Hello and a Vision

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Hello and a Vision

Post by Mona »

Hi everyone and it is good to be back. My computer had been down for a few months and I finally got it back up today. I have had a lot of dreams that I had been wondering about so you will probably see a bunch of my dreams being posted. Missed you all!!!

Pearls you have been on my heart and feel something is up for you!!! Meaning, I believe a big blessing is heading your way. Don't know what but just been sensing that...Just sensing a financial breakthrough is coming this new year for you. I have been sensing this for almost a couple of months now. So I wanted to offer this for encouragement as I am sure the Lord is wanting me to do.

Okay here is a vision that has me stomped.

Recieved this vision just after resting my eyes and was not in prayer.

It was though I was flying above this mountain and could see below me that I was flying above this road. On either side of the road were telephone poles with lines attached to the next and the next, and the next poles. The poles of course looked like crosses as they do in the natural. The poles on either side of the road seemed to go the length of this road which seemed pretty long as I could see in the distance.

I do remember the next day after this vision was a great dissappointment as I was hoping for something but it didn't happen the way I had anticipated.

Still wondering about the vision though???

Love In Him

Post by Joy2dream »

Hi Mona,
Good to see ya! I tend to think visions mostly speak for themselves.
It was though I was flying above this mountain and could see below me that I was flying above this road. On either side of the road were telephone poles with lines attached to the next and the next, and the next poles. The poles of course looked like crosses as they do in the natural. The poles on either side of the road seemed to go the length of this road which seemed pretty long as I could see in the distance.
Seeing this as you rising to new heights in the Holy Spirit and the telephone/power poles line your pathway. In other words the Lord is saying He is taking you higher in Him and your path will be lined with power and communication from Him.

WOO HOO! sweet!

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Post by connie »

Mona, Hi! It's so good to see you on-line. I've been missing you and praying for you especially for the last couple weeks. Welcome back.

I have nothing to offer on your vision but the following caught my attention because the Lord also impressed on my heart to encourage Pearls about some promises.. and specifically regarding finances and provision. I hope you don't mind if I just add an amen to your note.
Pearls you have been on my heart and feel something is up for you!!! Meaning, I believe a big blessing is heading your way. Don't know what but just been sensing that...Just sensing a financial breakthrough is coming this new year for you. I have been sensing this for almost a couple of months now. So I wanted to offer this for encouragement as I am sure the Lord is wanting me to do.
Again it's good to see you back. :D

His Love, connie
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Post by Mona »

Thank You Joy!!

Wonderful insight and I love the interpret. I have been waiting on the Lord for something. I am anticipating for something and pretty sure I know what but not in the timing. My timing is off of course, but I know the Lord's timing is right on. I needed to hear just what you said, the Lord will show me when the time is right through his communication power. How awesome that is and was a much needed insight as I was becoming a little frustrated. I feel like I am bringing bought into alignment with that very insight. Thank you so much!!!

Hi Connie, missed you too!!!!! I had been praying fervently the last few days to get my computer back up as their was a problem with the fan and my computer wouldn't start back up. Not having the money to get it fixed all this time and missing out on such ministries as this one, I became determined to fix it myself. So I took apart the computer and discovered that something was stuck in the fan. It was one of those tie strings that hold secure all the wires. I was so surprised that this was the problem , what an easy fix. Praise God!! I just wish I would have been brave enough sooner to try and fix it as I would have not been so long without a computer. So yes, it is good to be back with all my dreaming brothers and sisters. :P

We need to get Pearls here to see this thread. I am glad for your confirmation. Something that is sticking in my mind from one of Pearl's dreams from a while back, not exactly sure why, but the dream that I have been thinking about alot lately is the Needle and Thread dream. Pearls do you remember? I think it is significant for this time now that is coming. I believe it is a blessing for you and others as well. Sensing that dream is revealing a chain reaction of blessings and all those dangling on the thread will be blessed. Pearls do you have a record of that dream and the posts that went along with it? I just feel that it is important and needs to be brought back to look at again for encouragement. I also remember an experience I had in the store with this woman asking me about where to find a needle threader about the same time you had that dream.

