Rocket Ship

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Rocket Ship

Post by bjcollin »

I was praying about a particular church about a month ago when I had this dream the same night. I have had the dream twice now when praying for this church so I wanted to record it here for keeping. I shared the dream/vision with the pastor of the church last week Sunday and he took it very positively for the church.

In the dream I saw the aerial view of a huge Saturn V rocket sitting on the launching pad. It was fueled up and the flames were starting, and it was getting ready for lift off. My focus then changes and I am going down and I am drawn traveling all the way down the outside of the rocket to the bottom stage. Near the bottom of the rocket there is this little access panel door that has 3 screws across the top of it holding it in place. I notice that the first of the 3 screws on the top left is coming out due to the shaking going on in the rocket as it is starting to take off. The other two screws, the one in the upper middle and the one in the upper right corner are still secure in their place.

There was no indication in the dream of this, but after I woke up from the dream I was worried that the loss of the panel could cause the rocket to fail to launch in a bad way.

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Re: Rocket Ship

Post by PastorJKG »

Absolutely. This is how tragedies tack place. A panel on the booster coming off could be catastrophic. Three screws could speak of three areas needing to be tight (in order) to keep the taking off of this ministry from failing before it reaches orbit. I wonder if it is speaking of the Trinity and perhaps there is some misunderstanding concerning one part of the Godhead. Being near the bottom could speak of ground level or foundational things. For your prayerful consideration.
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Re: Rocket Ship

Post by bjcollin »

Thank you Pastor JKG!

As I was speaking the dream to him, the pastor of the church took the dream to mean "some maintenance needed before liftoff". This particular church is currently fastly outgrowing its current storefront rented space, and it is looking to "launch" into a bigger space and hopefully a building of their own soon.