Church Feast turns into a Super Walmart

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Church Feast turns into a Super Walmart

Post by ReBorn »

First I think I was driving a big SUV

I Pulled in to what I thought was going to be a church parking lot and I had to stop at the entrance.

seems I had to stamp my own hand and the hands of some other people to get in.

After that, we walked in and there was one way in and one way out, sorta like a cafeteria line

I walked past a lot of food that smelled delicious like pineapples,
I knew this was some kind of church festival, because it was like a feast-

People were serving food to those going through the line.
A friend of mine told me to follow her. She said you can sit next to me and eat.

I then followed her to where she was sitting but there was only one spot left to sit in, which meant the people who came with me in the SUV wouldn't have been able to sit with me, so I got back up.

Then there was a scene where I went up to the counter and bought 2 packs of gum for $5.00 I also remember throwing the trash in the garbage pail

Anyway, I decided to go through the food line but on my way to the food line I noticed all of these workers coming out and setting up clothing displays.

Many people then began getting up from their tables and looking at the clothes as if they wanted to try on or buy some of the clothes.

I had the feeling they were turning this feast into a Super Walmart or something, hmm? Not sure why they were setting up all of these clothes.

I also remember I had a heavy load on my back and shoulders,
not sure what it was,but it was weighing heavily on me,
I guess it was a backpack and some purses or books or something (not sure but I was relieved to take them off)

I also think I looked at my plate and only saw 1 food item.

I don't remember anything else.

Any Holy Spirit interp would be greatly appreciated!

His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by MorningGlory »

This is not really an interp, but I had a similar dream yesterday.. I am thinking along the line of the church having the provision for a lot of people, all kinds of provision.. I think with the weather flooding and such, we are being called into position in our communities.. to get out of being so "inward focused" and start going, and ministering to theri needs.

You had a burden on your back.. I think that God is needing you to decree some things you saw in the dream.. so HE can perform it.

You had one item on your plate.. do you know what it was?
Pineapples probably symbolize welcome/hospitality.

Praying with you.. it's a new step for me too.
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Post by ReBorn »

Hi. Thanks MorningGlory,

I wrote this dream down at about 7:00 am this morning and I can't remember exactly what was on my plate.

I think it may have been a piece of white meat- possibly a piece of chicken, or it may have been a slice of pineapple but it seems that it was either white or very pale yellow in color (like a pineapple)

I think the burden I was carrying on my back was for the people who were in the big SUV with me.

IRL I think these people are my children and I'm trying to make a break through with them, it also may be for some other people I've been praying for (Not sure though)

It does seem like I would have more than one thing on my plate though because I'm praying for Several people right now.

Anyway, thanks again.
Did you post the dream you had yesterday?
Oh, I just read your post again. I missed what you said about pineapples. I didn't know pineapples symbolized hospitality!
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Hi Reborn!
I was seeing something really different with your please please take it to the FAther for confirmation or rejection ok?
First I think I was driving a big SUV

I Pulled in to what I thought was going to be a church parking lot and I had to stop at the entrance.
An Suv is an all terrain vehicle..It can go through lots of different seasons and ground without the struggle that other vehicles have.
Seeing this as your life..the Lord has given you the ability to move through some tough situations and ground that possibly without Him you would not have made it through so easily. Also seeing this as a powerful gift that you have and possibly intercessory prayer you are able to carry more in this than a regualar car and get the people where they need to be..

Seeing this church that you pull into as "The Church" in alot of places. A picture of part of the churches out there that Papa wants you to see for prayer purposes.

seems I had to stamp my own hand and the hands of some other people to get in.

After that, we walked in and there was one way in and one way out, sorta like a cafeteria line
The stamp on the hand makes me think of a worldly church..kind of ran like a festival instead of a church. For the Amusement instead of the Spirit.

Also at festivals they usually have one way in and out too...not all the time but this stuck out to me. Just like at a festival, people come in and get what they want to make them feel good and they leave again.

