Swimming, Showering, and Bees?

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Four Years
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Post by Four Years »

no i'm not disappointed.

i'm saying this is not the first dream of swimming nor showering that i've had.

i've had plenty of those.

the bees symbol was the only unfamiliar one.
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Post by keilani »

lotsa great insight--

1Cor 15:55-57

55O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?(K)

56Now sin is the sting of death, and sin exercises its power [upon the soul] through [j][the abuse of] the Law.

57But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I saw the bees as the sin that you were struggling with;

it is the Word of God that gives us power; the washing of the water of the Word cleanses us; the Word of God hidden in our heart keeps us so that we do not sin against Him (Ps 119). In His temptations, satan sowed thoughts into Jesus', gave empty promises and EVERY time Jesus came back with the Word speaking to the thoughts or lies of satan by saying "IT IS WRITTEN".

The Word of God when the Spirit breathes life into it as we hide it in our hearts will lead and guide us...as we heed His voice, we will experience victory over the sin that once controlled us.

Interesting note--sin the definition in the Hebrew is "disobedience to a divine command." So it is basically doing what the Word tells us not to do; His Word tells us how to receive His best and also warns us that doing otherwise opens us up to attack/destruction because disobedience is territory satan can legally touch (Deut 28).

IF there is an area of our lives where we are not seeing abundant life that Jesus promised, it is our responsibility to go to Him and find out where we disobeyed, either knowingly or unknowingly. Often it is our ignorance, our lack of knowledge of His Word, that is the reason for our destruction. Once you correct that, you will come back into alignment with His Word/Will and blessings can flow.
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Post by Four Years »

disobedience is territory satan can legally touch.
i never thought of it that way before.

very interesting.
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Post by keilani »


think of Adam and Eve--how did satan legally take everything that God had blessed them with? He got them to disobey the command of God to not eat of the tree. Once Adam and Eve did that, everything they once had was now subject to satan's rule and will. It is still the same today; his tactics have not changed.

satan steals your blessings by deceiving you and getting you to disobey God. That's why the Word is so powerful--if you know the truth of the Word by His Spirit and revelation knowledge, satan can never steal from you again AS long as you're walking in obedience to His Word both that which is written and whatever He speaks to you--they will always agree.
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Post by discerning »

no i'm not disappointed.

i'm saying this is not the first dream of swimming nor showering that i've had.
No, not the first by a long stretch as far as swimming & showering goes. But is IS the first that I recall in which you are clearly practically APPLYING previous Words Papa has spoken to you.

You have shared some of those previous words with me over the years and I have judged them accordingly. Yet I was never sure if you actually received them....believed them to be Truth....until now.

You tend to keep those who truly care about you at arm's length. Past hurts have convinced you that if you let anyone get close, you will be hurt...again. This is a LIE straight from the pits of hell.

I will say this, fwiw...when I came here to reply to this dream, it was to post a simple comment about bees. Yet, when my fingers touched the keyboard, Papa began to speak and I continued to type. As my fingers flew across the keys, I was overwhelmed with the joy of the Lord. Oooh how He loves you!

It matters not where you have been, what you have done, what you are caught up in. HE will see you through...HE shall cut loose the chains that bind. The victory is HIS.

Papa says to you, I know your heart, son.

...and He approves.


I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by Four Years »

it's been a while but this particular dream has been on my mind alot lately because of what's going on in my life.

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Post by peggyo »

Greetings 4!

Folks shower after their pool experience to wash the chlorine off their skin. The chlorine is necessary to protect from transfer of germs/contaminants in any public water experience, but hard on the skin if not removed. What is there for protection (chlorine) in a certain experience may not be good or necessary in another. So we cleanse ourselves of it. In a group experience certain safeguards (restrictions) may be necessary that would not be so in another experience or one more solo.

With any spiritual experience, especially public, I would think there would be stuff that we need to wash off regularly, not carry it with us.

The showering just seems a cleansing or refreshing, simple preparation for the what next. Something public or forced would be an intrusion of privacy or control. Bees are definitely harassing.

I think it is a good reminder to cleanse ourselves of stuff that we may come in contact with or even safeguards that are there in group gatherings. By cleansing, I mean repent, be aware of any condemnation or unholy spirits that may be trying to attach itself to you or just anything that would keep you from walking in freedom.

Reborn suggested a generational element to this, and that may be so and some generational issues may need breaking.

Hope and pray you find what you are searching for!

