
Insights & revelation from members' dreams
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Post by discerning »

the covering

( 1Ki 7:3,7) of the inside roof and walls of a house with planks of wood ( 2Ch 3:5; Jer 22:14). Ceilings were sometimes adorned with various ornaments in stucco, gold, silver, gems, and ivory. The ceilings of the temple and of Solomon's palace are described 1Ki 6:9, 15; 7:3; 2 Chr. 3:5,9. (Easton's Bible Dictionary)


Interesting.... I have had some visions of angels during church services when the ceiling seemed to disappear.... a ceiling could also be something that blocks our view of heaven, representing a refusal to see or even trying to hide from God, to "take cover."

Or it could also be a spiritual shield from "the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Which is I guess the direction you were heading with "covering"


i also saw myself in an assembly (what we call church) with no walls or ceiling........worshipping. i know that didn't mean no covering, but an open heaven, with nothing between, and nothing in the way. in this dream, i was told it was time to ascend.


I had a dream recently in which there was a ceiling that kept out most of the light from a fortress - meaning that it kept this person from experiencing God's love or revelation in his heart. As I meditated on this dream before the Lord, He reminded me that "ceiling" has a homonym. (for some reason, God seems to really like homonyms )

Ceiling - sealing.....

In my mind's eye, I am seeing a picture of Jesus's tomb with a stone and a praetorian seal on it.....

When something is sealed up, it's not permitted to move or be moved. Obviously that can be good or bad, depending upon what is being sealed:

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. (Eph.4:30)


I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17