Nazis in our home

Archives for 2007

Nazis in our home

Post by MrsB »

This dream is from my 14 year old daughter. The dream woke her up last night, and she was not able to go back to a deep sleep afterwards.

Here is what she shared with me:

I dreamed I woke up in our game room, and my dad and brother were playing pool. I went to the closet to get something, and I dropped it. I bent down to get it, but couldn't find it, even after searching for it. I then heard something weird come in the door. When I raised my head up, the room was empty. I went outside, and didn't see anyone in any of the houses. Car doors were open on all of the cars in the neighborhood. I walked up and down the street, looking for anyone. I then saw a group of men in green, Nazi uniforms. They had strange orange/yellow stamps on their backs. The stamps had a word on it, that went around in a circle. In the center of the circle, there was some kind of bird, it was bright yellow. The bird was sitting on top of a milk crate, and the crate had red words written across it. The crate was upside down, so the bird could sit on it. The soldiers saw me, and started coming after me. The dream went black, like in a movie, and the next scene had me riding in a freight car on a train. I was by myself, and it was pitch black. Out of nowhere, the doors opened. Soldiers in orange uniforms came on board, and grabbed me by my arms. They dragged me out, and put me on a mini train, like you see at zoos for little children, and the train was red. There were people on all the seats. At the bottom of the seat, in the floorboard, were many notes. I could see the ink showing through the paper.

I was looking around, and saw my parents, but not my siblings. Somehow, I got to my parents' seat, and was talking to my mom. I didn't know what I was saying, but I could see my mouth moving. My mom kept asking me, "Did you look at all the letters?" I kept acting like nothing was wrong, and even asked if we were going shopping. My mom said no, and continued to ask me if I had looked at the letters. I was about to say no, and another soldier came, and then the train suddenly became a large passenger train. The soldier grabbed my arm and dragged me back to my car. He kept yelling at me, but I couldn't understand what he was saying--it didn't sound like a real language...all the soldiers were speaking in gibberish, but they could understand each other.

I sat there for awhile, then began to look at the letters. It was weird, because the letters were dated from centuries ago, all the way up to the current day. The letters told about people who were taken someplace from the train cars, and they were never seen again. One note brought a picture to mind of a little girl with bright red hair, she was not familiar to me. She was talking about a little boy going into the car, then she blinked, and he was gone. The letter seemed to go on for days, until the girl remarked that she, too, was about to be taken. She wondered if it would bring her happiness?

I was watching the soldiers taking people off the train, and putting them on another train car. I would see the people getting on the other train, then they would disappear. They seemed happy when they got on the train. I could see their mouths moving, as if talking to someone, but nobody else was on the train. The train was red, with the same yellow sign that was on the soldier uniforms. The stamp was on the floor and all the seats.

It seemed as if I was on the train for years and years, and was now in my 20's. I kept watching everything happening, and wondering when it was going to be me. I picked up a piece of paper that I found that was blank, and began to write. I was writing about all that I had seen on the train, and left a warning to whomever would read my note, to watch out. Years seemed to pass by, and then I wrote, maybe it would bring happiness, just like the little red headed girl.

A soldier came in right after I signed and folded my letter. I threw the letter on the ground, and he grabbed my arm. He asked me if I was ready, but I didn't answer. I then woke up from the dream.
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Post by Krista »

wow what a dream. I don't have any insight, but wow what a dream.
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Post by naveah »

This dream spoke to me. I will be praying for an interp for you. I will interceed in for you and your daughter. I will keep searching & pressing in. Blessings in the Lord Jesus Christ
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7

Post by Joy2dream »

Mrs. B.,

I don't have a interpretation, but I've read this twice and both times I get a sense of the holocaust in the dream. Not really sure exactly how or if that is part of the dream interp or not. I've been looking for holocaust info on the net.

Praying for you and your daughter to receive the full interpretation to this dream as I feel it does indeed have one.

Are you or your daughter of Jewish ancestory?

Jesus bless you,
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Post by naveah »

Mrs B and Joy2

I too thought of History. Have been looking too still praying and searching
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by gloryhis »

Jesus bless you!

Waking up.... realizing.... and finding one's self in the game room seems to indicate a type of realization, perhaps of there being a game of life which one is expected to play out. Whomever dad and brother are representing to her seems to have figured it out and are playing the game together. Perhaps a game of give and take, win some lose some, but the table they are playing on may represent communication and fellowship.

The closet is a place which can symbolise things stored for future use, hidden or even secret. In this atmosphere of waking up and realizing she may need to play the game also, she reaches for something in the closet and gets it out, but then drops it.

We usually accidently drop things when we are not holding them securely or carefully. Not having a firm grip, emotionally or enough knowledge to carry it by herself regarding what ever it was she retreive from the closet.Her searching for it makes me to understand she didn't drop it on purpose. She can no longer find it, even though she searches for it dillengently.

I feel this searching has gone on in her life for a while regarding something.

Once she raises her head back up, it seems everyone is gone and the room is empty. So she goes outside of her home to look for anyone as she puts it. I feel this is a feeling of abandonment, because in the very next scene of the dream, the houses outside are also empty and the people have all abandoned their cars, leaving the doors open. She said she searched for anyone.... I feel for anyone who will understand something she feels deeply about.

The soldiers in the nazi uniforms I feel are representing persecution . I know it seems so detailed with the bird and emblem etc, but the stamp on their back speaks to me of how she may see them all as being branded or the "same". Uni-form...

The circle ( circles are complete, the words seems to be concerning agreement, how they all agree with the same rules of life) Soldiers in this dream may represent rigid, rules and followers.

There is one person perhaps who she sees at the center of this persecution . The yellow bird who seems to stand out and above to her. ( unless it has other meaning at her shcool) Bright yellow color which simply makes it stand out and standing atop of a milk crate.

At first I thought it may have to do with church or doctrine because of the milk and the red color written on the crate and it still may be, but I am not ruling out school either and leaning toward it being school. Red is a color a lot of teachers use to get their point across. And may be a color a 14 year old would associate with certain emotions. Milk crates are seen in school a lot as well. Milk crates are square, boxed in and I feel that is important to how she may see these soldiers.

At any rate, the soldiers are "pulling" her arm, she is not going with them by choice, but feels perhaps she is being pressured to conform, which is what the train is representing to me, a place of conformity. Aset of tracks already laid to go down. The train and the seats/positions have the same stamp on them as the rigid, nazis who persecute those who are differrent, which is what the original nazis of Germany did. She says at one point : I was by myself, and it was pitch black. :cry:

She realizes after some time on the train people disappear, this is not literally, but they lose who they are and are no more.

In Jesus love,
Jesus Is Lord!

Jewish ancestory

Post by MrsB »

Joy2dream wrote:Mrs. B.,

I don't have a interpretation, but I've read this twice and both times I get a sense of the holocaust in the dream. Not really sure exactly how or if that is part of the dream interp or not. I've been looking for holocaust info on the net.

Praying for you and your daughter to receive the full interpretation to this dream as I feel it does indeed have one.

Are you or your daughter of Jewish ancestory?

Jesus bless you,
To the best of my knowledge, there is not Jewish ancestory in my husband's family, and none in mine.