Glowing Eyes

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Glowing Eyes

Post by hollywood »

I give one of the ministers at my church a ride to church and other church events. He is a nice person and a good minister. I had a dream last week that he was driving my actual convertable but the top was up. He can not drive so I thought that was a weird dream.

Two days later I dreamed that he was in a crowed, I saw his eyes and they were glowing (like a glowing yellow color?????). I thought it was strange that his eyes were glowing.
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Post by hollywood »

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Post by Robert159347 »

Well, I don't know your pastor personally ,but if I had this dream I would interpret it like this.
The car represents your life and where your going. The fact your pastor was driving it means that he controls your life and where your going.

In the second dream, when your pastors eyes were glowing yellow, yellow always means sin unless it's gold ,but if it is yellow he probably is not a christian pastor, as in maybe he is telling things that you want to hear not the actual truth and by that leading you away from god.

Now, I don't know your pastor in a way ,but if I were you I would pray and ask God about it.
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Post by hollywood »

He is not the pastor but one of the ministers/asst pastors in the church and I would say moreso gold than yellow.

we have only know each other for 3months and I just really start dealing with him/giving him a ride to church.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Hi there..
Yellow does not always mean sin. Yellow is the color of the sun and can be quite beautiful! :mrgreen: I also have heard of yellow to mean: Gift, warmth, new...And on the negative side, it could mean: fear, cowardice

Your car could represent ministry also..Convertables with the top down could mean "uncovered" and with the top up could mean covered but also it could be that fear...fear of being free...having the top down..?? Fear of being uncovered or transparent...??

Maybe his name is symbolic also. You may want to look up the meaning of his name.

Wondering if the dream could be showing you that this man deals with fear. That fear is controlling his life...hmmm..why doesn't he normally drive? Is that a factor at all ? Was thinking this may be a call to pray for this man to be free from fear..

This is just a thought...but I wanted to bring some different insight to you for prayer.
love you much.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by Joy2dream »

Good Morning Hollywood!
Please consider with prayer:
I give one of the ministers at my church a ride to church and other church events. He is a nice person and a good minister. I had a dream last week that he was driving my actual convertable but the top was up. He can not drive so I thought that was a weird dream.
Sometimes the Holy Spirit is giving us a direction He wants us to pray in. I am seeing this as the Lord wanting you to pray for this pastor because his ministry is one that will be free in the Spirit but he is currently having to minister in a time that he cannot be as free as he would like.
Two days later I dreamed that he was in a crowed, I saw his eyes and they were glowing (like a glowing yellow color?????). I thought it was strange that his eyes were glowing.
I may be that the Lord is reinforcing that He wants you to pray for this pastor by giving you another dream so close together with the first. I am seeing that the eyes are being emphasied to show that he is getting fearful of not being free to minister as he should.

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Post by hollywood »


I think you hit the nail right on the head! Yes he is enjoying the current church that he is in but I also think he has a vision of how one day he would like his own church to be lead. He is spirit led but of lot of the praise and adding more word to the various services such as the various ministies and bible studies are not being done at the church. And, he has some great ideas about doing just that.

Additionally, everyone, I think fear of driving is something that he will have to deal with in the near future. May God Bless each and everyone of you.

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Thanks Everyone

Post by hollywood »

Well thank you Everyone!!! based on my dreams, people that ride in the car with me is the Lord's way to usher me into intercession for that person. The car serves as my ministry but the condition of the car is what is going on with that person along with what action the person is doing in the dream.

I am stating all of this to say, the minister that was riding in my uncovered convertible with the glowing eyes was deep in sin as one of the interps stated. The sin was so deep that it almost split the chruch. None of us knew about his situation in the church so we really could not defend was a bad situation to which he almost had to leave the church for a while just to let the members of the church cool off.