Bit by Snake on Butt

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Bit by Snake on Butt

Post by butterflywings »

On July 13, 2009

Dreamnt that my son was crawling over I believe a log and saw a snake and came back.

I then encountered the snake and it sunk its fangs in me. In my dream I could feel them sink in. I could see it. I saw the venom come out into me. It bit me on my butt.

My daughter was laughing and joking cuz she didn't know the seriousness of the situation.

After I got bit. I then struggled with the snake and then another one came and I was struggling with 2 snakes.

One more thing I recognized the snake as a wolf-snake. Thats what I called it in my dream.

Then I woke up.
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Post by bjcollin »

I took the snake as a lying spirit aka crying wolf falsely. Something seems to be trying to come back and bite you in the butt so to speak. Hope this helps.

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Post by zeal »


I am going to go with BJ on this and just add, could this be something that you have said or done in the past something that you have encountered and the bitterness or the poison of it keeps coming back to like BJ said "bite you in the butt" a past mistake. something that you have taken quite seriously and your daughter doesnt see it that way also with your son turning around, meaning he turned from this thing and just did not get involved, but you had decided to and now this thing has multiplied( being the 2 snakes you encountered after),,,,,Backside: Past; something that is behind you; something that is over with; the situation may be over with but the effects of it has not been dealt with.....

Much Love,
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Post by butterflywings »

Thanks guys, this makes sense, just not sure what situation it pertains to.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Did you have a run in recently with a "wolf in sheep's clothing" type of person? Someone that your son recognized right away and didn't get involved? Or maybe your son is a symbol of your discernment and you recognized it but you chose to take it on and got tangled up?
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Post by jackiebauerle »

Interesting dream: Did you know that there is a real wolf snake? It is located in alot parts of the is NON VENOMOUS! It is called that because it is named for large teeth in both jaws. They are mistakened with some viper families, which are posionous. The wolf snake is also commonly known as the "house snake". It is found in rural and surban areas and it feeds on lizards and gecko's.

I see your son in this dream displays someone close to you that can be playful and the Lord protects them by reviewing danger or fear to them. (Good discernment)

Wanting to protect your children you are watching, but the snake attacks from the rear and caught you off guard. Snake bits can mean lies that are painful and lingers. It is the seeing of venomous juice that says who are aware of the source of the pain when it happens.

Your daughter represents someone else close to you. They cannot see invisuable poison or feel what it is doing; therefore, they ask you to just blow it off the lies.

You said you struggled with the snake that bite you. So when you stuggled with the 1st lie...then came another snake or lie that now joined in your are struggled with the first...Note: The second one did not bite you...only intimidated or wrestled with you.

Wolf-snake....commonly known as a house snake....Watch your house, church, a warning of upcoming lies...if not happening now.

May the Lord Protect and Bless you and your family. Amen
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Post by butterflywings »

I was in recent weeks severely betrayed by a woman who came to my house and cried wolf. She repeated her self over and over again.

I trusted God to reveal his truth and that He did in a big way! I caught her bold face in the lie. And she still tried to lie about being caught in the lie.

She is still attacking my marriage and my family and I don't know what to do about her. I know of the continued betrayal but she does not know I KNOW and have PROOF.

My daughter knows about the betrayals I've been dealing with but she is non-chalant about it and does not want to hear about it. She is grown and out of the house now. I feel very hurt that she doesn't appear to be sensitive to me about these issues.

My son is too young to know the details but he is extremely sensitive and is constantly asking me if I need anything or if I'm ok.

Wow you would think the Adult child that KNOWS the details would be the more supportive/sensitive one.

Thanks for letting me share...If led please pray for me I am deeply hurting and have been as I've been going thru this for years. I'm waiting on the Lord...holding on to HIM for dear life! For myself, my family and my marriage.
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Post by HisBlood »

Before reading the other responses, this scripture came to mind -

2 Cor 5:17 Therefore, if anyone [is] in Christ, [he is] a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17-18 (The Message)

16-20 Because of this decision we don't evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don't look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We're Christ's representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God's work of making things right between them.

Watch for anything that comes as offense.....
Blessings and Love
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Post by jackiebauerle »

This is hard to hear sometimes when we are hurting so much. My concern right now is for you...more than she that has offended you.

She is doubt and God will deal with her for sure, but you need to focus on yourself.

The hurt from an offense like this tries to go deep. Be warned, do not let it stay with you. Here is your struggle with the snakes.
Love your neighbor as yourself....

Love her as Christ loves her, how can we as followers do anything less then he asks of us?. Remember, Christ has grace waiting for her. Draw from inside of you that Spirit of the living God. Stir it up every day. Stir it up every second if you have to. Stand on the principles of God even when you feel the pain they inflicted on you. Draw back into God's secret place with you for that healing peace before coming out to face it again. Remember, it is during this time that you can grow to a new level in your fellowship with Him. This is where the rubber meets the road.

Pray for your daughter, because it is the RIGHT thing to do. Refuse the thoughts that stir up the anger and disappointment with her. (As for me and MY house, WE WILL serve the Lord)

No, you are not letting them off the hook, but are putting them on God's hook with no hook in your soul. Sometimes our battles demands us to promote our God dwelling spirit to place our soul and body into subjection. They will not go easy. They will not go without kicking and screaming on some things. You have to see the higher good and purpose of this. Then God WILL bring all to light.

May the Lord give you strenght to love as he loves. May your spirit demand the Godly response of your soul. May you prosper over the lies of the enemy and his strategy be exposed to you and others. For your reward from God is for obedience not from man. Draw this family together and let the healing waters and love flow over them to displace the pain and hurt, In Jesus name...Amen!