Thanks so much you all!!!

Love ya

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Post by connie »

Hi Mona,

I did a search on the XSorbit board.. I found this when I typed in the key words you used.. it's a dream & a vision I had...

http://www.xsorbit4.com/users/commonbib ... 21&start=0

I was blessed reading this.

And congratulations on fixing your computer. I'm really proud of you. A few days ago, I also tackled a computer related problem. I was trying to install a wireless router and at the end of two days, & having accomplished the task, I was exhausted and almost hysterical with delight- I really felt I should have been given a crown of olive leaves.. or at least a piece of Lindor chocolate :lol: Praise the Lord for giving us courage and wisdom & determination!

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Post by Mona »

Wow Connie, thanks for figuring that out. I thought it was Pearls of Wisdom's dream, but then again that dream had many pearls of wisdom in it and maybe that is why I thought it was hers. Just read that thread and again totally amazed as this vision that I just posted seems to be a correlation with the thread and needle as all the crosses were linked together with power lines and telephone wires. Possibly all those who have suffered at the cross for standing in the name of the LORD are going to rise above with power and communication to serve many nations.

I believe your prophecy is so right on as I have been experiencing what you have mentioned about the Lord bringing all the spoken words, visions, etc. and allowing us to finally understand the destiny he has for us. I am so feeling it and feel so excited that I need to go ahead read it again and concentrate on it.

Pearls, I am feeling that you are being directed here as well. I feel like there is something for you in all of this as I was thinking this was your dream. Possibly in that sense the Lord is expressing that it is part of your dream as well as part of many of our dreams.

I was so honored by all that you expressed, Connie, in that thread. Reading all that you shared in that thread was so touching.

Bless you all as I believe the Lord is bringing forth these destinies in this new year 2008.


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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Oh, I am speechless, praise the Lord! I have been hardly getting out of bed of resting on my head for the past few weeks because I am seeking the Lord concerning breakthrough, blessings, and restoration...

and then I finally get up late this afternoon to read this, praise the Lord!


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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Blessings, Connie...

Glory to God on High, Alleluia!


I have been praying SO MUCH the past few weeks that I have hardly been rising out of bed...

Believing to be Receiving from our Dearest Lord Jesus, of whom I love so dearly...
connie wrote:Mona, Hi! It's so good to see you on-line. I've been missing you and praying for you especially for the last couple weeks. Welcome back.

I have nothing to offer on your vision but the following caught my attention because the Lord also impressed on my heart to encourage Pearls about some promises.. and specifically regarding finances and provision. I hope you don't mind if I just add an amen to your note.
Pearls you have been on my heart and feel something is up for you!!! Meaning, I believe a big blessing is heading your way. Don't know what but just been sensing that...Just sensing a financial breakthrough is coming this new year for you. I have been sensing this for almost a couple of months now. So I wanted to offer this for encouragement as I am sure the Lord is wanting me to do.
Again it's good to see you back. :D

His Love, connie

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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Wow, You know what my sister just bought for me for Christmas as a present? An antique SINGER sewing machine... I was wondering if if was a sign... was feeling if it was significant for me...

Blessings, Blessings, Blessings,

Mona wrote:We need to get Pearls here to see this thread. I am glad for your confirmation. Something that is sticking in my mind from one of Pearl's dreams from a while back, not exactly sure why, but the dream that I have been thinking about alot lately is the Needle and Thread dream. Pearls do you remember? I think it is significant for this time now that is coming. I believe it is a blessing for you and others as well. Sensing that dream is revealing a chain reaction of blessings and all those dangling on the thread will be blessed. Pearls do you have a record of that dream and the posts that went along with it? I just feel that it is important and needs to be brought back to look at again for encouragement. I also remember an experience I had in the store with this woman asking me about where to find a needle threader about the same time you had that dream.

Thanks so much you all!!!

