Moon tornado dream

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Moon tornado dream

Post by moonglow »

I had this dream yesterday where I was working some place...not sure where it was. Sometime during my busy day I went outside and looked out into a field there behind the building I worked in. I saw the moon had just risen even though it was still light outside. It wasn't any regular moon though but more like a jewel in the sky. Filled with brilliant colors and sparkingly. I knew it was the Lord in the moon. As I watched, the moon rose and moved over to the left in the sky, getting smaller as the regular moon appears to do as it rises higher in the sky...then it traveled left across the sky just a little ways then stopped. As the moon (really the Lord) moved away from me though I was upset and reached towards it and said to the Lord 'Don't leave me behind! Don't leave me here alone." I told the Lord how much I loved Him and how beautiful He was....I could see my reflection in the moon too as I was reaching for Him.

Then a tornado siren went off but only for a few seconds, then stopped....I looked around wondering what was going on and when I looked back I saw a tornado in the field to the right of the moon. There were people at the end of the building outside also but looking the opposite direction...I guess they hadn't heard the siren so I tried to warn them about the tornado coming. Only one person turned to look and when we both turned to look at the tornado five more were there! They were all to the right of the moon so not covering it. Then my alarm went off and woke me up.

For those that don't know me...I am a born again Christian and do not worship the things God created. I have had my username for many years on the net...the moon reflects the Son. :wink:

I have never had a dream about the moon before either...and in this case, like I said, it wasn't the moon, but the Lord was in the moon.

Psalm 8
3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
4 What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?

Any ideas? Thanks.

God bless

(I edited this and changed the title since I noticed a number of dreams with tornado's in them, including mine...pretty interesting. I think its neat when several people are having tornado dreams and wonder if there isn't a bigger message going on? That maybe they aren't that personal but for everyone?)
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Post by TheHealedWoman »

Read through this several times, and I'm really stumped. The only things I thought might help are what a few of the main symbols in your dream could represent.

Five can mean service--works, or service, or also bondage--phobias or sickness. Perhaps this representing that Lord is trying to break these bonds from You, your church, or even many people.

Although you called to many--only one heard. Perhaps those that are unwilling to see that if they remain as they are, they will be destroyed, and are trying to ignore it.

If nothing speaks, toss it. Just some thoughts. Many Blessings, Michelle.

Hopefully this gets this post started, and others can post on it that are better at this than me!
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Post by yeshuas_beloved »

Hi Moonglow~

This dream has such a poetic quality. As a prophetic artist, it is one of those things I could see being turned into a painting or something. I feel that longing you had to reach out to the moon, the Savior.

The LORD was speaking to you very intimately in this dream. The moon obviously have an important spiritual meaning to you said, "the moon reflects the Son."

As I was reading this, I was thinking about the description of the Bride in Song of Solomon 6:10.

Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?

You said Jesus was a sparkling jewel in the sky, and that as you reached for Him, you saw your reflection in Him. You also are a sparkling jewel in His sight, a precious treasure.

I believe the LORD may be warning you that a time of trouble may be coming soon in your life, and even those around you. He wants you to know He is still there, though He may seem distant. Keep your eyes fixed on Him, and your heart grounded in His Word. You will get through this difficult season ahead of you. You will be made strong through this trial, truly a Warrior Bride like Song of Solomon describes.

Hope this helps a little.

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Post by moonglow »

yeshuas_beloved wrote:Hi Moonglow~

This dream has such a poetic quality. As a prophetic artist, it is one of those things I could see being turned into a painting or something. I feel that longing you had to reach out to the moon, the Savior.

The LORD was speaking to you very intimately in this dream. The moon obviously have an important spiritual meaning to you said, "the moon reflects the Son."

As I was reading this, I was thinking about the description of the Bride in Song of Solomon 6:10.

Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?

You said Jesus was a sparkling jewel in the sky, and that as you reached for Him, you saw your reflection in Him. You also are a sparkling jewel in His sight, a precious treasure.

I believe the LORD may be warning you that a time of trouble may be coming soon in your life, and even those around you. He wants you to know He is still there, though He may seem distant. Keep your eyes fixed on Him, and your heart grounded in His Word. You will get through this difficult season ahead of you. You will be made strong through this trial, truly a Warrior Bride like Song of Solomon describes.

