Spirit of Prophecy or Burden

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Spirit of Prophecy or Burden

Post by Truth Seeker »

The dream started with me crying out in some type of way in what appeared to be a service of some sort. I recognized a couple of members from my church IRL there.

I just remember crying from my heart and one of the Deacons in my church IRL (his name is Michael)pointed to me in the mist of my crying and said he’s (he used a specific word I can’t remember) prophesying, we’re going to have him speak next week.

The scene changed were I was outside and saw this guy across the street who works with me, there was also this lady jogging that he knew and I said jokingly tell her the next time she jogs tell me first (not sure if this means anything). Then I saw one of the prophetesses in my church IRL talking to her.

The scene changed back to where I was in the beginning of the dream, I was still crying out and Michael (Deacon in my church) ask me and another person to say a few words. At this point I could see clearly several people sitting in chairs (recognize a couple of them). Once I got to speak, I said something to the effect of pouring out or crying out to God and I remember lifting my hands up and I started crying again. I can’t remember if I laid on my face or not but sense that I did.

The Deacon said I want you to talk with another prophet who was there in the room with us. I want you'll to go into this other room which the Deacon showed us to. The prophet I was asked to talk with had another lady with him who seemed like she was his overseer of something. It almost seem like she didn’t want him to talk with me.

We went into this room which was setup with round tables with chairs around them; I saw a few other people sitting at a couple of the tables talking. We sat down, and the lady was talking a little bit but the prophet didn’t say anything nor did I. I do remember wanting to at least introduce myself to him and wanting to ask him what he feels the Lord is saying or doing in this time. The dream ended before we could start any dialect.

Note: I woke up out of the dream with what seemed like a potential burden to pray and ask God to cleanse me, my family, my church and His people from sin and unrighteousness which I did.
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Post by WaitingforHim »


I feel that there is a prophetic call upon your life to be that one voice crying in the wilderness for your church...A cry for repentance and restoration. The burden has been placed upon you and that is why you woke up with it. It seems you are being called to the forefront here...To begin intercession and being the voice in the church that calls them into a season of prayer and crying out. Some may question this at first...but you are not to concern yourself with what they say. I believe this is why you woke up before you could listen to what was said at the table.. Do not worry about what their faces may look like or what you will say..but obey the Lord. I felt that the jogging part was showing your motivation to be a part of the prophetic end time movement that God is getting ready to do. Michael means "Who is like God"...he spotted you and brought you to forefront to deliver the heart of the Lord to this church..This to me speaks of God bringing you to the forefront..it won't be man, but God..I believe God will show you those in which He wishes for you to share things with..

Get ready brother, I sense this is why the fire has been so hot in that furnace you have been in...

Love you much.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by will »

The word Deacon just means one who serves. That sounds Like the Spirit to me. You have a burden, not a guilt trip. It is unction from God to speak his word. It is a drag only if you refuse it. Most refuse it because they feel unworthy.
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Post by Truth Seeker »

Hey Everyone,

Would you'll please pray for me that I have the strength to fast and intercede for my churh IRL.
The Deacon said I want you to talk with another prophet who was there in the room with us. I want you'll to go into this other room which the Deacon showed us to. The prophet I was asked to talk with had another lady with him who seemed like she was his overseer of something. It almost seem like she didn’t want him to talk with me.

We went into this room which was setup with round tables with chairs around them; I saw a few other people sitting at a couple of the tables talking. We sat down, and the lady was talking a little bit but the prophet didn’t say anything nor did I. I do remember wanting to at least introduce myself to him and wanting to ask him what he feels the Lord is saying or doing in this time. The dream ended before we could start any dialect
IRL a gentleman has joined our church and he seems to be a prophet so this may be a sign that this dream is at hand and he may be the person I'm suppose to sit at the table with.

For your judgement, I wonder if the lady who didn't want me to talk to him may represent a controlling spirit. I'm just wondering.
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Post by will »

I think that your dream is pointing out that you have been intimidated to speak to other prophets because you are a woman. That is what the overseer represents I think. It is a stronghold in your mind that is keeping you from connecting with other messengers. Does that resonate with you? Yes you have a call on you life to prophesy. The Lord is showing you your place as his daughter.

I was also struck with the play on the word deacon. Deconstruction.

I hope this finds you well. No pressure.
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Post by Truth Seeker »


I'm all man my friend.

The woman was associated with the prophet that I was suppose to talk to at the table. Her not wanting him to talk to me seemed like she was kind of trying to control him maybe.

On the other hand; I have been dealing with fear which is a stronghold that just recently I have been pulling down and certainly will totally overcome it.

I'm not sure how deacon possibly being symbolic of deconstruction, maybe you can expand on your thoughts about deconstruction.

Truth Seeker