XO Peggy O.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."
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Post by Four Years »

Reborn suggested a generational element to this, and that may be so and some generational issues may need breaking.

see this is what i'm afraid of.

it's some "Generational Curse" that i NEVER chose or invited into my life.

now here i am getting yelled at by my dad simply because i NEVER have energy and i NEVER want to do anything.

i've NEVER had a "working man" mindset.

so it's trickled down and resulted in me NEVER wanting to go look for a job and not doing good in "school".

what does the Holy Spirit have to say?

it's important.
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yellow jackets

Post by spiritledd »

Yellow jackets are actually predatory wasps, and don't make honey. And will even eat rotting meat. Un-like honey bees, they can sting repetedly.
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Post by peggyo »

I hear you FY. Most folks work for the need to, not for workaholism or an inner drivenness, and I have some of those people in my family. But usually it is the wolf at the door that keeps people going to work. I am not exactly a workaholic, but was at times in my youth--a little perfectionism I think.

I would encourage you, based on your degree of unhappiness with your current living situation to focus on making the leap to get yourself independent of living with your family. Then you will no longer be under someone else's thumb, which can be difficult for young males and it will force you to keep the ball rolling. I find people make an effort to do those things that are most important to them. Spending a lot of energy hating a particular thing that is changeable is just a waste of time. All you need is FT work and a workable living situation. There are lots of options. Only you have the power to make that change.

Sometimes people need some time out in the work world or just life experience to get to know yourself and figure out the occupation you are willing to make sacrifices to achieve, cause you're not there yet. But just getting independent may do you a world of good.

Sounds like you need a big change in your life! And boy I hear you on this.

Sorry about your troubles 4! :cry:
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Post by Four Years »

hello all

i need to share this and ask how it relates to the symbols inthis dream

last night i started crying...i was crying because i know i'm not where God wants me to be and because of what's happening to me in the natural

my parents were in this dream...in this particular dream...i feel they are symbolic of themselves...don't know what else they'd be

i was in a "Cage" and my parents were there...mimicking how i feel in real life

i feel like i'm in a cage...but i don't know what God wants me to do about it

i know there's a way out but i'm CONFLICTED as to whether or not it's God's will that i leave
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Post by Newbie »

Hello 4Years, from everyone response, I would say that you were given great advice. I am adding my collective thoughts here vs that on the other pages that way fresh thoughts can be added.
4Years, each and everytime I mediatate over your postings I am led back to the story of Joseph. I am not sure if you have read the scriptures that I have posted but you need to for your own benefit.

What I am gathering is that the cage here is paralleled to that of the prison Joesph was in. You stated that you felt that your are in a sitaution in which your father is controlling your path. A path that you do not want to follow. A path in which you are unsure if the Lord wants you to take or not. You are concerned that if this path your father is attempting to force you into why is God not doing anything to prevent Correct?
The cage speaks to me as shield of the Lord and He is protecting you; from both internal and external forces. However, you are so consumed by fear and these forces that you are not aware that He is protecting and guiding you. When Joseph was placed in prison, it was for a greater good; however, Joseph did not realized this at that moment. So right now this what you are doing, you are not realizing God's big plan and the greater good of the situation. You are too focused on your current circumstance and not resting in Him, praising Him and meditating on the Word. Once again, I will post the site from earlier and encourage you too read it, so you can absorb the parallels of your situation with that of Joseph: http://1invision.blogspot.com/2011/04/j ... ision.html[/quote]
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Post by ReBorn »

this angered me so i made them leave, i didn't feel comfortable at all with that idea.
Yesterday I remember replying to one of your dreams and the scripture in Hebrews came up. The exact same scripture applies to this dream as well! Here is the scripture:

Hebrews 12

1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,

the bees represent the things that are hindering.

Also I believe the family who was watching you shower were the witnesses
spoke of in the scripture above

Also the part of the dream where you said you were angry at your family for watching you shower (possibly you were ashamed because of your nakedness & vulnerability)

Maybe this scripture will help:

Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

Also concerning the shower, I'm getting this scripture as well:

Hebrews 4:13

13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

FY, I truly hope these scriptures help.

I've been praying for you through the years and I just want you to know that we've all had to go through similar struggles too!

The good news is that the Lord also sees His children when they
are obedient and he knows each person's heart. (i.e. everything even the good things) are uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account

If we resist the devil he will flee from us.

praying for you brother.......
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a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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