The Map of Europe, and the Lights going out in Britain

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The Map of Europe, and the Lights going out in Britain

Post by iluvyahweh »

I was walking with my last girlfriend, Audrey. Seemed like we’d driven to Almondale, and were walking along the side of the river there, but it was not quite Almondale. It seemed that I was taking her to see the old broken down bridge, that I used to see when I was younger – it had been fully restored, and you could now walk on it. I looked ahead, and I could see dark, dark, rain clouds. I knew it was going to rain, and I thought about turning back.

Next, suddenly, my next-door neighbours, Pat and Steven, pulled up in a tiny light blue car. Pat was driving. It was almost like a cardboard box, with wheels. It had a sliding side door, and it opened. I looked in and saw Steven lying down. I was wondering how he could fir in such a small car. I was then wondering why they were in a car, as they don’t even have a car in real life. It seemed that they were distressed, and someone had hurt them. They then asked Audrey and I: “Are you with the group of economic historians?” I was somewhat puzzled by this and said “No.” It seemed that these people had done them some harm, and that they felt that I was responsible.

I then turned and looked up in to the sky. The clouds were a grey colour, and it looked as if it had been raining. Bright, Bright sun-light was then breaking from behind the clouds. Each of the clouds was ringed, and surrounded with golden sunlight. I knew when I saw this that God was speaking to me, and that this was important.

Suddenly, a map large of Europe appeared in the sky. I could see Britain, not Ireland. I could then see down in to Europe, France, Spain, and then North Africa. (Although Italy, Germany and Central & Eastern Europe were in the map, my focus was not mainly concerned with them. I was then focusing especially on the East coast of Africa, and in particular, the East of Ethiopia, and Somalia – perhaps also Eritrea. It seemed that there was a connection of some sort between the Nile Delta, and Somalia. I had no particular feeling when looking at this, but I just seemed to be focusing there. My vision was drawn to that area.

Next, I looked back at Britain. At this point I realized that the map of Europe was made of lights. There were thousands of tiny lights, forming the map of Europe. The lights were not pockets or groups of lights, but they were en masse, to form the whole shape of the map. The lights were like tiny street-lights, or fairy lights. I looked at the top of Scotland. Suddenly, the lights began to disappear in to blackness. From the top of Scotland to the South of England, all the lights began to disappear, in rows. It was like they were being wiped-off the map. It was kind of like an ‘etch-a-sketch’ board, where you drag the rubber across the board to clear the drawing. The lights went out. The rest of Europe was still lit up, I think. Britain was no more. All that existed in that part of the map was blackness or night.

Next, I was then in my old bedroom. Audrey was sitting on the edge of the bed with me, and her father Fraser was there. I was laughing and joking, and just having a laugh and talking. Fraser seemed to be quite astonished, as he’d never seen me like this, as I was not really that well when I was dating Audrey. Something about Toronto was going through my mind, and healing. Next, I saw a picture of a sandy beach. I looked and I saw Shawn Boltz standing on the beach. I somehow knew that this was him in the past. He was wearing a black leather jacket, like a biker jacket with zips on it. I wondered if this was Shawn in his early twenties. He was looking straight at me. Then he turned to the side, and showed me an end elevation of himself. He was heavier, and quite tubby than what he is today. I then began to wonder if he had gone through something similar to what I did when I was unwell, and put on weight. Dream End.(july 06)
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Post by iluvyahweh »


Any godly insight would be appreciated.


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Post by RevK »

There were thousands of tiny lights, forming the map of Europe. The lights were not pockets or groups of lights, but they were en masse, to form the whole shape of the map. The lights were like tiny street-lights, or fairy lights.
Php 2:15 - That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
I looked at the top of Scotland. Suddenly, the lights began to disappear in to blackness. From the top of Scotland to the South of England, all the lights began to disappear, in rows. It was like they were being wiped-off the map. It was kind of like an ‘etch-a-sketch’ board, where you drag the rubber across the board to clear the drawing. The lights went out. The rest of Europe was still lit up, I think. Britain was no more. All that existed in that part of the map was blackness or night.
Joh 1:5 - And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

To me, this looks like the devils' plan to totally destroy nations one light at a time, and although it would seem a slow process, it is not really. When he takes one light it it has a domino effect and spreads to others. Friends, families, nations, not hard to see.

This part of the dream is quite prophetic, please pray more regarding this...In the last days much terror will come to Europe because it is the seat of anti-christ.

Be Blessed as you walk even further into the prophetic. This is a 'Watchmans' dream.

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Post by Charys »

O don't have an interpretation for you, ILY. I noticed that you originally posted this 2 years ago, before the economic crisis. I don't know if it's relevant, but the image of 2 guys squeezed in a cardboard box just twigged the memory of this Monty Python sketch about some men bragging about their economic histories.

Sometimes people can glory in tribulation a little too much. They become proud of their own toughness and survival skills to the point of wanting to hang on to poverty as a badge of courage -whilst still blaming God for it.

In the dream you saw the sunlight breaking through. Hope, promise and silver linings and all that. I believe I have heard Shawn Bolz talk about God's miraculous financial provision in their work in Hollywood. In fact I heard him say recently they had experienced a lot of their church people unexpectedly finding good jobs --the opposite of bragging about how bad things are. Perhaps the tubby form you saw was also about abundance in hard times. (Those of us who would rather not have so much "abundance" tend to forget that to most of the world it sure beats emaciation.)

I don't have any insight into the lights, except to say that the last time I flew over Britain I remember straining to see the last tiny lights on the outer islands of Scotland through breaks in dark clouds before they disappeared. The Lord gave me such a love for Britain. I long to return. It's like I feel homesick for a country I only lived in for a couple of months.

