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Bear dreams keep comming

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:58 pm
by Travis

I'm not sure why, but I keep having dreams about bears, both black and brown bears. What's weird is that it seems I'm always in Alaska. Usually out side of a house in a open area trying to keep them at bay with rifles. Some times there is a guy with a bear as a pet. I've began to get a little tired of the dreams. I had one last night as well, so looking at just the symbolism I did a little check to make sure the house was secure I always pray for God's protection over my family. So I'm not really sure why I keep having them.

Please pray into this, as I feel that I'm being told something, I just don't know what it's about.

Thank you

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:22 am
by Lily_Rose_Song
Hey Travis,

Not sure if this symbolism applies in your case, but I had a whole series of bear dreams a few years ago, and it turned out in my case that the bears (both brown and black; some of them H U G E !!!) were symbolizing areas of "strongholds" in my life and/or in my family. By "stronghold" I mean, a very stubborn, tennacious sin, character issue or problem. Often I was blind to it (didn't see it in myself or my family) and always it was really tough to get rid of--meant a really tough battle was coming.

A rifle to me means "dynamic or explosive power." Since you're "trying" to keep them at bay with rifles, perhaps this could symbolize trying to keep the problem(s) under control with your own power, or perhaps not utilizing the power of God as effectively as you could be/should be.

A guy with a bear as a pet could be a "pet sin," or something one tollerates because we really don't want to get rid of it, even tho we know we should.

Alaska - the "last frontier," perhaps an untamed "wilderness area" or spiritual situation
Open area - an "exposed" situation
Outside a house - Perhaps a situation 'outside' of, or outside the safety of, the family or church. Perhaps trying to deal with something alone, without the help of family or church family?

I sure got tired of the bear dreams I was having, too, but not as tired as I got of the struggle because of the sins not "letting go" when I had to come face-to-face with them when God began to deal with me about them! One in particular was a "real bear" to deal with!

What helped was some advice I read from John Paul Jackson to pray routinely that God will bring down strongholds in our lives and clean us up spiritually. Strongholds can separate us from God and prevent us receiving His best for us.

Hope this helps with the interp's, or at least sparks a thought for a starting point to look at for understanding your dreams.


Thank you

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:08 am
by Travis
Thank you for your post it was most helpful, I have began to see that a lot of the dreams He gives are related to spiritual aspect that He wants to bring to our attention.
