Nursing homes

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Nursing homes

Post by Moriah »

What does a nursing home represent? I've thought of different thoughts like-elderly, nursing those weak and feeble, etc. We only have two elderly at our church IRL. In my dream I was working in a nursing home and I had to keep cleaning up people's messes if you know what I mean(feces, etc). I saw others that couldn't do it or stand it but I knew it needed to be done so I did it. Like other dreams, people were mad at me but I knew they didn't know what I was really doing.

This is really strange because I don't work in a nursing home or know much about them. Why would I dream about a nursing home? Thanks and may God bless you!
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Post by Krista »

To me a nursing home is a place where you go to wait to die. Maybe your kind of helping clean messes up from unbelievers, and people are mad at you?
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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

Hi Moriah,

Here are some thoughts to "chew" on.

People in nursing homes are among the most vulnerable in our society. They are adult, but often require care like an infant. They are "put away" to die, and often neglected, alone and lonely. In general, nobody wants to have anything to do with them because it can be unpleasant being around people in that condition. Although there are many great nursing homes, there are unfortunately those where the residents are ignored and treated as less than human.

I think that, in dreams, people in nursing homes can represent those who are spiritually most vulnerable. It reminds me of those in our society who are lost and alone, neglected and forgotten, and "wallowing in their own messes," because no one has the stomach (or ability) to care for them properly.

I also think the folks in the nursing home could represent those who are trapped in certain sins or problems ("messy situations") who we "righteous" in the church have relegated as lost and condemned. Perhaps that is why, in your dream, people were mad at you--they do not understand how precious these people are to God, and that they CAN be cleaned up and cared for and loved into spiritual health and well being. Some of us no doubt believe that they should be left to wallow in their refuse and mire until they come to repentance. But Christ came to heal the broken, and although those who are well have no need of a physician, those who are sick and helpless certainly do!

Sounds like God may be going to use you to help those who are spiritually vulnerable, weak and infirm. People in this kind of ministry do have to deal with a lot of (bleep)! It'll be a tough job dealing with their refuse, but God will equip you specially for this under-appreciated, but noble task.

At the very least, I think this is a call to pray for those precious people that Christ died for, who are wallowing in spiritual messes, and who many of us "religious" types want nothing to do for because dealing with them would be too unpleasant and difficult. AND, perhaps also for those poor dear folks living in nursing homes.

One final thought—many dreams have more than one interp. Wouldn’t it be just like God to send you into a real nursing home where the people are not only spiritually neglected and in need, but also physically in need?! (If that turns out to be the case, that would also explain why people would be mad at you. They might think you should be at church serving there, instead of off doing something "out in the world." Just a thought.)

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Post by Joy2dream »

Rodney Howard Browne is sending church people in different cities into nursing homes and the people are getting saved.

Nursing homes are also a place of healing and rest, sometime a middle way between the hospital and the home.

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Post by Moriah »

Thank you all!!! I do have a little to chew on and ponder. I agree with the possibility of all of the post but haven't come across such as yet. This must be a dream yet to come because I'm not that great with tolerance. I'm not trying to be "self righteous" but man do I get aggravated at the messes people make now! My problem is simply knowing I have to do something about the mess but unsure how to proceed at times. Most often it blows up in my face even when I pray, seek God, and even get peace. It use to be that people rarely ever got mad at me and now I can just say one thing and they are really upset with me(and I'm left confused). If something is going wrong in someone's life then I am ultimately the blame even if I wasn't part of it). I told my husband I am just going to wear a big red X that marks the target!!!

So I pray the Lord gives me the strength to walk and fulfil this dream because this dream isn't how I feel about myself. As we speak, I have a mess to deal with and I am worried about the outcome of it. No matter what, I will make people mad and not just one or two!

Thanks again and may God bless you all!
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Post by discerning »

Just some more food for thought...

Another term for nursing home is convalescent home. It is a place which allows one to gradually recover from sickness or weakness. Care is provided for those who are unable to care for themselves properly.

Hmm...convalescent homes fill a gap.

blessings on you,

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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

I think you have gotten great responses already!

These people in the nursing home that u were helping.... were they elderly? It seems like an odd question, seeing as how nursing homes almost always contain elderly persons, but I am just curious here. My thought was i am wondering if you might be cleaning up messes of people who are actually able to clean them up themselves? But if the people were indeed elderly (in the dream) then ok, that wouldnt fly.

