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at top of "new" Empire State Building...

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:29 pm
by LarrytheDreamer
This dream from this morning started out where I was standing on some kind of platform at the top of a building. I couldn't even really see what I was standing on because I saw drapes or sheets(veils) everywhere and definately could not see below. I heard someone tell me this was the "New Empire State Building". What I did see was a marble stone with the needle at the top. I leaned over and touched the was like I was standing on a window-washer's scaffold. There was a circular a reverse dome that touched the tip of the tower's needle. I did see some windows and a living area like an apartment. Everything was red...I mean the carpet, sofa, and all were in red.
So the scene changed and I knew that I had been given a baby to care for, like my daughters baby named Kailey. I had just gotten off work and came home to baby Kailey and she was sitting upright in a playpen with a blanket. I picked her up and loved on her and fed her.
Scene changed again and I was at my mother's house where she and my sister were arguing. I asked my mother to help take care of this baby. She would not help. I started yelling, saying " I work many hours a day. I can't leave this baby unattended". She still wouldn't help and slapped me on both sides of my face at the same time. End of dream.

I obviously would not leave a baby unattended and my mother would gladly love on any babies all day long in real life.