Hope this helps a little.

Yeshua's Beloved
Thank you for that! I made a video of this dream using my art skills and put it on Godtube and youtube try to give a visual of it. I had to use my computer paint program though of which I am not really good at...its difficult for me to draw with a mouse and not a pencil or pen.

Edit: link removed; please refer to guidelines

I don't know as a newbie if this link will work or not. Hopefully so. One thing the Lord is wanting me to do with my dreams and visions is show them to others through my art rather then just my words. Its a struggle though because trying to show the truly awesome beauty I see through any art media just cannot capture it enough. Its hard too because what I see I want to just get out there quickly and the quickest way is through words but He has put the brakes on that! And He is right because in so many ways words simply fail with what I see.

Anyway a friend of mine said this about the dream:

He captured your attention in a moon rising in the daylight. Identified His All Mighty power in this miracle. He came at a time least expected. You were looking, ready. Other's in the dream were not, save one. A % that probably is accurate. Danger appeared in tornado's that proliferated. You seek to warn others. A ministry. But you are not frightened. Security in Him. That's all you got. He woke you up! He knows when the alarm will ring!

Personally I think he is right on target on this but I need it confirmed. Anyway this dream may go with a vision I had a couple of weeks before of seeing Jesus in deep grief over a judgment coming as He was with Jerusalem when He gave the prophetic warnings of judgment coming on it for rejecting Him, which indeed did happen in 70A.D. ...only the believers escape when the Romans surrounded the city as Jesus had warned them to flee when they saw the city surrounded.

Matthew 23
Jesus Laments over Jerusalem

37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! 38 See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’”

Luke 23:27-29

27 And a great multitude of the people followed Him, and women who also mourned and lamented Him. 28 But Jesus, turning to them, said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. 29 For indeed the days are coming in which they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, wombs that never bore, and breasts which never nursed!’

Indeed those who were not killed were starved to death because there was no way out of the city once the Romans came in.

In my vision, Christ in His grief said, "They bring it on themselves". Though He was so heart broken over what is to come. Now who exactly He was referring too, I don't know. I don't know if its the wayward church, the whole world, certain place...I don't know. If these two go together though, then something is going to happen.

TheHealedWoman....your posts helped me to remember I have notes taken from I think it was Adrian Rogers about what the numbers mean in the bible. He said this about the number five: five.=completeness...ten is the same thing. ten commadmands. five senses five fingers

I also found this on a website...but I don't see how the verse mention backs up their meaning...kind of confusing. They have this:
Number Five Grace

The favor of God's grace
God informed Paul, His grace was sufficient

I guess I will have to do some research on this. I did a search on five in the New testament and its mentioned alot...but what it means exactly, I don't know. Thanks for the feedback...just brain storming helps![/url]
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Post by moonglow »

P.S. the reason I felt I needed to explain my username is because one time I was in a Christian chatroom and when I challenged some of their ideas, they started questioning me wondering if I was a witch! Because of my username....:( It was very upsetting too and very offensive to me...I never made such a connection, never though about anyone thinking such a thing. Yes I love space..the stars and planets and I cannot look up without thinking of the glory of God. I couldn't image worshiping a rock (the moon) or a burning piece of rock in space (a star) over God though! I had never dreamed about the moon before...ever...and was concerned people would see this dream combined with my username which I have had for many, many years as I was some kind of moon worshipers...:( Who wants to worship a big gray lifeless rock in the sky anyway? I know some religious do...which I think is nuts, but I sure don't. I think the stars and planets prove God! :)

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Post by moonglow »

Oh sorry on the link thing! I had read that but I forgot what the number of posts was for a newbie to post links...I had it in my head it was I thought I was just barely over the limit to be able to post a I went back and saw I was wrong on that number! :oops: sorry about that!
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Re: Moon tornado dream

Post by Bat Yah »


Thank you for letting me know about your dream!

i have A LOT of dreams about the moon and tornadoes, but the moon in my dreams is not representing Adonai.

