
Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Post by bindicat14 »

Hi, i have had 2 dreams now in the past month of crocodiles. Dream 1, the main thing of the dream, I was holding my Bible and in the distance I could see a large crocodile, we were both on land. I saw a tree in front of me and dropped my Bible in order to climb it to get away from the crocodile. It was at that point that I realised the tree wasn't big enough, the croc would still be able to reach me and attack, that's where dream ended. Last night, Dream 2, was with my sister, we were hiding, police were looking on. I had to go back in to an area, cross a boundary/climb a fence for the good of others? After going into the area and then turning around to leave I dreamt a baby crocodile was chasing after me, I proceeded to climb over the fence to get away from it (I was in a backyard). It got over too and I think bit me on the finger. I managed to shake it off back over the fence but then it got out to where I was again by going under the fence (there was a gap). It tried to attack me again. At that point i was no longer worried about myself, but worried that it was going to be on the loose in the neighbourhood and would hurt others. Any insight appreciated? Thank you.
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Re: Crocodiles

Post by PastorJKG »

To me crocodiles and gators have always represented someone with a big devouring mouth looking to cause trouble with their big mouths and big tails. They are often religious in nature as they live in and near the river. The river represents Spiritual ministry. Their purpose is to make prey of all who come for a drink. This dream is doubled so I would look for it to be fulfilled sooner rather than latter. They are also ambush predators and often make their lunge when least expected so be vigilant but not critical. you may not know who the attack will come though but God does. Just pray that He would protect you and prepare you to either avoid the attack altogether or turn what the devil meant for evil into a blessing and your benefit. biting your finger could speak of trying to effect your sensitivity. You cannot run from it, it will need to be confronted and slain by the spear of prayer. for your prayerful consideration.
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Re: Crocodiles

Post by bindicat14 »

Thank you Pastor JKG for your insight, i will pray and be on guard 😊
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Re: Crocodiles

Post by JayD »

Just an addition to what the pastor has given you.

This reminds me of matthew 12 where the religious leaders were looking to accuse Jesus and his disciples for what they did on the sabbath.

Jesus basically told them that the law was never put in place to prevent good, that God desires compassion over sacrifice.

What is the point of a sacrifice if no compassion can be found in the heart?

If you see a sign at a lake that says, "No Trespassing", but you see a child drowning in that lake, do you heed the sign, or go in and save the child? The law was never put in place to stop good.

Anyway, just saw another of your dreams with crocs and thought I'd chime in.
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Re: Crocodiles

Post by JayD »

Was falling asleep when your dream came to mind and had a few additional thoughts.

The baby croc may speak of the spiritually immature.
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Re: Crocodiles

Post by JayD »

Hi. Wanted to continue my thoughts.

The first dream sounds like your typical fight or flight syndrome. When you're in a situation like this the thought process is not engaged. One will go into survival instinct and will either run for their life or stand up and fight.

I've been in situations like this in real life and it's always quite humbling when you don't do what you think you will do when the situation presents itself. Even so, it can be quite revealing and show us areas that we need to work on.

I used to be quite critical when I would hear stories or see stories where people were in seriously dangerous situations and ran for the hills leaving others behind, sometimes trampling them in the process. God does know how to humble us. I no longer judge because I know this isn't a thought process and kind and helpful people can and do react instinctively (survival instinct).

Appears that it is just you and the croc, but it may just be your survival instinct kicking in.

This is another dream where you lose something of value while under attack. When I think of the Bible in conjunction with the tree it may speak up an area you still need to mature in to effectively deal with this crocodile spirit.

In the next dream the police may represent the law. Them looking in may be more of an outer thing, but it may speak of something within your conscience that may still be being influenced to some degree, by the law, while you are looking to do good.

And the baby croc being able to find it's way pass the fence may speak of an ineffective boundary (personal?) that is vulnerable to attack.

Considering there are vulnerabilities, I'm right there with pastor. You need to be cautious that you also do not become influenced by the enemy and become a porn in his attacks.

The fact that it bit your finger may speak of attacking your personal ministry and looking to influence it.

When i consider your other dream, and these two, looks like this is a journey you will need to walk through instead of being rescued from. These things can help to mature us and keep is humble. Through it God can show us that we have a wrong understanding of his word in areas, or / and areas we still need to grow in.

Can he takes us a shorter route? Sure, but don't be surprised if it comes with a thorn in the flesh as it is human nature to get puffed up.

Anyway, i see this as a very promising dream that you are on your way in maturing in Him, as all of us are also growing, and you are seeing beyond yourself in love, yet you still have vulnerabilities that still need to be worked on so you don't fall prey to the enemy.

Thanks. God bless.