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Post by charlie »

Charys wrote:I think it may be more than a personal dream.

I saw dark red ground all around. I realized the dirt was soaked with blood.
I saw the word "WAR" in capital letters.
I saw two men in something like shallow boxes as if they had been stored there. Or perhaps they were boxes drawn around photos or illustrations of them like windows on a computer page. I knew they were being "re-activated" or being called into duty. One was Ezekiel.

I woke up and wrote down the dream, but I couldn't remember who the other man was. Later I went back to bed and dreamed about the two men again. This time I knew the other man was Gideon.

end of dream
Charys...agreeing with discerning and Peggyo...you are a truly inspirational example to this board of compassionate intercession and keen desire to understand and seek out the things of God for this season. I just want to encourage you that this dream is no little revelation that Abba has given you...and I pray that you will continue to know His guidance as you seek to know how to apply this revelation and others...

great grace to you

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Post by Jen »

interesting dream Charys.. a computer page? hmm...

praying Abba reveals more and deeper...

shalom shalom to you!!
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Post by zadokpriest »

Disclaimer: I haven't read ALL the response - so please forgive me if I repet anything.


Gideon - if we will remember the story the children of Israel's land was being ravished by the enemy. Everytime they planted something and it grew the enemy came and stole the harvest.

God ALLOWED this because of their sins - their turning away from God.

Gideon was raised up as a Judge to DELIVER the children of Israel.

Ezeikel - was prophet called to a REBELLOUS people. In fact God TOLD Ezekiel the these people are REBELOUS, HARDHEADED, etc.

One of my favorite chapters in Ezeikel is Chapter 34.

I believe the war is not one in the natural but one in the spiritual world.

Rebellion, Wicked Leadership, Sheep who wound others, a people who seem to have a form of Godliness but no real power operating in their lives. The power of LOVE - this is really the state of our current church.

Many seem to have their harvest snatched away by the enemy (finances depleted, marriages in turmoil, children rising up against authority - ALL in the CHURCH)

Not saying that this is an interpretation but just my input.

God can raise up a Gideon and I do believe we are living in a season very much like Gideon.

But along with Gideon God can/will raise up a Prophet whose face has been set like a flint and whose head will be just as hard as those in authority who are in rebellion. (Hard saying - I know but very, very scriptural. Jesus spoke out against the leadership of his time, the Apostle oppose the religious leaders of their time and yes Ezekeil went head on with the leaders of his time. )

Another disclaimer - This is not an attack on anyone here nor is it an endorsement or condenment of rebellion. I am only looking at the dream, the characters in the dream and the role the played in history, the people the where called to and what was the state or condition of those people at that time. So PLEASE no offense - it is not intened to offend or undermind. :D

Much Love!

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Post by chrisy »


Wow! What a dream! Your two dreams appear to be linked and both seem to be a message to the Church.

Gideon, Ezekiel and the warning:
I heard, "Keep your eyes on the path."
The Lord is showing you what He is about to do and is warning you to stay the course. It is something that He has done before:
I saw two men in something like shallow boxes as if they had been stored there.... I knew they were being "re-activated" or being called into duty. One was Ezekiel.
Zadokpriest did a good summary of the times when God raised up both Ezekiel and Gideon. It was a time of rebellion, wicked leadership, disobedience, etc hence the applicability of the warning "Keep your eyes on the path." Your dreams are linked.

The modern Church is so messed up.... We must all remember that Our Lord is returning for a bride without spot, blemish or wrinkle. This means that a complete cleansing has to occur. It is going to be a hard and violent battle. Remember - "the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent takes it by force."
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Post by Charys »

zadokpriest wrote:Disclaimer:
Gideon - if we will remember the story the children of Israel's land was being ravished by the enemy. Everytime they planted something and it grew the enemy came and stole the harvest.

God ALLOWED this because of their sins - their turning away from God.

I believe the war is not one in the natural but one in the spiritual world.

Rebellion, Wicked Leadership, Sheep who wound others, a people who seem to have a form of Godliness but no real power operating in their lives. The power of LOVE - this is really the state of our current church.

Many seem to have their harvest snatched away by the enemy (finances depleted, marriages in turmoil, children rising up against authority - ALL in the CHURCH)

Not saying that this is an interpretation but just my input.

God can raise up a Gideon and I do believe we are living in a season very much like Gideon.

Much Love!

You make sense to me, Zadok. I have been asking the Lord lately what's up. I understand the role of suffering, but I see so many discouraged believers. I see church splits and people trying to protect themselves from disappointment.

I've been listening to the scriptures about Gideon today. I have heard people this very week ask the same question as Gideon: "O Sir, if the Lord is with us why has this befallen us?"

Yes, I see the harvest snatched away in places. I see it in myself. Last autumn my voice was suddenly and miraculously healed. It was so dramatic and wonderful -and now it has gone back to being the way it was a year ago. How come? What is going on here? I've seen other people who were dramatically healed starting to suffer from old diseases again. I don't get it.