i'm going to pray about it and get back with you :)

May you be blessed by Yahweh our God :)

In Messiah Yahshua,
Bat Yah

moonglow wrote:I had this dream yesterday where I was working some place...not sure where it was. Sometime during my busy day I went outside and looked out into a field there behind the building I worked in. I saw the moon had just risen even though it was still light outside. It wasn't any regular moon though but more like a jewel in the sky. Filled with brilliant colors and sparkingly. I knew it was the Lord in the moon. As I watched, the moon rose and moved over to the left in the sky, getting smaller as the regular moon appears to do as it rises higher in the sky...then it traveled left across the sky just a little ways then stopped. As the moon (really the Lord) moved away from me though I was upset and reached towards it and said to the Lord 'Don't leave me behind! Don't leave me here alone." I told the Lord how much I loved Him and how beautiful He was....I could see my reflection in the moon too as I was reaching for Him.

Then a tornado siren went off but only for a few seconds, then stopped....I looked around wondering what was going on and when I looked back I saw a tornado in the field to the right of the moon. There were people at the end of the building outside also but looking the opposite direction...I guess they hadn't heard the siren so I tried to warn them about the tornado coming. Only one person turned to look and when we both turned to look at the tornado five more were there! They were all to the right of the moon so not covering it. Then my alarm went off and woke me up.

For those that don't know me...I am a born again Christian and do not worship the things God created. I have had my username for many years on the net...the moon reflects the Son. :wink:

I have never had a dream about the moon before either...and in this case, like I said, it wasn't the moon, but the Lord was in the moon.

Psalm 8
3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
4 What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?

Any ideas? Thanks.

God bless

(I edited this and changed the title since I noticed a number of dreams with tornado's in them, including mine...pretty interesting. I think its neat when several people are having tornado dreams and wonder if there isn't a bigger message going on? That maybe they aren't that personal but for everyone?)
Praised are You, Yahweh our God, King of the universe, Who gives the Torah of truth and the Good News of Salvation to His people Isra'el and to all peoples through His son Yahshua the Messiah, our Adonai.

Post by Joy2dream »


Consider with prayer:

I had this dream yesterday where I was working some place...not sure where it was. Sometime during my busy day I went outside and looked out into a field there behind the building I worked in. I saw the moon had just risen even though it was still light outside. It wasn't any regular moon though but more like a jewel in the sky. Filled with brilliant colors and sparkingly. I knew it was the Lord in the moon. As I watched, the moon rose and moved over to the left in the sky, getting smaller as the regular moon appears to do as it rises higher in the sky...then it traveled left across the sky just a little ways then stopped. As the moon (really the Lord) moved away from me though I was upset and reached towards it and said to the Lord 'Don't leave me behind! Don't leave me here alone." I told the Lord how much I loved Him and how beautiful He was....I could see my reflection in the moon too as I was reaching for Him. Seeing the stepping outside during the day as taking time to be with the Lord. Seeing Him appearing as the moon and you following it as Him wanting to direct your attention to something, wondering if He has been waking you at night to pray and interceed.

Then a tornado siren went off but only for a few seconds, then stopped....I looked around wondering what was going on and when I looked back I saw a tornado in the field to the right of the moon. There were people at the end of the building outside also but looking the opposite direction...I guess they hadn't heard the siren so I tried to warn them about the tornado coming. Only one person turned to look and when we both turned to look at the tornado five more were there! They were all to the right of the moon so not covering it. Then my alarm went off and woke me up.
Seeing the siren going off and no one but you hearing it as the Holy Spirit once again directing your attention to something he wants to show you in the Spirit, no one else seemed to hear the warning. The tornado is what the Lord is showing you, they sometimes are actual tornados but I think in this particular dream they are changes to come, perhaps destructive changes since the dream has a warning theme to it.

Hope this blesses, ditch it if it doesn't.