Love ya

Love In Him

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Post by Mona »

Can I ask you a question? Did you sow a seed around the time of the Feast of the Trumpets, and Feast of the Tabernacle and celebrate those feasts? Just curious, because the Lord keeps showing me archeological finds and this is one that is most important.

An antique singer reminds me of those singers from the old who have praised and worshiped the Lord in the most deepest place in their heart. These singers are most precious and valuable. A voice once known in a generation , but is now gone. The Lord is bringing back the voice of the old to the generation of those who worship and praise the Lord deep within their heart. They will be valuable singers. The other thing I thought of is that the Lord is blessing you to be a blessing to others. He will give you the resources that you need to sew or sow into other peoples lives.

Possibly those individuals living under a spirit of poverty who have not known the fullness of the Lord will now be enlightened to the true knowledge of the promise and their position of Kingdom living and come into their inheirantance.

I definitely do believe your sister giving you a singer sewing machine is a sign just as your sisters in Christ giving you a word about needle and thread.

You are so Blessed Pearls!!!! :D

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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Blessings, Mona

I had a dream that I called "celebration" on the day of Rosh Hashanah, and because of that dream, did a study of that Jewish Holiday on that day.

I had been receiving some dreams about sewing machines around that time, as well.

I became a partner with a known prophetic ministry, for sending in seed per month. I did this in late October.

Beautiful interpretation! Thank You, Jesus for what You are doing in this very hour. My palms are outstretched and are believing for the receiving!

In Jesus Love,
Mona wrote:Can I ask you a question? Did you sow a seed around the time of the Feast of the Trumpets, and Feast of the Tabernacle and celebrate those feasts? Just curious, because the Lord keeps showing me archeological finds and this is one that is most important.

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Post by Mona »

Awesome Pearls! You know the Lord is showing me that those who will honor and acknowledge His feast will truly be blessed in abundance as this allows the power of the HOLY SPIRIT to give revelation for your blessing. The feasts are like that Antique Singer sewing machine you got. It sings in praise and worship in celebration to sow for the Lord.

I love it and I can't wait to see how your blessing will come and when it comes be sure to let me know cause I am like a sideline cheerleading with my poms, poms shouting Give me a P, GIve me an E, Give me an A, Give me a R, Give me a L, Give me a S... What does it say "PEARLS", Repeat it AGAIN "PEARLS. RAH!! RAH!!" Rooting for you in Jesus Name!!!! :lol: Get it your seed has sprouted and now rooted, the fruit is coming forth!!!
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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Blessings, Mona

This thread has been a wonderful addition to the board, so full of blessings from God.

Rah! Rah! Rah! In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen! Fruit spring forth!

In Jesus Love,

Mona wrote:Awesome Pearls! You know the Lord is showing me that those who will honor and acknowledge His feast will truly be blessed in abundance as this allows the power of the HOLY SPIRIT to give revelation for your blessing. The feasts are like that Antique Singer sewing machine you got. It sings in praise and worship in celebration to sow for the Lord.

I love it and I can't wait to see how your blessing will come and when it comes be sure to let me know cause I am like a sideline cheerleading with my poms, poms shouting Give me a P, GIve me an E, Give me an A, Give me a R, Give me a L, Give me a S... What does it say "PEARLS", Repeat it AGAIN "PEARLS. RAH!! RAH!!" Rooting for you in Jesus Name!!!! :lol: Get it your seed has sprouted and now rooted, the fruit is coming forth!!!

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Post by Mona »

I just bumped into this scripture and since we were talking antiques and ancient findings, I thought it was for you.

Hebrews 11:1-3 (New International Version)
By Faith
1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for.
3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible
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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Awesome, Mona...

I was thinking about Hebrews chapter 11 a bit over the past week!

Praise The Lord!
Mona wrote:I just bumped into this scripture and since we were talking antiques and ancient findings, I thought it was for you.

Hebrews 11:1-3 (New International Version)
By Faith
1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for.
3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.