What a dirty mess!!!!!

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Post by gloryhis »

Thank you Jesus, it's so wonderful that your husband is being used this way by God. Jesus will give him what to say, I do feel the dream is saying this brother wants help and desires to be changed. I will keep your husband in prayer in Jesus name... Tell him to just be firm in love when relaying the truth.. and it's okay to say I don't know everything,no one does, but I do know this much Jesus died for you and loves you... stick with the love of Jesus and what he does know. It's the love of God which will draw him. Wow this brings back memories, I have encountered those type of people full of questions about God and the enemy uses them to try and trip us up like the pharisees tried with Jesus,however I have found they are the ones who are really searching for truth in most cases, not all of course, but usually. I will pray for wisdom in each instance he is asked a question for God to give him in that moment what to say. . Jesus bless your husband and you sis. :D

In Jesus love,
Jesus Is Lord!
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Post by WaitingforHim »

GloryHis! Yes Yes yes!!! I too believe he is hungry and really deep down wants the truth..wants the help...My hubby said that the guy even talked a little like he wanted to maybe come to church with us once...but quickly changed it to a question...lol...

And yep you are right about the questioning and trying to trip him up!! That is exactly what was happening...Which my in real life brother gets really angry when you talk about the Lord and stuff so I have had to find a better way to minister .....by LOVE!! That is too funny you should mention that the way to minister to this guy is through Love because I just told him that today...lol...I said to my hubby, "Just minister the Love of Jesus...and I also told him to pray when the guy starts asking questions...but not to argue or try to take over....He is looking for the Lord and I do believe the Lord has a plan to bring him in...."....

Thanks again Glory! I am really excited to see what the Lord does with this man and his family!

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.