(Gee whiz - You must need this, I've tried 3 times to get it posted!)
Jesus bless you!
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Post by moonglow »

Joy2dream wrote:Moonglow,

Consider with prayer:

I had this dream yesterday where I was working some place...not sure where it was. Sometime during my busy day I went outside and looked out into a field there behind the building I worked in. I saw the moon had just risen even though it was still light outside. It wasn't any regular moon though but more like a jewel in the sky. Filled with brilliant colors and sparkingly. I knew it was the Lord in the moon. As I watched, the moon rose and moved over to the left in the sky, getting smaller as the regular moon appears to do as it rises higher in the sky...then it traveled left across the sky just a little ways then stopped. As the moon (really the Lord) moved away from me though I was upset and reached towards it and said to the Lord 'Don't leave me behind! Don't leave me here alone." I told the Lord how much I loved Him and how beautiful He was....I could see my reflection in the moon too as I was reaching for Him. Seeing the stepping outside during the day as taking time to be with the Lord. Seeing Him appearing as the moon and you following it as Him wanting to direct your attention to something, wondering if He has been waking you at night to pray and interceed.

Then a tornado siren went off but only for a few seconds, then stopped....I looked around wondering what was going on and when I looked back I saw a tornado in the field to the right of the moon. There were people at the end of the building outside also but looking the opposite direction...I guess they hadn't heard the siren so I tried to warn them about the tornado coming. Only one person turned to look and when we both turned to look at the tornado five more were there! They were all to the right of the moon so not covering it. Then my alarm went off and woke me up.
Seeing the siren going off and no one but you hearing it as the Holy Spirit once again directing your attention to something he wants to show you in the Spirit, no one else seemed to hear the warning. The tornado is what the Lord is showing you, they sometimes are actual tornados but I think in this particular dream they are changes to come, perhaps destructive changes since the dream has a warning theme to it.

Hope this blesses, ditch it if it doesn't.


(Gee whiz - You must need this, I've tried 3 times to get it posted!)
Jesus bless you!
Oh ..sorry you had problems posting this! I hate that when that happens....I live in Kansas and tornado are a common thing here, but no, I don't think this is about any real tornado's either.

In answer to your question...yes sometimes I wake up and feel the need to pray for someone but that hasn't happened lately and this dream happened just before my alarm woke me up so I had to wake up and get up anyway. As I said on that other thread, I am disabled and don't work. I used to work though...and the people on the side of the building were all leaning or sitting on a fence and their attention was really focused on something else, though I never saw what so maybe it wasn't important. They seem so oblivious to what was happening right behind them though! Perhaps this is my frustration in so often encountering luke warm Christians and atheist on the net. The total disregard for God's Word....the shrugging it off as unimportant and treated His Word as nothing more then a dirty dish rage they crinkle their noses at.

The warnings sounded by so many Christians..the blowing of trumpets, the sirens, waving red flags, cannot get their attention off of whatever they are focused on in their own world...even a coming destructive tornado does not get their attention to cause one bit of alarm....they refuse to even look! Its a horrible thing to see actually...

One time I was listening to I think Dr. Dobson's Christian radio show and he had a guest on that considered himself a 'watchman'....he explained how in the Old Testament they had watchmen who stood on the walls that surrounded the city and if they saw the enemy approaching they would blow their trumpets...sound their horns to warn the people in the city of impending danger.

Ezek 33:2-7 "Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: 'When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, 'when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 'then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head...........'But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand.' "So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. (NKJ)

He said he was sounding the horn but few were paying attention to it. I told the story of a bridge collasping at night one time and the cars trying to cross it didn't know there was a big hole in it...they were literally driving off of it into the river below. I think (I hope I get this story right) some men on a boat below saw what was happening and tried to warn people by blowing their horn but no one paid attention or understood why he was doing that...finally they saw a semi-truck approaching the bridge and shot a flare into his windshield causing him to slam on his brakes and the whole tractor went sideways blocking the road...and stopping others from trying to drive over the bridge. At first the driver was upset of course, got out and walked across the bridge part way only to finally see the gaping hole in it and cars floating in the river below! So he kept his truck sideways in the road to keep the traffic blocked which saved many lives.

