Same Man in 3 Dreams

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Same Man in 3 Dreams

Post by BlessedWoman78 »

I had a dream that this man is standing next to a white horse. I noticed there was a horse next to his horse. No person beside it. He has on all white and his face is round shaped and he has big eyes.

The second dream I had of this man was I was on this bus and I was in the back. He was the driver and asked me to come to front of the bus. There was an empty seat he had for me. The bus was full of people. Once I came to the front of the bus, he just stared at me with those eyes.

The third dream I had of this man was he was in all white standing at the top of these stairs. He has on his all white outfit and he is looking at me. I am at the bottom of the steps with a plate of food. He is looking at me with those eyes and I asked him if he was coming downstairs because I was coming up the steps.

Any help would be appreciated.
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
Psalm 23:1
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Post by afterhisheart »

Sounds like our Lord is drawing you to Himself...wooing you..desiring you to walk closer with Him. My first thought was Song of Solomon, especially this verse:

Son 5:12 His eyes are like doves
by the water streams,
washed in milk,
mounted like jewels.

Exciting for you.