Hair on fire/ got shorter

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Hair on fire/ got shorter

Post by ginasings4him »

I had this dream a couple nights ago that I had put a lot of hairspray on my hair (which is flammable). My hair caught on fire. I then remember having shorter hair. I remember styling it with some gel and spiking it up on the top.

Hair I think means covering but I'm unsure what it could mean...
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Post by samson40 »

I'd like to say I'm sorry if you feel I'm being negative, but I think you are trying to make yourself look better for longer or you think your glory/covering is complete. Spraying the hair spray might mean you are happy with yourself and don't think there's room for improvement, but in turn you are binding up your glory and the hair can not freely flow, and when you do that you are at risk for judgment (flammable). If you don't repent judgment will come (fire could be used as a symbol of judgment). The shorter hair means you lose your glory.
I remember styling it with some gel and spiking it up on the top.
If you don't repent after all that the hair situation will get worse (the gel holds stronger then the hair spray). By spiking it up might mean your attempts to restyle on your own will only make you look worse.
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Post by ginasings4him »

I am a woman who does try to look my best for as long as I can but I don't think I am a person who feels I have no room for improvement and I don't try to get wrapped up in that superficial stuff. I always am welcome in taking others feedback on any areas or ways to improve.

I have been feeling a bit confined in my ministry lately - I have the same giftings as some others in the ministry and am not really feeling released or feel able to step out and use them to what I feel is God's full potential he has for me in this calling. I feel if I do I will step on toes of those in leadership and don't want to cause offense. This has been leaving me feeling frustrated because of lack of being able to grow - perhaps I need to repent of the frustration I have been feeling as maybe this is getting in the way of my call. I've been praying about it but it has been difficult for me.