Wow I just found a great site on the job of watchman but I don't have enough posts yet to put the link on here...and I don't want to get too far off topic anyway...but it does have this interesting tidbit:

In looking through these portions of scripture we learn a number of things about watchmen. First, the watchman can be stationed in a number of places but is often by a gate on a wall. Second, the watchman simply reports what he sees and hears to the kings or elders who sit in the gates. The authority in the gate makes the decisions as to what actions should be taken and gives orders. Third, as long as the watchman is reporting all that he has seen and all that he has heard, he is fulfilling his responsibility.

Now remember that in the context of CONECT, walls are a type of people and gates are a type of ministry.

The word, tornado is not found in the bible but whirlwind is...I found this:


hwurl'-wind (cuphah (Prov 1:27; 10:25; Isa 5:28; 17:13; 66:15; Hos 8:7; Am 1:14; Nab 1:3), ca`ar (Hab 3:14; Zec 7:14; Hos 13:3; Ps 58:9; Dan 11:40), ce`arah (2 Ki 2:1; Job 38:1; 40:6; Isa 40:24; 41:16; Zec 9:14)): When two currents from opposite directions meet, a circular motion results called a whirlwind. On the sea this takes up small particles of water from the sea and condenses some of the moisture in the clouds above, forming a great funnel-shaped column. They are quite common off the coast of Syria.

Considerable damage might be done to a small ship overtaken by them. In the desert sand is taken up in the same way, causing terrible sandstorms which are greatly dreaded by caravans. Most of the references in the Bible do not necessarily imply a circular motion, and the word "tempest" might be used in translation.
Storms usually come from the Southwest. "Out of the .... south cometh the storm" (Job 37:9); yet in Ezekiel's vision he saw a whirlwind coming out of the north (Ezek 1:4). Elijah "went up by a whirlwind into heaven" (2 Ki 2:11). The whirlwind indicates the power and might of Yahweh: "Yahweh hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm" (Nah 1:3); He "answered Job out of the whirlwind" (Job 38:1).

Most of the Scriptural uses are figurative; of destruction: "He will take them away with a whirlwind" (Ps 58:9; Prov 1:27; 10:25; Hos 13:3; Dan 11:40; Am 1:14; Hab 3:14; Zec 7:14); of quickness: "wheels as a whirlwind" (Isa 5:28; 66:15; Jer 4:13); of the anger of God: "A whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury" (Jer 23:19 the King James Version); of punishment to the wicked: "A continuing whirlwind .... shall fall .... on the wicked" (Jer 30:23 the King James Version).
Alfred H. Joy

Interesting...I didn't sense that God was in the tornado's though...He was in the moon...but yet nothing can happen without either Him allowing it or directing it. I'll pray on this.

Bat Yah...thank you. :)

God bless
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Post by moonglow »

Oh you will never guess what I saw this morning on the way to taking my son to school!! The moon in the west...very big and very full but was on its way down as the sun was coming up in the really was a blessing and I felt it confirmed this dream was indeed from the Lord :) I was surprised at how large it was too..really reminded me of my dream.

I think I can post the link to the video of my dream now as I have over 50 posts..if not I guess the mods can take it off again. I did the artwork on it and its on Godtube, so its a safe site to go too. (hopefully you all know what Godtube is) ... f7341293e2

God bless

Post by Preciousmoments »

yeshuas_beloved wrote:Hi Moonglow~

This dream has such a poetic quality. As a prophetic artist, it is one of those things I could see being turned into a painting or something. I feel that longing you had to reach out to the moon, the Savior.

The LORD was speaking to you very intimately in this dream. The moon obviously have an important spiritual meaning to you said, "the moon reflects the Son."

As I was reading this, I was thinking about the description of the Bride in Song of Solomon 6:10.

Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?

You said Jesus was a sparkling jewel in the sky, and that as you reached for Him, you saw your reflection in Him. You also are a sparkling jewel in His sight, a precious treasure.

I believe the LORD may be warning you that a time of trouble may be coming soon in your life, and even those around you. He wants you to know He is still there, though He may seem distant. Keep your eyes fixed on Him, and your heart grounded in His Word. You will get through this difficult season ahead of you. You will be made strong through this trial, truly a Warrior Bride like Song of Solomon describes.

Hope this helps a little.

