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Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:15 pm
by discerning

Roses in dreams could possible mean, that though you have had a hard, hard life, full of thorns and pruning, it has cause a beautiful flower to bloom.

Primrose is a beautiful perrenial, but if you plant it, it will take over your yard, so in a dream of primrose, it very well could be that all you need to do is open a door and this situation, or this particular item of subject in the dream could take off and take over the place.


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:20 pm
by discerning

The weeping willow could easily be weeping for a night, but joy comes in the morning. (proverbs). It could mean you are and have been watered well, for they take alot of water.

Evergreen trees, could mean that you are always full of life (green) and dont drop your leaves seasonlly. Leaves fall down for the life of the tree, (sap) leaves the crown of the tree. Jesus is our crown, and our leaves will always be green. If we have a dream where leaves fall, it could signify a hard time we are having.
