Being shot by an arrow ends up being stabbed by a knife

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Being shot by an arrow ends up being stabbed by a knife

Post by agray »

I was outside with a wall to my left, right and behind me. in front of me was a man with a bow and arrow. An older man who looked Native American was directing the young man with the bow. He drew the bow and aimed it at me. I moved towards the wall to my right and he followed me with the bow. I realized I was trapped and this was it.

I wondered what it will feel like when I died and imagined that the arrow would go threw me and i would feel nothing...I might as well go out with dignity. So, I knelt to the ground keeping my body in an upright position, threw my arms straight out to my side and bowed my head waiting. I waited for sometime and felt something touch me in my stomach.

When I opened my eyes, both men were gone. I looked down at my stomach to see that I had been stabbed with a knife and the handle was sticking out of my abdomen. So, I pulled it out. It was covered in blood and the wound was clean but deep.

I now am in a hospital and walk up to the doctor asking if I need stitches. He walks off and a group of interns hear me and one asked to see the wound. I'm a little embarrassed to show them all, but I do. It is now below my bikini line scar where I had surgery (In real life I had a hysterectomy a few weeks ago). She says, They were aiming at where you had surgery. I wake up.
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Post by charlie »

agray...praying for your protection and covering in His love.

NO interp here but wondering if it is a dream processing the emotions of going through a hysterectomy...what would the significance of the native American man be for you do you think?

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by agray »

Could be referring to that great-grandfather was full blooded Cherokee. Thought about something generational. I said my surgery had been a few weeks ago. Actually is was 9 weeks ago. I have had complications, but I'm back to my active lifestyle.

My husband and I both had dreams recently about trying to kill a large spider (the size of a squirrel). We were comparing the dreams before we went to bed.

When I got into my bed I prayed, "Father, continue to speak to me through dreams and show us what the dreams we had meant."
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Re: Being shot by an arrow ends up being stabbed by a knife

Post by charlie »

agray wrote: the young man with the bow. He drew the bow and aimed it at me.
mmmm...what was the young man like?

You are a target in this dream but the blow/attack was not what you were came below the belt...we use that expression for things which happen which are really unfair or against the rules...

You also do not know who delivered the blow it expected that it was the young man guided by the native american guy but was it?

still praying for revelation...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Deep calling unto deep »

I sense there is something God is birthing in you and the enemy wants to destroy it. This reminds me of Herod commanding all infant boys to be killed thinking he could stop the destiny of Jesus. In the Old Testament, Moses had to be hidden for God's plan to manifest. Pharoah commanded all infant boys to be killed. I sense the Holy Spirit is unctioning you to warfare over that which has been spoken over you. Warfare over the promise of God, because the enemy is on the prowl, seeking to kill, steal and destroy, but God has called you to be an overcomer! Fight the good fight of faith and do not look at the present circumstances. In the natural, you had a hysterectomy which ceases birth in the natural. God is birthing something supernatural and it is in your spiritual womb! It has not been destroyed. Don't give in! Be encouraged and toss any or all portions that does not bear witness with your spirit.
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Post by Robert159347 »

I see this as Satan trying to hurt you in an area in your life, which G-d already fixed. Probably old sins or anything that G-d has already dealt with you, but he isn't going to be able to hurt you in that area, and will hurt you in a different area in your life. Most likely a private or personal area in your life, considering where you were hurt.
Hope this helps.
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Gal 2:20
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Post by agray »

WOW!!! Each of your posts have spoke to me and reminded me of an old journal entry that Father led me to from September:

"...This is the beginning of a new ministry. As I bring order to your body, it will establish order in your spirit. It's time to remove every hindrance. There is MUCH work to be done. You and I together, will accomplish so much. Your uterus and womb represent the old. From now on births will be supernatural. You will now reproduce by My Spirit - conceive by My Spirit. There will be a vacuum in your body once the old is removed. Now I will come in and fill the void. There may be pain in the process, but I will be Lord over the outcome!"

I definitely was hit below the belt yesterday...with a family emergency, an unexpected blow to our ministry and exposure of something that has been hidden for a very long time. WOW!

Thank you all! If anything else is revealed, please share! It is so glorious being a part of the Body of Christ when each member is taking their post on the wall!