I walked past a lot of food that smelled delicious like pineapples,
I knew this was some kind of church festival, because it was like a feast-

People were serving food to those going through the line.
A friend of mine told me to follow her. She said you can sit next to me and eat.
In the Worldly church it does seem appetizing to those coming in..they have a little of this and a little of that. Its set up to please the people. But it should be set up like a banquetting table..with the banner over it being LOVE. In this setting it was set up like a cafeteria line..Where the people go through the line and get something and then try to find a place to sit/ Fit in...but often times they can't ...

I then followed her to where she was sitting but there was only one spot left to sit in, which meant the people who came with me in the SUV wouldn't have been able to sit with me, so I got back up.
This kind of church really doesn't have room for those that want to sit down and get comfortable..those that don't just want a quick meal..but those that want to get into relationship with the Lord.. This church is for those that are just coming in and out quickly..The ones that God is bringing us from the harvest need a place they can sit and learn and be descipled and loved...a place they can grow in relationship with HIM and not just come in to get a bite.
Then there was a scene where I went up to the counter and bought 2 packs of gum for $5.00 I also remember throwing the trash in the garbage pail
Gum is something that will hold you over till you can get to dinner. They tell you to chew gum when you are waiting for your meal so that you don't spoil your appetite with something else.
Anyway, I decided to go through the food line but on my way to the food line I noticed all of these workers coming out and setting up clothing displays.

Many people then began getting up from their tables and looking at the clothes as if they wanted to try on or buy some of the clothes.

I had the feeling they were turning this feast into a Super Walmart or something, hmm? Not sure why they were setting up all of these clothes.
This also speaks to me of the Worldly or Seeker Friendly Church. Anymore, a lot of churches are turning from Sanctuaries to Walmarts...Where instead of coming to find Jesus they are coming to shop for other things..And the church is making it really convenient to do that. It also brought this scripture to my mind:

Matt. 21:12-14
Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who boughtand soldin the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He said to them "It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of theives.
Then the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them.
I also remember I had a heavy load on my back and shoulders,
not sure what it was,but it was weighing heavily on me,
I guess it was a backpack and some purses or books or something (not sure but I was relieved to take them off)

I also think I looked at my plate and only saw 1 food item.
This I believe is the burden of the Lord for the Church. Seeing that your plate is not full. Meaning that you can carry this burden in prayer and intercession. But also seeing that you won't be able to be content in a church such as this..because it won't be filling for you.

I believe this is a call to prayer for the Church. I believe the Lord is giving you a good picture of the state of some churches and how they are not ready for His Arrival. And just as the scripture states, they won't be able to see His power of healing and deliverance until the temple is cleansed. There are many out there looking for the Lord and for the true place of intimacy but the church is bringing them into a festival or amusement setting where they will only be able to be fed surface food and it won't nourish their spirits. Seeing that there is no room in these churches for those that want to be filled or those that want to get into close relationship...but they were designed by man to be like Walmart where you can come and go and buy and sell...Seeing this as a call for intercession for the Body of Christ.

Hope this helps.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by ReBorn »

Thank you so much WaitingforHim.

I see the state of the church the same way you do. His house should be a house of prayer and I believe there will come a day when the true worshippers will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

My heart is bleeding today because of what sin has done in my life and the lives of my loved ones.

Sorry but today I'm extremely sorrowful and can't stop crying.

I know the battle is already won but when I look out and see how much work there is to do, I feel overwhelmed, the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.

Come Lord Jesus
There are so many broken-hearted people on the earth, we need to be healed.
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
The Lord is my Shepherd
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Post by WaitingforHim »

I too know what you mean sister...
Its soo hard..Yet God is our Victory and He is here..
We do often carry that burden in intercession..But I have found
the key to not becoming "overwhelmed" is to bring that burden
of intercession to HIS feet and after I have weeped, prayed, and praised through, I leave it at HIS FEET>...for I can do nothing but with HIM all things are possible.

Praying with you dear one...
There are so many out there with this burden...and God will answer prayers..
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by ReBorn »

I feel the need to repost this dream in case someone may have missed the interpretation.

I believe the interp was very good and I really appreciate it! :wink:
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
The Lord is my Shepherd