But aside from that thought, I agree with the others. People go into nursing homes because they arent able to take care of themselves, at least not to the degree they were once able to and remain independent. In your dream it seems you were doing what needed to be done.... why again were the people mad at you (dream)? They didnt understand?
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Nursing home reminded me of the a church where the people in it were/are spiritually imature...When people become old or diseased or dying ect...they can become very baby like...infant like, imature....Though they seem like they are old physically, mentally they go back to being like babies...where they make messes and can't clean themselves up or when they do it makes a bigger mess...they also stop eating solid foods and require their foods to become liquified...milk...They also need attention and feel neglected...sometimes its not their fault...sometimes they weren't sheperded when they should have been....And sometimes there isn't enough help to go around...

I am wondering if this nursing home is a picture of the church in general or your church?? It seems to be showing you that their are many spiritually imature ...some dying spiritually, some bound up, some on their way out, some needing attention, some who are spiritually brain dead, but they all need one thing "special care" and there isn't alot of help to go around...meaning there aren't too many spiritually mature people to lead them and teach them...

Could it be that you are one of the spiritually mature in the church that are helping to teach and train them?? Could it be that some of them don't understand why you are in position or may even think that its not your place??

Depending on the rest of the dream and what the Lord reveals to you I would say that the Lord is showing you that even though some may think you aren't to be there or that you shouldn't be doing what you are doing,...He has you right where He needs you....Cleaning up the mess that was left...and it may be with some people that others have simply wrote off...but the Lord may give you the ability that you need to do the job...I am thinking this is more in teaching/preaching...the word...getting them off the milk...

If this doesn't fit just pitch it...
Love ya lots..
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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

H Moriah,

As I was praying yesterday--and prayed that God would give you full understanding of your dream--this thought came to me, 'A Nursing Home is where we put our mothers and fathers when they are old.' I think that could be a key to understanding your dream.

I appreciate WFH's insightful comments on this very much. The nursing home residents in your dream certainly need "special care" and, "there aren't too many spiritually mature people to lead them and teach them..."

I believe this message is (at least in part) to the church, to tell us that we should not neglect, or look down on (or avoid as 'unclean'), those spiritual elders who are trapped in their old ways and old traditions of doing things. As far as knowing Christ and His ways of love, some may be spiritually like infants, needing help to "clean up their messes."

I do not think that God wants those of us who will embrace the prophesied new changes in the church that are "just around the corner," spiritually speaking, to turn our backs on or spurn those who have been attending the church on the corner their whole lives, but who are not really able to spiritually care for themselves.

It will take determination and a special gift to be able to help these people, and spiritual strength as well (and maybe a nose clip - LOL).

I believe that this dream could also be an encouragement to pray for and reach out to help those who actually are in nursing homes. They need to know Christ and His love at this time of their lives more than ever.

Just asked God once again to bless you with full understanding of this dream. It seems important.

More hugs,

P.S. This is not to disparage nursing homes. I realize that, like most symbols, there's a positive and a negative side, depending on the dream. There are some wonderful ones around. There are a couple assisted living and (I think) combo nursing homes near where I live with looooooooong waiting lists of people eager to be accepted as residents.
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Post by Moriah »

I thank you all and I will respond more generally because I have a lot to ponder and pray about here. Its hard when every post seems to hold a piece that speaks to me in one way or another.

We have more inmature/new christians in our church. This is mainly the reason I want to cave in a lot. I dont believe there is enough help at all! However, I know that they are receiving the Word directly from the Lord and its not just milk. This has totally been bathed in prayer and many times fasting. I'm not in a place to brag on this because I find it hard but the revelations and things I receive are truely miraculous as I see it unfold throughout the week. The Lord once gave me a word to pick the baby christians up and carry them on and thats what its been like. The one thing that I consistantly hear is how much the Word spoke to them. But then there is the issue of being just hearers and not doers!
I keep persavering but I cry out for the Lord to send help. I'm still believing that this place I am in(pastoring) will pass from me to someone else. I'm concerned because we have so many children in our church and no teacher for them. I want to teach them! No one is able/ will/ or capable at ths point to teach. I'm very frustrated because I have been praying over this since we started.

I am not opposed to going into nursing homes. I love older people and can sit and listen to them for hours. My parents always thought I would be good with the elderly. If the Lord pushes for this, I would be more than happy. I will continue to pray about this!

