post by JayD »

Hello. I realize this dream is a tad dated and you may have more clarity now, but I'd like to offer you something you can pray about

First, I sometimes have similar dreams and they often come when i am feeling attacked and down. I believe it is God's way of reminding me that i will find kindness again.

Now, on to the dream. The damaged roads and bridges may speak of broken relationships and the vehicle a former way you were journeying that no longer appears to work for the situation on hand. Appears you may have to walk this one out to move forward. As you do, looks like you may be under attack and accusations, and lose something you value along the way.

The kind stranger may just be the tool God uses to help retreive what you valued and lost along the way. It isn't necessarily a guy, but may be, or it may just be a group of kind strangers or more favor from the Lord poured into your life. Either way, it's something to hold onto while you go through this difficult time. Keep yourself in prayer and may the Lord silence the voice of the enemy in Jesus name.
