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High end dugout canoe

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:44 am
by charlie
Hi all...this dream last night...

I had purchased a boat and was walking around to a lake where I had been told that the boat was moored. As I approached with my husband I could see that the craftsman was still working on the boat. He finished carving the high ends and was painting some varnish and I thought "he is putting the final layer on".

The boat seemed to be carved out of a log like a dugout canoe but a lot of care had gone into carving the two ends which were about 3 foot high. Despite the fancy ends the boat had a tough rather than elegant feel to it and it was not a super smooth finish but slightly rough hewn looking. The picture below is the closest I could find but the boat in the dream was slightly wider and the ends were higher and it seemed to be out of one log rather than with any joins.

As I approached I was expectant but felt slightly disappointed as I felt that this boat was gong to be heavy to maneuver on my own-I wondered whether I had done the right thing. When I got to the boat I wanted to speak to the craftsman but he had slipped away. There was a wooden paddle in the canoe and I said to my husband that I would take the boat out and have a go on the lake.

Thanks dreamers and discerners



Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:03 am
by charlie was like a single person version of this one...ends the same as these but slightly more rounded tips.


....mmmm...these are called war canoes...



Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:39 pm
by Warrior Princess
War canoes, eh? Interesting. I had a canoe/paddle dream recently and I've been asked to train for inner healing/deliverance ministry. (FYI, as soon as the Lord showed me that was where he was taking me, warfare around me got really intense. I spose you can't preach what you don't know.)

As I was reading your dream, I was thinking what a beautiful description of how he is preparing you.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:35 pm
by BornAgain
I believe spiritual warfare 'breaks out' around any of us that the Lord has called. I believe it is there all the time but increases in intensity.
It is satans way of trying to stop the gospel.

Note: I said TRYING !!!
He has already lost the battle !!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:21 pm
by charlie
WP..interesting re your own canoe dream...grace to you in this new undertaking!

I guess I was kind of thinking of phrases like "up the creek without a paddle" (okay so that's my pessimistic side comng out :roll: )...I had wondered in the light of the previous dream on a cruise ship which was sinking whether it had to do with my anxiety over the future (the ship hubs and I were on work/ministry wise looks to be sinking) and a decision to just take my chances and go it alone in my lil canoe...

...not sure really...just really looking to God for direction on many fronts at the moment...BOrnagain...we certainly have been in a period of heightened warfare for the last 6 months and we are really worn down and longing for joyful times of refreshing...

Thanks sisters...


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:41 pm
by Warrior Princess
Yeah, it's been tough here too. Just the last couple of days like REALLY REALLY BAD. I'm with ya on the refreshing thing. :shock:

He said it would come to an end, so I'm just gonna believe Him.