Desperate: Seeking Guidance Spiritual Attack on Family......

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Desperate: Seeking Guidance Spiritual Attack on Family......

Post by visionarydreamer »

My mother and I were discussing dreams that seemed to be direct spiritual attacks and she told me how recently they had been increasing for her and the same held true for me. I encouraged her to post her dream on the dream board for an interpetation I reposted...if anyone gets anything from the spirit from this...please share.

Visionary Dreamer

Several nights this week I have been dreaming about snakes attacking my husband, my family and myself. I was always awakened around 3:00 a.m. or 6:00 am. I would immediately pray for the protection of myself and my family. Then I was told by my daughter that she has been dreaming about being attacked and she has been waking up around 3:00 am. My most recent dream was that my husband wanted to go to this place to find out about his birth.(he knows everything about his birth in real life). This place was in the desert.When we get to the place there are snakes all around on the ground but they appear not to even notice us. They do not attack us. But as my husband struggles to find out about his birth the snakes attempt to try to attack us. My husband finds out what he he needed and suddenly we were running to our car and the snakes are trying to prevent us from getting in the car. we make it and then I woke up at around 4:00am. I again immediately began praying for the protection of our family, but this time was led to pray for a financial blessing for our family.

I have since I was a little girl have dreams that come true. I used to look at someone and say things like I thought you were dead, or I thought I went to your funeral a few weeks ago. The person would laugh and tell me that they are very much alive, but within 3 days - 2 weeks they would die. People did not want me to say anything to them or dream about them. Being young and not strong in the Word it frightened me, so after I married and the dreams were frightening to my husband also, I prayed that God take these dreams and visions from me. For 14 years He kept them away, then I found out from a Prophetess that they were a gift from God and for me to pray and ask for them back. God did return them. My grandmother use to interpret them for me, but now she is gone. Can you help me interpret this dream.

God allowed me to realize that faith and prayer can change the outcome of these dreams. The attack my form but usually God intercedes for the attack not to prosper. Thank you for your time. Out of all my dreams, there is only one that has not manifested. I believe that God's time is getting closer to allow this particular dream to manifest, I'm just waiting patiently.

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Post by ElElyonsbride »

I just feel led to share with u how I have learned to pray and take authority over the attacks of the enemy.
Dreams can be warnings that assignments have been sent out or will be sent out against us or others or ministries, churches ect....

I always plead the blood of Jesus over myself, familiy, friends, church family, pastors and anyone else Holy Spirit leds me to call out. I plead the blood of Jesus over mind, body, soul, spirit and emotions. I also ask Jeus to put a fiery hedge of HIS blood around us also. Sometimes I will even go through the house, pleading the blood of Jesus over windows, doors, basement, boundries of the property from NSEand W. After this sometimes Holy Spirit will have me come against all assignments sent from the kingdom of darkness I come against, and cancel all assignments of satan that have been sent out against (put names in)
Be very specific
Then I come against and render powerless all negative words and word curses that have been spoken about to or by (names) Icpme against and render powerless all prayers that have been prayed against (names) whether by soul force, witchcraft, or false tounges, or prayers of manipulation or from emotions. I say the blood of Jesus is against you in THe Mighty Name of Jesus.

I ask Holy Spirit to come and minister truth and the light of Jesus.
I commission the angles of God to come and watch over (names) to guard, minister, or war.
JUst listen to Holy Spirit He will guide you in what to speak and command.

Sometimes He will have me doing this over my children and grandchildren around 2 to 4 a.m.
I have been told and have read that from 3 to 6 is when the demonic activity increases.

Sometimes the enemy is just wanting to intimidate us and cause us to fear also.
So I most every night plead the Blood of Jesus over my room, bed, sleep, mind, unconcious and subconcious and my imagination and dreams.
Demons cannot cross the blood line of JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!Praise God!

There is no special order just let Holy Spirit lead you.
The word of GOD says that no weapon formed against us will prevail and He says we have power over the kingdom of darkness.

God is with you and He is your help.
He is helping you to be all He created you to be.
He is working out His purpose in you.
His purpose and destiny for your life.
You are a mighty woman of Valour.
Also put on your praise and roar!!!!!!!!!
SHOUT!!! He says SHOUT!!!
He says put on your garment of PRAISE
He says dance a victory dance
Give a VICTORY SHOUT!!!!!!
Don't forget He is your Praise.
Don't forget He is your Victory
Don't forget He is your Redeemer
Don't forget He is your Deliverer
Don't forget He is your Healer
Don't forget He is your Love
:!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :D
In Love With Him, Renee
For in Him (I) live and move and have (my) being....Acts 17:28

Post by Joy2dream »

My most recent dream was that my husband wanted to go to this place to find out about his birth.(he knows everything about his birth in real life). This place was in the desert.When we get to the place there are snakes all around on the ground but they appear not to even notice us. They do not attack us. But as my husband struggles to find out about his birth the snakes attempt to try to attack us. My husband finds out what he he needed and suddenly we were running to our car and the snakes are trying to prevent us from getting in the car. we make it and then I woke up at around 4:00am. I again immediately began praying for the protection of our family, but this time was led to pray for a financial blessing for our family.
Is the husband in this dream born again? It could be that in order to find his place in Jesus, whether it be the beginning or just trying to find his ministry, that the lies(snakes) will come against him. The dream has him going to the desert which can represent a place of being alone to seek the Lord and as he does this the snakes/lies try to attack. I believe this is a warning dream for you to begin to interceed for your husband. The end of the dream is good because the lies of the enemy do not prevent the dreamer's husband from finding the ministry/car, even in the desert places.

Many blessings,
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Post by louisemlc48 »

It's not clear to me if this is your dream or your mother's dream. Also, are you a born again Christian? And do you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit? This is important because if you have had this gift since you were a little girl, if you are not a born again Christian and baptised with the Holy Spirit, you need to be otherwise the gift is witchcraft. So can you tell us if you are a born again Christian and baptised in the Holy Spirit? Then your dream can be interpreted correctly.