vomit in the church

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vomit in the church

Post by DeltaDawn »

Hello All! :)

Last night I dreamt that I walked into a church carrying an infant in my arms. I walked down the outside isle of this church up to one of the front rows. Maybe about row three from the front. I sat down with the baby and fed it a bottle. I sat it up to burp it and knew that it would probably spit up a little bit, so, reluctantly, I got up and headed down the center isle to the back of the church. Service had already begun, and an anointed, woman evangelist was coming down the isle toward me speaking forth the Word. I put the baby on my shoulder and before I knew it, the baby had vomited over my shoulder and all over the carpet behind me. When I got to the back of the church, there was vomit all the way down the isle. I was upset and wanted to help clean it up but someone had already done it. I was also upset because I had missed the anointed message.

Any thoughts?

Those things which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of Peace shall be with you.
~Philippians 4:9
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Could the vomiting be showing you that the baby(your ministry or calling..that which you are feeding) is rejecting the milk of the word..?? Maybe the Lord is showing you that your gift or calling is past the stage of milk and is now ready to for more solid food.

Thinking that in order for you to receive the "anointed message" that is coming to you that you will need to take the baby off the bottle.

I was thinking that this baby may also be a "responsiblity" that you have been nurturing or helping..even a baby christian. But that in order for you to receive what the Lord has for you the baby is going to have to start eating on its own..

Just some thoughts..
Let me know if it makes any sense to you.
Love you lots.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.