Friend and I go to a store

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Friend and I go to a store

Post by piano »

Thank you for reading my dream.

I dreamt my best friend and I walked into a store. It was not a new building. I was wearing some black velvet dress with something underneath that was white that showed at the neckline.

My friend had a dress on that was cream yellow with flowers.

We walked up to the counter and a handsome young man began to try to act charming toward me..saying how attractive I was that day..blah blah blah (like we are both a lot older than him so to me it was sortof obnoxious) he started talking to my friend after this.

I looked into the mans face and his mouth had white foaminess, like he really needed to drink some water.

In my mind I thought, he is high on something that would make him thristy.

I remember we purchased some items, and one of them was a couple of tall cans of beer that were for my friend. I told her I would pay half, but I would not pay any part of the beer costs.

As I went to get out money, I was without so she said I could pay her later for my half. She took out her moeny (I saw the bills) and paid for the items. (I do not rmember carrying them out)

We went to leave and my friend was wanting to give the young man her number as they made fast friends?

I was not enthusiastic about this at all, but she is a grown woman, afterall.

She took out a dollar bill and began to write on it a big "C" and then another letter I do not know.

I put my arm around him as we left in a side hug good-bye, as a friendly gesture on my friends behalf.

As we walked out..
My friend threw down a statuette of a woman in a wedding dress that looked like her into a corner. It was made of metal.

She handed me an odd shaped soft box made of worn tapsetry.

She also threw something of hers against a wall where things were hung, and it stuck there.

We walked out of the door.

Thank you,[/size]
Last edited by piano on Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by piano »

I dreamt my best friend and I walked into a store. It was not a new building. I was wearing some black velvet dress with something underneath that was white that showed at the neckline.

My friend had a dress on that was cream yellow with flowers.
It is very easy for me to see the negative in things.
I really work hard at clinging to that which is good.
The Lord does give me opportunities to pray by sending dreams that seem to be warning in nature

First the phrase "What's in store" seems to fit here.

My friends dress compared to my dress reminds me of
"life and death."
Flowers on cream yellow compared to the black velvet.

2 Corinthians 2:15-16

For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life.
Who is sufficient for these things?

It is easy for me to know where the dream makes similarities to mine or my friends lives. The last time she was in one of my dreams it woke me up in the middle of the night.

It was Gods way of getting my attention, because my love and concern for her is great.

I found later that she was fine, but what she had told me in the dream was something I needed to remember for a reason far outside any meaning in the dream.

I would like to think that saying goodbye to this man/coccaine spirit in the dream is something positive, (as in goodbye to this particular spirit affecting my life, which, it has over the years through others that I love)
Even being in contact with him in this dream bothered me.

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Post by ditte3 »

Hi.Maybe your worry is shown in your dream.Anyway maybe the Lord wants you to stand there and pray for your friend.She said good bye o cocaine,but as you said that this man could be a tempting spirit,there is always temptation.
God bless you.
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Post by piano »

The color of my friends dress is the same as my other dream 17 and pregnant.
It is also the same color of umbrellas I have a recent vision of in my home.
I believe she probably represents a part of me, and that the Lord wanted me to remember this dream.

I connect hope, protection, femininity, deliverance/new birth/freedom and spring with this color/print.
Cream is smooth and nurturing, flowers are colorful life that bring joy.
I believe it represents my hope in salvation and deliverance, and in certain relationships to work out well, the connection I have with those I love, my spirit that sees good in people even when they aren’t loving or cant see the good or value in me or my love for them.

The velvet black lace and collar, and a matter of fact view of the behavior of the man, and his obvious shows of addiction and seductive charm seem to connect with my spiritual discernment and logic. When thinking back now, I recall looking like a turn of the century Judge in attire. The ruffled white with black velvet.
Some things are black and white.

My hope pays the price for being intoxicated by charm. (Two metal cans of beer/ bondage and intoxication)
The part of me that is black and white doesn’t have anything left to give.

The side hug goodbye is detached, but still a physical show that a person exists.
Representative of personal boundaries.

Fantasy is Cinderella.
It is bondage to place ones hopes in something, making it an idol when it cannot speak or bring life of itself.
It is like carrying something of a heavy burden.

I believe there is significance to throwing this statue into the corner.
It had no place left to go, this fairytale image that I carried around.

It could be what was thrown was a hat, something of an identity I have worn over the years, now hanging it up.

In its place is the box made of tapestry, which always reminds me of the Carol King song of same name.

My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue
An everlasting vision of the ever changing view
A wondrous woven magic in bits of blue and gold
A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold

Once amid the soft silver sadness in the sky
There came a man of fortune, a drifter passing by
He wore a torn and tattered cloth around his leathered hide
And a coat of many colors, yellow-green on either side

He moved with some uncertainty, as if he didn't know
Just what he was there for, or where he ought to go
Once he reached for something golden hanging from a tree
And his hand came down empty

Soon within my tapestry along the rutted road
He sat down on a river rock and turned into a toad
It seemed that he had fallen into someone's wicked spell
And I wept to see him suffer, though I didn't know him well….

I still have hope for deliverance, because God can do anything.
I do not want to place a negative end to this post.

All things work for good for those who love Jesus.
He is merciful and kind.
He makes paths strait and heals us all.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ReBorn »

My friend
Is your friend symbollic of you?

or do you really have a friend that is concerning you?

sorry, i'm a little slow sometimes.
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
The Lord is my Shepherd
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Post by piano »

Hi reborn,

At first I was thinking this symbol as my friend but now I see this friend as a reflection of me.

We are so close that when I dream about her I remember it very clearly, so concern for her and prayers for her were also forthcoming.

We seem to often walk a path that is paralell..

I was saved first, then she came to believe..and other things..

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.