demanding warrants

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demanding warrants

Post by Jen »

In this dream, I saw this old house, like 1800's old. Huge wooden beams, walnut beams. I saw this person almost cartoonish, jumping up and down steaming mad screaming "warrants" over and over. He was short and fat, and for some reason I knew his personality was that of a money grubber, and not very nice man.
He wanted someone arrested over the money owe'd. This person was working hard trying to pay back debts. It was as if the warrants had something to do with paying back the money?

I saw a woman, dressed like a pilgrim she was the wife of this man slaving to make money and that mad man wanted her husband arrested. The warrants were not arrest warrant, but more like somesort of money thing.

It was a very weird dream. :s21:

Thank you in advance!
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Post by jackiebauerle »

Do you know who this couple is? It sounds like God is showing you insights to a demonic...influence...or generational...or has right to affect this couple in finances. You are the discerner of the spirit behind the accusations. If you know of them, Jesus paid the debt...and you maybe the server of the message.
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Post by Jen »

wow..thanks Jackie
I don't know who the couple is, I will need to pray on it further.
I know I could identify strongly with the feelings of the wife. The fear, the feeling of helplessness.
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Post by peggyo »


I believe the money issue is a power/control issue (anger is a signal for control). Somehow your dream reminds me of the parable of the unmerciful servant.

The wife being a pilgrim seems to imply she is a follower of Jesus. Wondering if the woman's husband is a real life person or stands for God himself.

To arrest something can also mean stop someone or something, as opposed to taking someone into legal custody. So might be more an issue of trying to stop someone's power (money) or take their power from them.

Thinking this definition of warrant could be at play: "justify: show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for; "The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns"; "The end justifies the means."" As in your dream title--demanding warrant--this makes me think of--demanding justification.

The phrase "pay back debts" seems to stand out for me. There might be some vengefulness involved.

Pray you get a clear revelation for your dream!
God bless you!
Peggy O.
Last edited by peggyo on Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jen »

hmmm Peggyo, I believe you are on to something as well..thank-you for taking the time topost this!
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Post by jackiebauerle »

I still see the cartoon character as a demonic force....That is controlling the husband.. as peggyo says. Cartoon...or faceless characters...with ungodly character...usually gives me the sense of demonic.

Perhaps the wife is praying for deliverance of her may not be could be bondage to any any repeated sin...that a poor soul cannot over come. If he is not saved....or is not trained in breaking the renewing of the mind...the screaming and yelling through his flesh...will demand a debt to be paid over and over. And for One who is interceding...the burden can be exhausting.

I pray that you will find the answer...and Lord free this Jesus Name!!! Amen! Be Glorified...My Lord...this day through your servant...Jen. Amen!!!!!!
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Post by Jen »

I totally agree.. the cartoon was a demonic force..absolutely.
wondering if it is an authority figure who has spoken evil against my family?

vengelful..that word really leapt out at me as well.
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Post by Lillian »

Hi Jen,

I thought about warrants, in the same way as Peggy, I think.......the looney man was justified in his ranting because the poor man actually owed him the money.......his ranting was warranted......was my thought.

And then this scripture came to mind ( most specifically those in bold):

Revelation 3:14 "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation
Revelation 3:15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!
Revelation 3:16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Revelation 3:17 You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
Revelation 3:18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
Revelation 3:19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.
Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:21 To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.
Revelation 3:22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

My thoughts behind it is, in the natural, people usually go into debt because they bought something they did not have the money for, nor the use of faith to believe that God would provide.
He's not a baby in a manger anymore! He's not a broken man on a cross! He didn't stay in the grave and He's not staying in heaven forever!.....He's alive!....People get ready Jesus is coming!
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Post by jackiebauerle »

Could something have come into your home? Maybe unware of that the Lord is trying to bring to light?

Ask him to share it with you...if show you the person that it is pertaining to. Our hearts are softened many times through our dreams....we can grow in compassion...through the intensity of our dreams sometimes better than when we are awake. God has our attention and feelings more through dream. Either way, the answer is the same...God Has paid the debt...apply the purchasing blood of Christ over the debt..through intercession. Settle the Debt now....and send the accruser on his way.
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Post by Jen »

well being the mom of 4 kids.. that is entirely possible!
I will have to go around and check.

we have an ongoing trial, and I am just wondering if God isn't trying to show me something with that...the word vengence totally described how this fat man was acting. The "warrants" were the money to pay..and He was holding them.
And it seemed as though the husband wasn't wrong, but righteous.

I looked up warrants and apparently they are financial instruments that the government uses to pay debts.
I had no clue. I only knew of arrest warrants.
Warrant is also a terminology used in a court document for argument of a point. Now college professors are teaching students this terminology as well to argue their point (a warrant) in a paper the "Toolmen" method is what they call it and it was modelled after the court system. It was actually in my reading assignment for this week. I had NEVER heard that term before used that way. Extremely interesting.

learn somethin new everyday! hahaha

So I am praying about that too. The generational thing struck a hold in me as well, so I am praying that God would show me what it is. I trust He will. I believe this dream has to do with a specific trial in our lives right now. God will reveal all. He has brought us this far!

Thank-you all of you who have responded.
much shalom to you
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Post by ditte3 »

Hi Jen.
Peace be with you.
Maybe I am wrong,but this thought appered in my mind while reading.Maybe the husband represents God.Satan hates God and his people.He cannot get a revenge on the Lord so he accuses God's children.
We must know that Jesus paid the debt!!!We don't have to be slaves.The Church does not have to be a slave.Many christians has no real knowledge about this.Perhaps your dream is about this.
Yet it can be about someone being in financial trouble.
Sometimes dreams point to more things.
Please pray about it.
God bless you.
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Post by Jen »

wow Ditte! thank-you so much! I do believe this is also a meaning and reminder...
Isaiah 62:1
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Post by peggyo »

Hi All:

Just to clarify, I do believe the bouncing man's rantings are demonic and so are his demands. And definitely believe that Jesus alone is our justification. He has paid our debts.

God bless~~
Peggy O.
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Post by Jen »

I knew that you were saying that he was demonic. Afterall the unmerciful servant is an example of a person motivated by such greed that it possessess a person and becomes demonic.

The part about the venegence really spoke to me. In fact it reminded me of something that I had forgotten about in a trial.
A person who was in particular vengeful towards us.

This morning I warred in the spirit while sleeping over a generational issue on a family side, that I don't normally look at the spiritural heritage of because they are the more "churched" side..but that means ZERO lol.
Isaiah 62:1
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Pilgrim = someone on or going on a journey
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."