He raised up another?

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He raised up another?

Post by WaitingforHim »

I am in church. I am receiving a prophetic word for the body. It is a serious word of correction and warning. I am unsure whether or not to deliver the word out of fear of being out of order. I hear the Lord telling me to deliver it from the pulpit to the congregation. I am sitting still unsure of what will happen when I ask the Pastor to do this. I keep thinking that he will tell me to go ahead but when the message comes forth he will be upset..I remember squirming in my seat not knowing what to do..

Then I see a woman who in real life used to go to our church. Her name is becky. She stands up and goes to the pulpit and she gives the word. The very same word the Lord gave to me to give. It was a corrective word and it came forth with boldness and seriousness. It seemed that the congregation was listening.

I remember feeling very convicted in my seat. Knowing that the Lord had told me to go and I was too afraid. I knew that He chose her because I would not move. :roll:
becky: bound by love Rebecca: bound
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.