Yeshua's Beloved
I Totally agree. It was so beautiful. God is a precious jewel and to sense the love you have for Him is beautiful. It brings me back to the basics to seek God's beauty an He is very much a precious jewel. Thank you for posting the dream!

Post by Preciousmoments »

moonglow wrote:P.S. the reason I felt I needed to explain my username is because one time I was in a Christian chatroom and when I challenged some of their ideas, they started questioning me wondering if I was a witch! Because of my username....:( It was very upsetting too and very offensive to me...I never made such a connection, never though about anyone thinking such a thing. Yes I love space..the stars and planets and I cannot look up without thinking of the glory of God. I couldn't image worshiping a rock (the moon) or a burning piece of rock in space (a star) over God though! I had never dreamed about the moon before...ever...and was concerned people would see this dream combined with my username which I have had for many, many years as I was some kind of moon worshipers...:( Who wants to worship a big gray lifeless rock in the sky anyway? I know some religious do...which I think is nuts, but I sure don't. I think the stars and planets prove God! :)

God bless
I understand. Some Christians think Kim Clement is of the devil. Which I don't, I think he is a mighty man of God that hears from the Lord. But sometimes we can be misunderstood for whatever reasons. The important thing is to trust that God knows our hearts. Rejection and misunderstandings come in life. But thank God that He is able to see our hearts and understand us.

I have never looked at the moon the way that you do. But the truth is everything God created is lovely. He created the moon. The devil put a bad connotation to the moon with witches and stuff, we don't have to receive it in our lives. Your dream is beautiful and I thank God He was able to use you through it.

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Post by shine »

yes, this is a very old thread. . .but very interesting to me.

I saw a news article this morning that there is much more water on the moon than scientist thought previously.

from the article:
But after a year of analysis NASA today announced that its LCROSS lunar-impact probe mission found up to a billion gallons of water ice in the floor of a permanently-shadowed crater near the moon's south pole.

That's enough, said researchers, to fill 1,500 Olympic-size swimming pools, all from one crater.

If there is ice there, it probably exists in other places on the moon as well. They also found silver, mercury, carbon monoxide and ammonia.

I went to the link that Moonglow had posted - the artist interp of the dream -; however it is no longer there.

And no, I don't worship the moon either. However, I have had a dream in which the moon kept shining thru and around the man's head (I believe was Jesus/or Holy Spirit) that was dancing with me in church foyer. That dream brought my focus and knowledge back, on a very intimate & personal level, to being a part of the bride of Christ.
At the time of the dream, my husband & I had been separated for almost 1 yr. . .& Satan had been battering me with 1 statement :"Your own husband doesn't even love you". The 1st few times he attacked me with that statement, I thought
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Post by shine »

shine wrote:. . .
The 1st few times he attacked me with that statement, I thought
As I tried to continue on the other reply,. . .I kept having dificulty. . .so extended to the next reply.

What I thought was: I know he doesn't love me.
You see I knew we were in a crisis in our marriage and that my husband didn't love me. So at first the statement didn't bother me.
But Satan continued to bring that statement up over the next week & a half or so. Till it was taking it's toll on me. I started thinking that by the time my husband's & my (engagement) anniversary rolled around, that I wouldn't even be able to get out of bed!
So, God is good & merciful. He gave me that dream a few days befor my anniversary - and it spoke to me that even if my husband on earth didn't love me, that I am the part of the bride of Christ - and that is where my identity is.
My anniversary date - I felt awesome. . .I was the bride of Christ.

Anyways, long after that dream, I (relearned! :oops: ) that the moon doesn't have any light of its own. That it solely reflects the light from the Sun.
To me, that is reminicent of the fact that Jesus only does what he sees the Father do.
And also that in the Bible (The word, The truth), It says that even if people don't hear about God, that they can know he exists by seeing him in all creation. I beleive there is a verse directly relating to the heavens, within this context. Can't think of it at the moment.

Soooo, with saying all that, I agree with Moonglow & Preciousmoments . . .That satan has put a bad connotation to the moon with witches etc. . .but we don't have to receive it in our lives.

btw. . .my husband & I are reunited, and going according to God's plan of restoration in our lives. To God be the Glory - he is so gracious to us.
Jesus is the Saviour