One of the things scripture says is that the people were told, "Fear not the gods of the Amorites, but you have not obeyed my voice." How much theology of the church at large is based on fear and especially the fear of disappointment?

Yes. Our times are similar. Thank you for your input, Zadok.
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Post by Charys »

Jen, hmmm. You've got me seeking the Lord for more revelation re:computer.
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Post by Charys »

Chrisy, what a gift of encouragement you have.

Yes, I believe He is cleaning up His bride.

I have been thinking about "the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force" since I read your post. (I couldn't sleep.)
I was asking the Lord what this verse means as I have never understood it. Then "poof" a post by Charlie shows up in sharing commenting on this very scripture. I love the way the Lord works through you guys.
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Post by Charys »

:shock: :shock: :shock:

I just saw this:



July 7, 2010

"I saw a boiling pot!" What does this mean to us? When I see something in the spiritual realm, my first step is to go the Word for an objective interpretation.
In Jeremiah 1:13, God showed the prophet a seething pot toward the north. Ezekiel 24:3 defines this boiling pot as an emblem of war. When this pot boils over, there are lands that will end in desolation. This verse reveals that from the north, evil comes. There was a steam that was rising representing an evil force in the atmosphere. This thick vapor would spread over the land.

I see war on the horizon. Many factions are in the midst of us, and war is being pieced together. Someone asked me if I think we will be invaded in this land. I said to them, "We have so many factions vying for control that we must see that all the elements for a major conflict are already growing in our midst." There are religious factions warring against the next move of the Spirit of God. There are doctrines of demons contending for the minds and time of God's men and women. Leaders are being tested in their faithfulness toward the Lord and His ways of doing things. There are national representatives from other nations vying for information that will produce control. Mammon is influencing many against God's purposes.
Another issue in the pot is the selfishness of many. God addressed all of Israel over the priests' selfishness. Wars come from selfishness (James 1). In the days of Hannah, God's Kingdom needed a new representative. Eli and his sons had been tainted in leading the people toward the Lord. The normal practice at Shiloh was for the priest to receive whichever part came up from the boiling pot on the end of the fork. Eli's sons insisted on taking what they wanted, when they wanted it. They selected the best parts for themselves. They preferred the meat being roasted rather than boiled. They refused to yield the fat for burning on the altar. God withdrew His presence. God is looking at our giving and what we are taking as well. Hannah travailed to bring forth a new leader for a new season. God wants His presence to fill the atmosphere and His glory to cover the earth.

Jeremiah saw this boiling pot. The pot was a large kettle that was evidently sitting on a fire. A wind was blowing to keep the fire hot and the pot boiling. In 1 Sam. 2:14, this word is also translated as "kettle", and the word "cauldrons" is used in 2 Chr. 35:13. In Job 41:20, the smoke from the nostrils of the Leviathan pours out like smoke from a boiling "pot." This causes me to see the Gulf beginning to boil and Leviathan creating stirring war over the issues that are loosed now in the earth.

Get ready--the pot is boiling! This nation is beginning to simmer. Watch around November for the pot to start boiling over. Yes, we can pray. but in our prayers we must declare that the fire of conflict be turned down. Mammon is blowing a wind of confusion. Focus! Focus! We can gain momentum in these times that are heating up. Watch Russia! Watch its influence in Syria and Iran. Watch as Russia attempts to align with Great Britain. Learn the concepts of war in a "time of war".
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Post by zadokpriest »

Interesting - very interesting.

Thanks for sharing.
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Post by discerning »

An excellent word.

For the record, I respect Chuck Pierce and trust that his hearing is generally acute. That said, as one who keeps a finger on the pulse of this nation (of which, incidentally, I note you are not native), I have to add...this is confirmation rather than news. In addition, this word is particularly both territory and season specific. (Note that I am not discounting the fact that words can/do have multiple applications.)

I can see its application on a corporate/national level. However, I'm not clear on how it applies to your dream on a personal level... actually I should say, how *you* see that it applies personally. Of course, it could be just a major oversight on my part. I guess what I'm saying is that it's the personal application that most interests me. Just wondering if you have any insight yet in that regard? And praying you'll be willing to share when you do.

Btw, I share your love of research *grin* and often lose track of time as I go digging in The Word. Have to watch myself though, as I am prone to traveling rabbit trails. :lol:

blessings on you in your journey,

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
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Post by Charys »

I may very well be on the far end of a rabbit trail at the moment. I'll let you know when I get back.
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Post by chrisy »


Tonight I listened to a sermon entitled "Satan's Counterfeit Christianity". One of the primary scriptures was 2 Corinthians 11 which discusses Satan transforming himself into an angel of light and his ministers doing likewise. I thought about the "Two Brides Missing Grooms" dream when I heard it. After reading the Chuck Pierce's piece documented herein, I am beginning to see the emergence of a picture that is being painted.

N.B.: I had an "experience"- I don't know how else to describe it - on 06/07/07. Chuck Pierce's write-up resonated when I read it. I will post it because the message seems to be quite similar to those written herein. I will entitle it "A Voice Spoke About the Prophet Amos."
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Post by Charys »

discerning wrote:An excellent word.

