Finding a speacial book and seeing a old boyfriend

Archives for 2007
Jewels sunshine

Finding a speacial book and seeing a old boyfriend

Post by Jewels sunshine »

In this dream.
I was at a church. It didnt look like my church but was another. There seemned to be alot of people there as if it was a revival or a important church gathering.
I semmned to have found a book,, or some sort of diary. It looked like it was written by a important person in Gods kingdom... mabey a evangelist or a great prayer warrior. But in this diary or 'book" were written her thoughts on knowledge it seemned. I tried to tell a woman there .. who semmned to be a preacher or teacher of some sort,, any way some person of authority...
She semmned to not ' care"....Not to be interested.
Now see myself walking what looks like home( my old RLH, that i lived as a child). I seeemned to go through a yard that i think had some looking galss or mirrors in it as if it was sort of yard sale...
Then i see myslef,, i seem to be a ro matised version of myself... a little preetier... a little more soft and girlish looking.,an di see a old aquaintence i had in High school . Back then we had a s-x laision going on.... his name is mike.This is a REAL perosn from my REAL past i havent seen sence WELL before i married 22 years ago. I havent spoken to him( By phone then ) or 17 years,,( he contacted me)
Anyhow i see him in the dream and im walking toward d him,, i think i have a flower in my hand...
CAN someone help me? Feeling alone heere in dream land... :? I had a draaught for awiele in dreams and now they are comming back...Where are the interpetaions? :o
HELP> me...

Re: Finding a speacial book and seeing a old boyfriend

Post by Joy2dream »

Hey Jewels,
Here's what I see in this dream. BTW-you know I'm learning :lol:
Also, I've been reading some of your other dreams and I'm not hearing anything from Holy Spirit. That doesn't mean they are not from Him, could be, but its just not for me to interpret or it is to be held for later in life.
In this dream.
I was at a church. It didnt look like my church but was another. There seemned to be alot of people there as if it was a revival or a important church gathering.
I semmned to have found a book,, or some sort of diary. It looked like it was written by a important person in Gods kingdom... mabey a evangelist or a great prayer warrior. But in this diary or 'book" were written her thoughts on knowledge it seemned. I tried to tell a woman there .. who semmned to be a preacher or teacher of some sort,, any way some person of authority...
She semmned to not ' care"....Not to be interested.

This part seems to be how you see yourself in relation to the church people (maybe people here). You have found a wealth of knowledge but the woman is ignoring you as if what you have to say is unimportant.
I think the important thing to remember here, Jewels is who you are, a child of the Most High God and a joint heir with Jesus! WOO HOO :mrgreen:

Romans 8:16-18 (King James Version)
16The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

17And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

18For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Now see myself walking what looks like home( my old RLH, that i lived as a child). I seeemned to go through a yard that i think had some looking galss or mirrors in it as if it was sort of yard sale...
Then i see myslef,, i seem to be a ro matised version of myself... a little preetier... a little more soft and girlish looking.,an di see a old aquaintence i had in High school . Back then we had a s-x laision going on.... his name is mike.This is a REAL perosn from my REAL past i havent seen sence WELL before i married 22 years ago. I havent spoken to him( By phone then ) or 17 years,,( he contacted me)
Anyhow i see him in the dream and im walking toward d him,, i think i have a flower in my hand...
This part of the dream seems to also show who you'd like to be. The romantic side of you in your pre-married days. I think this part is a warning not to reminiscence about the past but to look forward to the future. I wonder if this guy broke your heart and the flower is an offering of grace to him.

Bless you Jewels,
Jewels sunshine

Post by Jewels sunshine »

This boy did hurt and use me alot..... i had a HUGE Crush on him. He had a girlfriend he really liked alot and i ,,, admired. I wanted to be like her as she was everything i wasent..... her name was ROSELY opr ROSELAND>
I was on my way to mY FATHERS HOUSE in the dream. I was wondering if ' Mike" is really ' Mike" in the dream but could be symbolic of something else here.... I saw him after the seeing the mirrors...
I am wondering if this is a slide show of my walk with God. I also see me in thease dreams of late as taking or admiring what others have rejected or lost.. aka the murials,,, then even those mirrors and the mystery book....
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Is it ok to bring this back up after all this time?
Im wondering if this could have been a forshadowing of the deliverence ministry i was to start the following summer........ :| :roll:
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Post by chase77 »

I am new to this dream site but not new to dreams... the latter part of the dream I believe is somethings that took place in your past and the Lord wants to deliver you from those past hurt to prepare you for your destiny... so don't dismiss what the Lord is showing you about your past. :)
M Phillips