Strange dream

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Strange dream

Post by trfreeman »

This was my dream early this morning:

First, someone asked for an angel, and so I went and got one (it fit in the palm of my hand, and its wings were flapping), and brought it to that person.

I then walked over to my sister who was sitting at a desk (who had just hurt her finger/hand somehow), and I talked to her (her back was to me). I then heard her cry, and I thought maybe she was upset about something. Then the cry became a little louder (not a scream), and deep, like she was in a lot of pain. I walked up to her and saw that one of her fingers was stuck in what I think was a typewriter. I calmly prayed (outloud) for healing for her in the name of Jesus as I tried to pull her finger out (it was being pinched/crushed). I then had to untangle it from a black wire. (Don't know what that was doing in a typewriter!) After I got her finger loose, she rested her head on my chest, and let me comfort her. (she was no longer crying)

Not sure what this means. Thank you for your prayers and help.