I guess what I'm saying is that it's the personal application that most interests me. Just wondering if you have any insight yet in that regard? And praying you'll be willing to share when you do.

I'm back. My rabbit trail: This afternoon I had a strange experience with a big hawk tearing at its prey as it sat near the stump in the woods where I go to sit and pray. There was a loud flock of crows going crazy in the fir trees just above it. I stood only a few feet away and the hawk looked right at me, but didn't move. I've just never seen that before and wondering if it had significance -you know, hawks as the symbol of those eager to go to war. My son, the counselor, calls that kind of distraction "ideas of reference" and asks if the TV talks to me too. No, the hawk and crows didn't talk to me. (nor does the TV) But I was researching hawks. (rough legged hawk, mottled brown and white with grey tail feathers, native to the mountains and the far north). Biblical references to hawks just say "Don't eat them" and "Don't take credit for making them fly."I told my my husband and he said, "Cool. You saw a hawk up close. The crows were probably just wanting some of the kill."

My husband agrees with you, Discerning. He thinks I'm making connections where there are none. I guess what jumped out at me in Chuck Pierce's prophecy was the date (if this was issued earlier I was not aware of it) the subject of war, the reference in Ezekiel, and the religious factions warring against the next move of the spirit.

I'm probably being hyper-sensitive and over-alert.

So, personal application. It keeps coming back to Esther in Ephesians and identity in Christ. (Evangelist with a gun dream) Ephesians is about knowing who we are, (that we are chosen, loved, forgiven and holy and adopted and created for good works etc. etc. etc.) and knowing our position (seated with Christ and one new man with the Jews) and how this new identity works its way out in relationship (love and submission) and that there is an enemy out there (warring against the saints). We are called for such a time as this and because the King loves us we can boldly approach Him and He will equip us with everything we need to fight this war as we keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverence, interceding on behalf of all the saints. Selah.

Some people are in places of influence, like former orphan Esther, or called to be warriors, like former anxiety-ridden Gideon, or prophets, like artsy out-there Ezekiel. Which one am I? Perhaps a little bit of all of them -role subject to change without notice.
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Post by discerning »

Charys wrote...
My husband agrees with you, Discerning. He thinks I'm making connections where there are none.
Oh my! Is that what you inferred from my post? No, no, no, didn't mean to imply that at all, at all. I shall have to be more careful with my word choices. I pray it caused no offense!

Oh yes, I am prone to traveling rabbit trails...but...I don't [necessarily] see this as a negative thing. There is so much treasure/revelation to be uncovered/revealed when we go digging. It's never a wasted trip, rabbit trail or no! *smile*

I do, however, often (and rather more often than I'd care to admit, truth be told) have to backtrack and return to the original path down which Papa sent me. I just get so excited about the discoveries along the way that I sometimes forget my original destination, lol. Which is not to say I won't eventually arrive there, so long as I continue to follow Him. It's just that it takes a bit longer when I get engrossed in studying the roadmap instead of simply depending solely on Him to get me from Point A to Point B. (never could read those silly things anyway, never mind re-fold one after I'm done).

Enjoyed the hawk story, btw. Lots of meat there to be picked over. *chuckle* Now about those crows...I wonder....are they wanting some of the kill or are they circling, hoping for some of your leftovers? The term *eating crow* immediately came to mind. Mmm...humble pie. That's what I'm hearing.

Sweetheart, your humility is pleasing to Papa. The flock of crows in the fir trees represent those in leadership who want what you have.

Some people are in places of influence, like former orphan Esther, or called to be warriors, like former anxiety-ridden Gideon, or prophets, like artsy out-there Ezekiel. Which one am I? Perhaps a little bit of all of them..
Ya think?

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
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Post by Charys »

I do, however, often (and rather more often than I'd care to admit, truth be told) have to backtrack and return to the original path down which Papa sent me. I just get so excited about the discoveries along the way that I sometimes forget my original destination, lol. Which is not to say I won't eventually arrive there, so long as I continue to follow Him. It's just that it takes a bit longer when I get engrossed in studying the roadmap instead of simply depending solely on Him to get me from Point A to Point B. (never could read those silly things anyway, never mind re-fold one after I'm done).

Ach! Discerning! The dream about keeping my eyes on the path!

"This one was more personal. Yesterday I dreamed (I don't remember if I was actually asleep) about walking beside a playing field surrounded by a chain link fence. In front of me the earth parted like in those old movies that showed the parting of the Red Sea -with walls of water on either side. In my vision there were high vertical walls of moving loose light-coloured dirt and stones on either side. I heard, "Keep your eyes on the path."

Sometimes I am so flabbergasted that the Lord would speak to little old me that I shut the door and run around like Rhoda, not paying attention to what he actually said.
Aaargh. Sorry, Lord. You're the earth-mover, not me.

I took no offense, Discerning. I am so grateful for anything I can learn from you. You are indeed discerning.
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