My Husband Was Arrested

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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My Husband Was Arrested

Post by ispeaktheword »

Hello all,

I was sitting on my bed watching my husband rushing around in our bedroom. He was going to see a guy named Sam. My husband got dressed and put his gun in a holster on the left side of his hip. Then he realized he could not take his gun out of the holster. He said, "I'm nervous, maybe I shouldn't go see Sam. This might be a sign from God." I said I don't know? In my mind I said is this your doing Lord?

My husband and I end up outside. It is a bright sunny day. We were sitting and talking in front of our house (not our real house). My husband is still debating if he should see Sam or not, and he still could not take his gun out of the holster.

All of a sudden the police come speeding into the area we are in. My husband got up and was like ok they are here - kinda like lets do this. I was a little bit afraid. I'm thinking what was he involved in that I didn't know about? Now a bunch of people are outside. I saw my sister in real life watching what was going on. The police arrested my husband. I grabbed our kids so they could say goodbye to their dad. EOD

My husband is an in house prodigal.

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Re: My Husband Was Arrested

Post by PastorJKG »

I get the sense that he is struggling with coming fully to God and unable to defeat the spiritual forces that are keeping him back. Sam =heard of God. Unable to wield the weapon because he doesn't yet have the right to do so. He is presently battling the spirit of fear. He needs to be given the Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind in Christ. He is in a spiritual battle and needs help from those who know God and understand how to pray. For your prayerful consideration.
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Re: My Husband Was Arrested

Post by ispeaktheword »

Amen. Thank you for responding and confirming. It’s been a long journey of praying, declaring, and standing in the gap for him. But in the end he will be arrested by the Spirit of God. 🙏🏽

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Re: My Husband Was Arrested

Post by JayD »

Hi. I'm wondering if your husband has a legalistic view of God. It may be that he is trying to change by his own power due to a more legalistic view of the law. Fear can often be an indication that one is operating under the letter of the law instead of the Spirit.

And the law can only arrest us in our sin. It has no power to free us from it, but only to show us ourselves and how powerless we are against sin of our own.

Maybe he needs a new understanding of God, and how the law was never put in place to save us, but to act very much like the police in our society. The law was placed to keep order until our hearts can be changed by way of God's Spirit through Christ. It also was to show us that of ourselves, we'll just continue to be arrested in sin as the law / police has no power to change the heart.

We can test what the Word says. Don't believe it? What is our poison? Cigarrettes? Food?

Try to change on our own. Not only will we fail, the urge will grow stronger because of our powerlessness to overcome on our own. It will only amplify that truth.

Yes, I know unbelievers overcome these things too, but they've done it by substituting a greater desire than their current one, and those eventually lead to dissatisfaction too.

The way God has paved is to acknowledge our sin, confess it before him where he can bring us to true repentance by his Spirit and change can take place in the heart by his Spirit. Doesn't mean we won't ever fall, but as we grow in him and his love, it will fall off, and the blood of Jesus has us covered until then.

We can't change on our own where it counts the most, but we can acknowledge our sin and condition. We can acknowledge our weaknesses, confess it before him, and allow his Spirit to work in our lives, waiting on him to bring true repentance by his Spirit, and a change of heart.
Things you probably know already, just what I saw. If the law / police are arresting him and this dream is of the Lord, and as pastor said, if he is struggling, he probably has a wrong view of what the law was put in place for and how we are to come to acknowledgement of our condition, confess, and wait on Him. He makes it so easy for us. We make it so hard.

Hope it helps some. I often use the police when I speak of God's law, or the letter of the law, because as detailed as I can be, I see the gospel quite simple and I believe the properties we see play out in everyday life shows us the gospel playing out.
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Re: My Husband Was Arrested

Post by ispeaktheword »

Amen JayD. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my dream. I truly appreciate it.

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Re: My Husband Was Arrested

Post by JayD »

Your welcome. I posted a longer response, but deleted it as it was out of context so if you read it, no worries... don't need a response to my question.