I believe that praying for the lights to stay on may be a prayer assignment for you. I pray for the same.

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Post by shesthedreamer »

Audrey means noble strength, Pat also means nobleman, Steven means crown. Not sure if this is relevant but find a lot of coincidences in the names with noble meanings.
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Post by iluvyahweh »

thanks very much for the insight guys. will be praying into this one, blessings on you all
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Post by ditte3 »

Hi.The whole dream is very interestind.I'll pray and think about it.About the map and the lights on it:I think the Lord wants you to pray for these areas,especially Britain.Europe needs a spiritual awakening and growth in the Lord.I think the Lord wanted to show you this.Please ask the Lord,because he knows what it exactly means.The Lord bless you.
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi iluvyahweh,

What a dream! I will pray about it and hopefully come back and answer in a better way. But I think that your dream is prophetic! I have had some strange dreams lately and one in particular included alarms; one for France and one for the UK. This night of dreaming left me with an uneasy feeling which was hard to shake for a while. A week and half later, I was told in a dream that 2 birds are going to fall from the sky (I did not think airplanes). I have taken them as a call to prayer.

The first parts of your dream is obviously a reflection of people suffering economic struggles; especially with the symbol of a "cardboard like" car. The storm looking sky can represent trials and tribulations coming... they can be financial or spiritual.

automobile: all modes of transporting a person on the ground from place to place, only they are modern day modes; Church or personal ministry; warfare and battles; personal life. (1 Kings 12: 18; 2 Kings 2: 11-12; 10:16; Ps. 104: 3; Acts 8: 28-38; 1 Thess. 2: 18 )

It may be important in the dream to determine what each of those characters reflect to you in order to shed more light on the dream. Most importantly, we should have our faith in the right places. It would be wise, since you have had this dream to prepare yourself as much as possible for hard times and PRAY.

The light going out reminds me of apostasy... though it may reflect something else. Be diligent in praying for these countries that seem to be most effected in your dream! Be a witness of light in a dark world and pray...

You are blessed that you are given information to pray about and perhaps a warning to prepare. Christ says He will never leave us or forsake; that you can take to the bank! :)

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Post by iluvyahweh »

Beloved, I had this dream about 8 years ago. And, I think parts of it may be on the verge of playing out.

Please pray for the UK, and the impending Scottish Referendum.

Personally, as a Scot and a Brit, I don't believe that the Lord's heart is to see the break up of the UK, and I think it could have adverse consequences not only for Scotland but for Scotland's neighbours, England, and Wales. It could even have consequences for the Global economy if the UK breaks up - which means it may effect all and sundry including you.

Grace and Peace to you,

Interestingly enough, about one month ago, all the lights actually went out in the UK - as a mark of respect and remembrance for WW1. This may be an indication of the timing of the dream, i.e. when the lights go out - "Britain will be no more." I would sincerely hope that this will not be the case, and that this is a warning dream to 'watch and pray'. All I am interested in though, is that the Father's will is done, and that the kingdom is released in Scotland. Your prayers would be appreciated.
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Post by rarara »

Just a few thoughts.

Almond is shakeid in Hebrew which means watch or wake.

Jeremiah 1 v11-12Jeremiah 1:11-12 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
11 The word of ADONAI came to me, asking, “Yirmeyahu, what do you see?” I answered, “I see a branch from an almond tree [a]. 12 Then ADONAI said to me, “You have seen well, because I am watching to fulfill my word.”

As someone has already said this is a watchman’s dream.

The comment about the Etch a Sketch stood out for me so I looked up how it actually works.

It is very interesting because as you “clear” the board to start another drawing you are actually spreading the aluminium powder evenly across the surface again. Everything is rearranged.

The lights that you saw going out may be being covered by God and maybe what you saw is His mercy extending over these nations. Psalm 91.

OK if that doesn’t make any sense then I would say that just as they switched off the lights in remembrance of WW1 remember that the reason for the blackouts during the war was for protection. The light gave us away! Sometimes we need to be hidden.

After all, the war is in the heavenlies.

Also back to the drawing board comes to mind.

The Kingdoms of this world shall become the Kingdoms of our God. Revelation 11:15Amplified Bible (AMP)

15 The seventh angel then blew [his] trumpet, and there were mighty voices in heaven, shouting, The dominion (kingdom, sovereignty, rule) of the world has now come into the possession and become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ (the Messiah), and He shall reign forever and ever (for the eternities of the eternities

I am Scottish too and I love my country and our people and feel quite desperate when I see that the nation is already divided by this nationalistic ideology. I was hoping the Queen might do something! It is a dangerous time for so many reasons.

The economic historians may mean those who have schemed within our banking and political systems making historic decisions for their own end and caused poverty and resentment among the people.

Maybe the dark clouds are like judgement but with judgement comes mercy. And the clouds are empty now, grey not black. The golden light could be the light of the Father who does not change. He remembers and keeps His Covenant with His people. Psalm 105.

With regard to the little lights I think of the Scripture:
Isaiah 42 3 He will not snap off a broken reed or snuff out a smoldering wick. He will bring forth justice according to truth;

This does not mean that all will be a bed of roses but He loves us and He loves Scotland. He will be with us whatever happens. He will fulfil His Word.

Just as He made you well again so Scotland will be well again.

The bridge was left in ruins for a time but then Someone restored it.

The Almond Tree, Watchfulness and God’s faithfulness are all connected in the Hebrew word Shakeid.

I think this dream is awesome BTW.
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Post by iluvyahweh »

Thanks, rarara

Never saw that about the Almond tree. That is v interesting indeed.

Interestingly, Alex Salmond (leader of the SNP) is an Economic Historian.


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Post by rarara »


You're welcome,