In the dream I can't honestly remember whether the people were old or not. I don't remember faces but just what needed to be done. The people that were mad were people who seemed to be in charge and they would come in thinking I wasn't doing anything but I had already done everything because no one else would and it had to be done. This isn't the only dream that has been like this in this area. It seems that they can't see what I'm actually doing behind the scenes and I feel this way IRL. I can't think of who the in charge are since I have anyone like that in church.I dont speak to people about what I do spiritually but I'm not idle. People IRL I think underestimate me just because I dont boldly speak of things that I know or do. To me its like tithing or giving-its between the Lord and I(He knows!) So maybe this is some of my own feelings surfacing in the dream.

I want to persavere and be totally obedient unto the Lord but then I question things over and over again. Like, Is this furthering the Kingdom at all? If God has truely put me in this place, then wouldn't things be growing(not numbers but spiritually)? I have trusted the Lord but I'm being pulled under. Those that are able to make a difference want to continue in the world. They let themselves be pulled down by every weight of sin. Every chance I get to talk with another pastor in our area, they want to do all the talking and it becomes a brag session. I'm not trying to pick at pastors so don't take it this way but I need their ear and wisdom not bragging and competition. I pray and ask God to send someone across my path to help me and I come right back here because I can't find anyone near by. I know their has to be someone. I also know that God is more than able to meet my needs Himself but I'm struggling under persecution alot and I could sure use the encouragement here.

Sorry, this discussion has brought up a lot more than I bargained for. You all have been my ears and my wisdom. Many times I have said that I want to quit and here I am wanting to give up again. I wonder where I went wrong before the Lord that my prayers arn't breaking through the circumstances. Every morning I wake up and start all over again. I pray for our congregation and specifically pray for all of them all through my waking hours. All through the day I ponder and talk with the Lord too. I have been under a fast since Monday of last week and things haven't changed. I know that what I see isn't true and I have faith and I am continuing to pray for them but the attacks have been terrible. My own biological family has attacked me also over silly stuff and with words. I would do absolutely anything for anyone if I knew it would bring them joy and closer to the Lord. I'm losing strength simply put.

I know you didn't ask for all of this and I am sorry. I suppose there is a reason I cut lose on this. You can hear my frustration I'm sure and I know that this to will pass. I wish I had some concrete answers to things but that would be too easy. Thanks for your responses and may God bless you mightily!!! Please pray for us as our one year anniversary is Jan 1st.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Bless you Moriah! I can certainly sympathize with you...I don't know what its like to be exactly in your shoes...but I do know the feelings of frustration and confusion....May God truly Light your Path!!!
Love you
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Post by Moriah »

Thanks for your words WFH. I just want to see the silver lining to trying to faithfully walk in obedience. I'm still in need of that trip to visit another church. I thought I had this figured out but the Lord has His plan-I'm waiting. I know things will change because the Lord has said He wont give us more than we can handle. I was just venting. May God bless you!
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Post by Joy2dream »

I haven't fully read all the other posts so I may be repeating something.

But when we have "bathroom" dreams I think they are usually a cleansing type dream. So this dream you had may be a reversal type in which you are helping others become clean. You are helping to clean up the waste the world has dumped into their lives.

Just a thought, sound like a ministry call doesn't it, like a pastor of sorts.

Bless ya!
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Post by Moriah »

Thanks Joy! Today during worship, I found myself asking God to forgive me, to change my heart again, and asking the Lord to strengthen me. The Lord told me that if I continue to look with my eyes, I will sink and drown, and that I need to just hear His voice and believe what He tells me. I know I must keep plugging along, pastoring as the Lord so deems, and just take care of what needs to be done. If that means cleaning up crap I guess I must. The Lord also revealed to me that there are words being spoken against me and just because I dont hear them all doesn't mean there isn't power behind them. Jealousy is rearing it's ugly head again. I'm under an attack but greater is the Lord! I do know that if this had been a year ago, I would have been crushed because I'm so tender hearted, but now I'm just tired -but when I am weak, the Lord is made strong !!! Its times like these when I know I have grown some in my walk. I'M JUST TIRED!!! I want my encouragement to so come from the Lord. Every time He encourages me like He does, my strength is so renewed so I'm asking Him to renew me again, fill me up to overflowing for His glory. May God bless you!
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

I have read that we can bind the power of negative words spoken against us in Jesus's Name, and also bind all spoken judgments in Jesus's Name.

((And to bind all negative words spoken by our own selves, to ourselves, in Jesus's Name)).

I am also thinking of Scripture that tells us to bless those who curse us so even if u dont know specifically who is talking about you in a negative way, u can still ask GOd to bless them. Prolly not anything u dont already know, just trying to help is all. :)