My Elder Sister is Fighting me in Dreams

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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My Elder Sister is Fighting me in Dreams

Post by Imma »

Good Afternoon Pastor,

I need help again. I believe God talks to me true dream. Because a lot of my dreams happen in real life. In my dream last week , someone that looks like my elder sister came stood at the back of my head and shook my head vigorously several times to the point , I thought I will wake up with damaged brain . In that dream, I tried to stand up to fight back speaking some bible verses to the fact that I know who I am in Jesus Christ that devil has no power over me. She moved away from my head and came to the front suspecting that I will know her identity she put on the mask, And I tried to stand up from the couch where I dozed off ready to confront the person behind the mask and I woke. really frighten and shaken. Last Night again I was dreaming and in that dream remembered that I bought three life chicken and one big life Turkey and kept them under my dinning table and I slept off and forgot to feed them. In that dream I remembered that I forgot to feed them I quickly woke up and went downstairs to feed them. When I reached there I found out that my elder sister have been partially covered with old bedsheet .Some of the chicken has already laid eggs and some of the eggs has hatched and some of the newly hatched chickens look very emaciated due to hunger .My sister is the one that provided the bedsheet where the are lying and she also given cooked rice instead of raw rice to the bigger chickens. As I came down from upstairs my sister came from the other side of the living room and near her, I first saw a white snake and few seconds a white python appeared beside the white snake .In real life, I have never seen a snake or python with white colour. I stared asking her why she let them into my living room. I was afraid and ran upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door. from nowhere, a strange woman walked up to my bedroom door which has a glass top in that dream. In that dream I know that woman is devilish . I started speaking out the words of God against her quoting Colossian 2: 14-15 and other warfare verses until I woke up. When I woke up , the all night sleeping prayer video I was playing was still on.

I am very worried because a lot of my dreams happen in real life. I have a feeling that my sister might be in an occultic society because when we were young in our early twenties before she developed mental problem, she used to tell me stories that she does astral travel and I didn't know what that means that time , until last wicked when I heard it in a Christian warfare video against witchcraft that I was playing in Youtube. Her only child , a son who is my Godson has been having a lot of difficulties in his careers. When I heard how things were very bad for the young man from one of our relatives, I invited him to come and work in my site as project manager with the aim to help him start a business when we complete the project. However, since , I employed my nephew in October last year I started having series of attacks in my business. By mid November, one of my colleagues reported me to the professional body over one frivolous incident and that case is still with the professional body unresolved. By 26th of November, one of my colleagues that have been mentoring me wrote me that she does not want to continue the relationship again.. In December I lost one of my very good client, In January I lost two, In February I lost another good client and the second one said that if I finish the work with me they will like to move on to another firm. All these is very strange and unusual because I have long history of client retention and satisfaction.

After this second fight with my sister in dream coupled with what has been happening in my business since I hired her son, I asked the son if all is well between him and his mom because I don't know why she is fight me in my dreams. Maybe, she is not happy that I hired him. His son said all is well between them. I asked him if he sends her money and he said yes but he has noticed on 3 occasions that whenever he sends her money, a lot of bad things happen to him. He asked me if he should stop sending her money , I Children are supposed to support parents when they are old. That he may just pray over the gift before giving to her.

Please help me, What is the meaning of these dreams where my sister is fighting me. Do you think my sister is in occult, do you think she is responsible for what is happening to my business and to her son?. I definitely know that my business is going through spiritual attack and it began less than a month after I hired my nephew. I also know that the attack is somehow linked to him but I don't want to abandon him because he has suffered a lot and he has a young wife and daughter to feed. In real life, My sister , developed mental illness in her late twenties few years after giving birth to his son.

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Re: My Elder Sister is Fighting me in Dreams

Post by JayD »

Hello. Allow me to apologize. I was going through this board looking for help with something when i ran into your dream. I joined to reply to you, and now just realized it was directed to a pastor.

I'm not a pastor, but i thought i saw some things that may be of assistance.

I had similar dreams in the past and i wondered if yours is alike.

My first dream i also was attacked from behind. The next night i had another dream that i believed was connected to the first. The second dream was an issue i had to work on that would help me overcome the attack.

I suspect your dreams may be similar. An attack may be coming against your mind. Your sister, or at the least, your focus on your sister may be feeding your fears. The last portion with the evil lady may be the spirit behind the attack.

Greater is he who is in you than he that is in the world. God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and of a sound mind. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Ask God to raise up the Spiritual Warrior in you for our warfare is with the spirit of darkness, not with flesh and blood.

Did this evil woman have any characteristics that stood out? It may help you further understand the spirit you are dealing with. Either way, it's evil and must bow to our Lord and his name

May God strengthen you in Him.